Thursday 16th December 2021
Blog No.154/ Blogmas No.16

This is extreme but persistent offenders will get this punishment…
Today may not be an obvious fetish but many have this fetish on their likes list without them knowing it. The reason is, if you like to have a fetish performed on you regularly and it is of a punishment nature then it becomes a Persistent Punishment. Persistent Punishments are both P’s and today is a P day.
Old School Punishments…
A punishment back in the day use to be something you had to be performed on you by the teacher or if it was a very naughty thing you did then you would be marched off to the Headmistresses office. There you would be given an experience that hopefully would turn you off doing anything naughty again.
Persistent offenders…
Too many boys, a once time extremely hard caning or ruler across the back of the legs was enough to put them off but the odd crazy boy would continuously be the rebel of the class/school and want the punishment as he loved the tingle of the pain during and after what he was given.
Does The Punishments In Your School Years Turn You Into A Pain Needer In Your Older Years?…

Bare Skin Punishment Is Not For The Faint-Hearted…
This is a question that we are all needing the answer to. When I have a punishment client (or any client) I always like to find out why they like the fetish that are so attached to. The therapy side of my career is what fascinates me. To get to know how a machine works you need to know how a machine works. I don’t mean to call all my clients machines but you know what I mean.
Understand What You Do So You Can Enjoy It A Lot More…
As quite a few of my clients say many a time when I ask them about their previous experiences in meeting other mistresses they don’t have a complete connection with them. It’s like they only do it for the money and want the client out as quickly as possible. I’m completely the opposite. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t ask for the name of the mistress and was she any good or not but just a general what they didn’t like and what could have made it better. It helps me with the session and so it will flow better.
Enjoying The Company Your With…
This exactly goes the same for the client as well as the mistress. When I have a client visit me for the first time (I call them clients when I first meet them. Then when I see you have proved to me you are a nice person and my type of client it changes from client to friend/client) I give them the benefit of the doubt. If I get the vib that you are not quite right when you first contact me then I go with my intuition. I have been caught out before and ignored my intuition. I would say it wasn’t unpleasant but it wasn’t pleasant and I had to make the excuse and cut the session short. Yes of cause I blocked him straight away. Sorry, it wasn’t his fault but I didn’t feel the mistress/friendly/chemistry between us if you know what I mean. not everyone gets on with everyone.
When You Have Passed The First Phase…
When you have passed the first phase and you have become a friend/client then I will relax a bit by not seeming frosty or looking like I have a barrier up against you.
The Reason I Have Looked Like I Have Side-Tracked With This Blog…

Anything can be used to perform a punishment…