Thursday 12th March 2020
Daily Blog NO.103.
When it comes to being frightened of something our bodies can react in so many different ways.
We have in our minds a fantasy that you long to transfer into reality but we are frightened that if we do it may not be the same as in our dreams and thoughts.
To find the perfect person to be that other character in your scenario must be right other wise it will crush the long term imagery that you have yearned for for so long.
It may be a figure that you have looked up to and you have put them on a pedestal in reality but in your dreams you have wanted to do things to her that you know that she would disagree to.
She’s a figure is of a dominant stature, you would love for her to boss and humiliate you to the point where you actually question your loyalty to yourself.
She manipulates you in a way how she likes things done. She doesn’t care about what you want because all that is important is her needs.
You want to tell her your true feelings but that would ruin the dominant relationship that you have with her.
You have to keep this fantasy with you for as long as you can but the erg is so strong that you cant think of anything else but her.
The one thing that holds you back from bringing your fantasy to reality is…
I will leave you to finish the sentence as every individual has there own fetish fantasy.
if you have a dominant fantasy that you would like to bring to reality contact me and we can converse about it some more.