Wednesday 8th December 2021
Blog No.147/ Blogmas No.8a
I have had a few clients contact me expecting me to see them just like that. Now we are at the height of a pandemic and there are new viruses being found amongst us every week and month near on.
You need To Take This Seriously…
So I have decided to do a blog on this so I can point you in the direction of this so I don’t have to keep repeating myself. I’m not against mentioning to everyone that contacts me about home testing but it’s better to read about and then you will get all the information correctly. Then you can go back to it if you have to recap.
First Aid Kit Essentials…
As I think everyone should have a lateral flow home test pack of 7 in their first aid kit with the plasters and antiseptic cream (but not everyone does, unfortunately).
My Pandemic Rules…
So my pandemic rules apply to everyone that is new or I have not seen for a length of time goes as follows…
If you are a brand new client that I have not met before…
If you do not have a pack of home tests go to There you will be able to sign in and they will give you a code to take to your local chemist so you can collect your tests. When you have them please send me a photo of them by email.
- 3 days before your appointment I require you to take a home test and send me the result in a photo to my email.
- Then do the same again on the morning of your appointment. I will do the same for you on the morning of your appointment also.
If You Are A Regular Client…
If you have seen me multiple amounts of times then there is a certain level of trust already there on both sides. I would trust in you that if you had any symptoms of anything that you postpone your appointment to save me from falling ill and of cause I would do the same for you.
If I have not seen you for a while then i would expect you to oblige in taking a test on the morning of your arranged appointment and send me the results in a photo form Whatsapp, email, or normal text.
If you do not agree to do what I request…
If this sounds like a lot of work to you then I’m sorry you are not the client for me and I’m not the mistress for you.
I have had to say goodbye to many clients through the lockdowns because they were bored or were just thinking of themselves.
Yes, the lockdown was there for a reason, so abide by it.
I Am Extremely Serious About my Testing…
Life is too short to not care. If I am at home not seeing anyone/no appointments then I will take a test after my last client and if I have been shopping I will take another one to make sure.
There is no need to take a test if it’s just me and the cats and I’m not seeing anyone. If i have my normal 3 appointments a week I do the same for the client as they will do for me. I will send them my test result as well.
I have had some clients contact me and refuse to take a test as they are not ill. So all I can say to that is “Sorry you are not my type of client. Good luck on your search but do be careful in the future who you meet and how you meet them”.
It is so unfortunate we have to do all of this now but I will not be able to understand people that don’t regularly home test and wear face masks in closed-in shops.
This May Be Controversial…
I hate to say this but they are just very selfish people. I’m sorry if this is a controversial subject but I am very strict on this. Even people that have been fully vaccinated are still catching the viruses. Does that not tell everyone something!!!!!
I am not going to continue this blog for too much longer as I can talk for ages on the subject because I am very passionate about keeping my health.
I Will Leave You With This Thought…
So I will leave you with this thought “If you do not have respect for yourself by looking after yourself with masks and tests etc then that shows what a kind of person you are and you are not welcome to visit me”.
Sorry to be so harsh but listen up people this is our way of life now so deal with it…
If you have any more questions etc then CONTACT ME and we can discuss your point of view.