Tuesday 21st January 2020
Daily Blog NO.52.
We have all been through an urge for something different in their lives to put that spring back in our step. We never know what it is until it unexpectedly crosses our path in some way or another.
When in our twenties we are young and viral and have a sex drive like rabbits. As we get older our views change and the normal start to feel regular.
Then our 40’s creep up upon us and this helps us to understand why our thoughts on fun change drastically.
We don’t want a regular sex life when there are many more exciting ways to get that adrenaline rush rushing around our enthusiastic bodies.
The search for edging, tie & tease and being incarcerated in a latex hood to send you into the subspace that you never have been invited into til now.
It’s like when you’re being taught to speak in your early years. You only go by the knowledge of the person who is teaching you.
If they are English you learn to speak in English or if they are Spanish your first language will be Spanish. You won’t know any different.
Just like the adult world. If you meet your partner(s) and they only know the vanilla lifestyle you won’t know anything about the dark world of BDSM and Domination.
It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, so you just have to find what floats your boat and then life will be like a bed of roses…but be careful with those spikey thornes (or maybe that’s your fetish!)
So if your looking for something different contact me and we can converse some more
www.onlyfans.com/mistresslucylew – For more risky videos and photography that are not allowed on here
Daily Blog Extra
Thank you so much, everyone, for the appreciation that you have all been sending me.
I never would have thought that blogging would have grown my business at this rate…but it has.
It has helped me plan out my next 10 years of fun-filled experiences for you all.
I’m not saying what they will be as that will be spoiling the surprises but you will love them I can guarantee you will.
My brain is bursting with ideas it hurts…
Tuesday 14th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.45.
Through the decade’s denim has been popular with all ages and walks of life because it is hard-wearing and versatile.
Only recently has faux leather become more popular because of the vegan trend and animal rights etc
Although the denim fetish has been in peoples minds for forever and a day, men and women can equal look as good as one another.
The fetish has grown more with men’s fantasies of shapely, curvy women in tight stretch jeans or cut down jean shorts that hugs their figure in all the right places.
Denim has been very popular in all items of clothing smart or casual or even mixed in the desired way that the individual cares to wear it.
The faux leather is much more of a stretch fabric than real leather. If you are in-between sizes you can sometimes get away with the smaller size out of the two to fit you that bit more snuggly.
Although you can get almost anything and everything in the denim and faux leather some times it is better to make your own items if you have the skill.
At least then you know that you can make what your heart desires in the size and fit that you like.
Depends on where you purchase your items is depending on the difference in size guides.
Many countries have there own sizing chart because of the popular shape of the nationality of person.
If denim or faux leather fetish is on your list of many fetishes then contact me and we can converse some more and put it all into reality.
Saturday 11th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.42.
Over the past year, I have decided to cut my own hair because I have not found a hairdresser competent enough to please me. In this time I have been able to design what I think is a style that suits my hair type and face/head shape.
It’s taken me a few haircuts to find what I am happy with but I think I am finally there.
My style is a basic clipper cut, contouring from NO.1. to NO.8. guard. We all have different skull shapes unique to the individual which unfortunately some hairstyles doesn’t look as good with some shape heads as others.
I have developed a bony head with my weight loss and change of eating recently. I have got to accept that I won’t get the smoother no.1. blend silhouette as I would have had years ago.
Oh well, That’s life. That’s what happens when growing older but I’m still happy.
I have to be in the mood to cut my hair otherwise I don’t feel that the outcome is what I particularly like and aim for.
So as you can see from the photographs that I woke up in the mood to go that bit shorter this time.
The reason being is that when my hair gets to a certain length when I wake and my crown sticks up, it lays very strange at times.
So the only way to sort it out is to have a shower which I love to do every morning but it then plants that seeds in my mind that I need a haircut very soon.
This firstly happened yesterday morning when I greeted the postman by not having the chance to looking at myself before answering the door to him.
He probably didn’t notice but I sure did when I went to check after I closed the front door.
Also lately I have been looking out for some different hairdressing capes, to my disappointment I have not found anything but the normal production line cotton, cheap nasty looking plastic or children’s capes.
So as I mentioned in a previous blog that I have bought a sewing machine with vouchers that had been tributed to me on amazon.
So last night I started on my first design of BDSM, hairdressing, Fetish Capes. Although I didn’t need to use the sewing machine for what I wanted to do. At least it was a start.
Now I haven’t seen anything like this online or anywhere as I have been looking for a while now. So, as far as I know, this is my unique design and there will be more from where that came from in the near future.
Whatever material I can make into a cape and whatever I can attach to it to make it fetish I will give it a jolly good go and I won’t give up till I succeed.
What you see me wearing when I cut my hair today is my first attempt at this design but as I make many more I will get better and the end result will be more to what I really want and at a satisfactory standard. I do have high standards in a lot of things.
So keep watching this space for more weird and wonderful Fetish items.
If you would like an experience in my BDSM Hairdressing Salon contact me and we can converse more about the topic.
Friday 10th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.41.
The term ‘Sub Space’ can be a mystery to a novice that has never been there before but to anyone that has experienced their own subspace, they will know for sure what it’s all about.
The definition of subspace as I understand it to be is trusting in the person your in the experience with so that you can eliminate all thoughts.
This will help you dive deeper into your own imagination and play with whatever emotion you feel is much more prominent in the moment of time.
Some like to inhale poppers to enhance their emotions and others like to feel the in-depth euphoria as natural as it comes.
Depending on what you are doing in the experience is depending on whether you need enhancers or not.
Natural is always best as I have mentioned before because if you push yourself that bit further on enhancers then the moment’s uncomfortableness may last much longer than you were hoping for when the enhancer wears off.
Trust is very much a must in all BDSM as not knowing what your Mistress/partner is going to do is a good part of the fun.
If you’re wanting to find your subspace then contact me and we can converse on an out of this world dimension…
Thursday 9th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.40
When you thinking of BDSM, tie and tease you can be physically or mentally tied. The idea of being restricted is not great to some people and fantastic to others. We all have preferences in everything.
When taking part in a T&T session to explore all aspects of the fetish is much more fun than following what everyone else seems to do.
To be tied, held or told not to move can all have the same effect on your mind when you open your imagination.
The items used in a T & T session can be soft japenes rope, silk scarf or on the extreme side normal rope, metal old school handcuffs or chains.
The most popular is leather handcuffs as they don’t mark and they go well in a dungeon theme fantasy.
Its totally up to you what you want the theme of your fantasy to be because when you have that blindfold on you can be where ever you wish…
If you are into this fetish or any other fetish then contact me and we can converse some more…
Tuesday 7th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.38.
Now from the title, you may think this is 2 different fetishes combined…well it is but not as you think.
When being dressed into a corset your thoughts go blank as to how you feel when laced up to your best possible shape.
If it is your first time and you are a novice to the boned beauty you then you really don’t know what to expect. Only that women’s shapes look amazing in a corset and it will be a miracle for yourself to look equally as good.
Well think again, This corset invention has been around for a while and there’s a reason for that. It may make you learn to be aware of how you can breathe whilst wearing it or stop you from sitting down in your regular way but the most popular reason it’s so successful is that it gives you that hourglass shape that makes clothes fit divinely whether your male or female.
When choosing a corset for your body shape be sure to fit the right one. As they come in all different lengths and sizes.
If you have a long or short torso then make sure on either that the bottom of the metal clasps come to your pubic area.
If not then whatever you squeeze in around your waist will be pushed out to the nearest opening. No one likes an overhanging fat pubic area, now do we!!
If it overflows over the top then hey that can be manipulated into a bra. Saves using boob implants. Natural is always best and also feels the best.
I used to get the right size for my natural shape but it never used to pull me in as tight as I want it to. So the next time I bought a corset I went for the size smaller.
O.M.G it sinches my waist in perfectly and although I’m not mega shapely, as I have progressed through my years my body has slimmed-down naturally with the change of eating.
So if you think you have no hope then don’t knock sweetie it til you try it…You might like it.
If you would like to be fitted into one of my corsets or go corset shopping then contact me and we can converse further
Saturday 4th January 2020
Daily Blog .35.
Stiletto Shoes on a female are amazing to observe as she walks past you in the street, clicking the heels on the pavement and letting everyone know that she has arrived.
For a guy that has not experienced slipping his foot into a gorgeous well put together female shoe, he would just take advantage of the situation and think nothing of it.
To be a woman is harder than you think. Many females wear what they please and don’t really look in the mirror when putting their outfit together for the day.
This shows in their persona for sure as you can guarantee nothing goes together as well as she thinks it does when picking it from her wardrobe.
The fit of the outfit gives you the right mindset to choose the correct footwear. Choosing the wrong footwear with the outfit can make an expensive garment look like an item from the 99p shop.
So when you have an opportunity to feel the inside of a ladies shoe with your feet appreciate what we have to go through to look this good.
As to walk in stilettos, let alone put them on is a skill in its own. Just like Stockings, If you have sharp nails and big clumsy ways you are going to ladder and ruin them.
A shoe may feel tight when you first put it on as most of the men’s shoes are wider fitting to the female kind. Once your foot is in the moulded work of art then it will adapt if its the right size for you.
When I wear a heeled shoe it normally has to be a size bigger for the instep to appreciate my foot shape. Even I have a process I need to go through when I get dressed with heels.
I am a flat shoe/boot type of gal. I never have been a heels female. Some ladies go to the office or whatever job that they have and are able to stand and walk around for 10 hours a day and think nothing of it.
When this happens they are unable to be comfortable in flat footwear as their calf muscle shrinks with the incline of the heels they put their dainty feet through.
So to wear both heels and flat shoes/boots in different parts of the day is much better for your feet and calves.
To be trained in heels it takes time. You have to adapt to the way your body is forced to walk differently to the way you would when in flat shoes.
When your guy you walk with comfort and your toe to heel routine comes naturally but when in heels if you do the same procedure it does produce the same unique walk.
Its the case of having to think more about your whole stature. The curvature of your spin as being propped up on 5-inch heels moves your alinement of your spine pushing your torso forward.
To keep upright you have to think about the alignment of the joints of your knees and hips, your spine, keeping your shoulders back and your head upright.
As I say, to see an attractive woman who is put together well in appearance, stature and dressed in Stiletto works of art and being able to keep her cool in walking with confidence deserves a reward for life.
Many a time I should think you have seen ladies out on a girls night out walking like pregnant ducks trying to look fantastic in their sparkly heels for the whole night.
A good percentage of women will walk home with their shoes in their hands as they cant take the pain of the pressure on the balls of feet and knuckle joints.
So if you see a photograph of me in heels and you request me to wear them for your appointment I will more than likely I (f they are higher than I can feel comfortable in) change into them and wear them for a short amount of time while you worship them as I sit on my throne (barbers chair).
If you have a tendency to like to walk in female shoes or would like to try then contact me and we can converse much more…
Friday 3rd January 2020
Daily Blog NO.34
Fetishes come in all weird and wonderful ways and when someone requests they want to lick the soles of my oldest battered up slippers that are ready for the bin, then I say ok. They may as well give someone some pleasure instead of chucking them out.
No one can actually say why they like the taste of the wear and tear of everywhere I have walked in my old slippers but they just do.
I don’t just stay inside, I also go out in the garden when I need to put my leftover fruit peels in the compost bin or up the garden to do some other things.
So as you can imagine what type of wear and tear of my paving slabs have had from my cats and the neighbourhoods cats (as I’m very friendly with all animals) will be going into your mouth.
So if you asked me what’s on the bottom of my old slippers I couldn’t tell you apart from everything nasty.
So that in mind if you pick up some problem that you have to go to the doctors about its not down to me as I haven’t made you lick the bottom of my dirty slippers, you requested to do so.
Isn’t a fetish life a wonderful thing to be in!?
So if you’re into anything like the topic I just spoke about, contact me and we can converse further on the matter.
I will look forward to hearing from you…
Wednesday 1st January 2020
New Years Day Daily Blog NO.32.
Too many because this is a new decade we like to make a plan for the next 10 years. For others, it’s just another year. 
For me, I like to make a 10-year plan which is what I have done. To be able to set your life up for the future is always best because that’s what keeps you on track for now onwards.
So I hope everyone had a fabulous celebration of the new year and had plenty of water and pain killers for the hangovers this morning.
I don’t drink so I was fine today and I am not an early riser so today was just like another day for me.
My NYE makeover was accepted very well. I woke to a fair few texts and emails saying how you like my choice of wig.
I do like dressing up in different colour wigs. It gives me a completely different look each time.
This blog is short and sweet as I have much to catch up on ready for appointments for the rest of the week.
Hope you are all ready for 2020 as it has already pushed its way into your lives and unfortunately refuses to leave…