Monday 2nd December 2019……
Postmas No.2.
Although a professional and experienced mistress is popular and well known she is only as busy as she wants to be.
Sundays can be busy and sometimes not but yesterday I had a lovely 3-hour massage appointment with a quota of ballbusting thrown in to spice it up.
My soft sensual hands, stroking over the stressed and overworked body of my client was just what the mistress ordered for his prescription to
feel better.
We all work hard in one way or another but everyone needs a bit of chill time.
Chill time to one person can mean a relaxing massage with slow, atmospheric, instrumental music that once they close their eyes it will transport them to where ever they want to go.
To another type of person, it can mean having a tall powerful woman with black thigh-high boots talking down to him and then giving him a swift strike of the knee, boot or/and fist in the proverbials to take him out of his stressful and manic lifestyle.
I say whatever floats your boat I’m fine with (as long as it’s within my rules, No personal services and the obvious, No underage anything and No bestiality).
As a mix up my client decided to have a relaxing massage with intervals of pain in a way he craved for.
I enjoy all my appointments because I access my clients before I invite them to arrange an appointment.
Nothing worse than being disrespected in my own home which will never happen.
If it does, that will be the last time you will be walking through my front door.
So as I was saying…. with every slow step I circled around him I was building him up for his next bout of stress relief.
I don’t have majorly powerful strikes but I don’t need to. It’s not in the power of the strike but the technic and where it hits.
It can be a light tap or a flick of the wrist but in the right place, it can send a grown man to his knees weeping for redemption.
So if you are a pain bunny and would like me to inflict a stress relieving session with myself then email me on MY CONTACT PAGE and we can discuss this matter further.
Look forward to hearing from you and receiving your inquiries…….