Sunday 10th October 2021
Blog No.138
Well hello, sweetie…
It has been a while but I have been extremely busy all in all. I really can’t afford to be writing a new blog (time is of the essence) but I would like to let you know about the new additions to my Fetish Dungeon that maybe you can enjoy someday.
The reason I have bought these things and had them erected in my fetish photo studio Is that I want to place them on my shop on Lucy’s Fetish Closet website that I’m still working on.
It is so much fun finding amazing things to show you. A lot of stress and a lot of time is being spent doing all this homework but it will be worth it in the long run.
I have found anything from erotic biscuit cutters to chastity cages or even a full leather heavy-duty restriction bag with an attachable heavy-duty hood to match.
I found out it was better to have the hood that’s not attached to the main part of the sack as then it can be used with the different hoods if need be.
I have found I have become more of a perfectionist with this 2nd website than I have with this one. I know I have not designed this one and it was sculpted by a professional website designer (Thank you, Peter, much appreciated) but I have put a fair bit of content in it.
As it is with everyone, we have to start off at the bottom (excuse the pun), and as we get more confident and much more experienced we can if we wish go on and expand to big and better things.
Don’t worry I am not giving up this website, far from it. This is my early years of becoming a mistress. Without this website, I would not be what I am today.
I can’t believe it has been 14 years that I have been in this industry. As I say we all have to start somewhere and I am grateful for all the experiences I have gone through to get me here today.
One of the things I have learnt and that is patience. Woweee building a website and especially my own has proved that I don’t know when to be happy.
I have been advised to build it basic and then add on to it from there on. I just find more amazing things to ad on. I’m like a child in a candy shop.
As I mentioned earlier, I have become a perfectionist in more ways than one. I know I can not learn everything overnight but I want your experience to be fantastic and not disappointing.
Maybe you come across a small mistake that makes you think I have failed at producing a so-called fabulous website that everyone has waited so long to see.
Being a Lone Trader…
Doing everything on my own is tough. I have learnt many things in these months since I started putting my thoughts into a project but having to trust someone with all the work I have done would be heart-wrenching.
I know I have to someday, otherwise I am going to live a shorter quality of life with many grey hairs (i can see more appearing day by day lol).
That’s business and if we want to be our own boss then we all have to go through it.
Sound advice…
I was speaking with a friend the other day and he was telling me about the same worries he had. His were on a much larger scale but still in the same context.
Having to give up a very successful business through no fault of his own. Contracts falling through because of the economy changing.
Then his workers not being satisfied even when he was practically giving them the shirt off his back. In the end, he decided to give it all up and work alone.
Being the only one in your company has its benefits and disadvantages.
Benefits – You can work when you want and do what you want.
Disadvantages – Saying no to clients is difficult in some trades. In the back of your mind, you don’t know when the next job is going to be with you.
Although now it’s catch 22 for my friend. As he is so particular and perfect in the way he does things he has become very popular.
Word and mouth have spread and everyone wants him. It’s great to be in demand but only to a certain level.
There is only a certain amount of hours in the day. Only a certain amount of appointments he can take in 1 day.
Now it has got enough work to cover him for 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for the next 3 months.
Conundrum… Does he take on help or not? That is the question.
I can totally understand what he was saying to me because if I’m not careful I could be in the same situation.
Being self-employed is very tough sometimes. What I am is slightly different. Although if i took everyone that contacted me for an appointment I would be similar.
Lockdown and the past couple of years have made me think as it has done with most of us. As I take actual appointments I need to have multiple streams of income and not rely on meeting appointments.
Don’t get me wrong I do enjoy sharing my skill and enjoyment with all of you but the pandemic has really tarnished it.
Before all this pandemic situation started I was not apprehensive of meeting new clients. Now it’s like I have to ask a string of questions even before I think about inviting anyone to visit me. It’s a must and unfortunately not my fault.
Social Media…
So as you see, my absence on social media has been me sitting around doing nothing as some people tend to think and have mentioned.
It’s been far from it. I have a list of things to do around the house and in the garden etc that I really want to do (D.I.Y is my hobby) but I don’t have the time.
If I do, then the website sits waiting for another day. Trust me I annoy myself. I am more excited to get it launched than anyone on this planet.
As I know what I want to achieve and I know I can do it, I want it launched yesterday. Until it is at a standard that is flowing I will not launch it.
Now I know why e-commerce websites are so expensive to build with professional website developers. Then it is the basics that they give you.
As then I have to have my personal touch to make me mine.
So what you see on this website has been at least 4 or more years of work. Not constant just bits and pieces here and there but it has still taken time.
Mmmmm maybe I will become a website developer once I get over the tribulations of building Lucys Fetish Closet.
There are no links to it at the moment until it is launched. Then don’t you worry everyone will know about it.
Then I will be blogging about how I’m getting only 2 hours of sleep a night because I’m on social media 24/7 lol sod’s law isn’t it.
Well, I think I have gone on enough now with my life update and need to get back to web designing.
Take care sweetie. Stay safe and healthy and talk soon…
Tuesday 29th December 2020
Blog No.129
Over the past 11 years i have tried to sculpt myself into some one that i am now but i wasn’t when i started (if that makes sense).
When we all start a new thing we all want it to happen over night but unfortunately it doesn’t
I was watching YouTube today and the female on there was saying about how we compare ourselves to equally benefited or better people.
Seeing someone else that is in the same category as you but is either better looking or has better things than you can put you in a good or bad frame of mind.
I sat watching it and thinking to myself…I’m at last happy in my own skin.
It has taken me a bit over 11 years to accumulate the experience that i have and to gain the trust that i have in my regular clients.
Trust does not come easy and you earn it over time. That goes both ways.
As like knowing what you really want out of life and getting to a point in your world that you can say to yourself “Im happy with the way i look, the way i live and the friends i have around me.
We are living in a very messed up world right now and the pandemic is ruining a lot of businesses but for those who are finding it tough you should think of plan B to help you stay on the straight and narrow.
As they say ‘You shouldn’t keep all your eggs in one basket’…
So you may think i am doing a lot to my establishment at the moment but i am doing it for a reason. There are many things i will be changing and doing in 2021.
I am not stopping client visits but as they are far and few between at the moment because of the tier system/lockdowns etc i have to find other ways of bringing in the bill money.
So making my home a 100% photogenic will help in many ways. For videos as well as ideas for blogs etc
So watch this space and lets see what happens…
Thursday 15th October 2020
Blog No. 122
Corsets have always been top priority in my likes list when it comes to outfits and dressing up. All shape changing attire feels fantastic, hugging the body in all ways possible and making you look like you would only dream about.
The most fabulous thing about them is that they can draw you in at least 3 inches or more on your waist but the only negative thing about them is getting into them.
Its not like a loose fitting t-shirt that slips on very quick and easy. Its more like a 2 person job.
When admiring a statuesque female in a corset, the onlooker normally admires what he can see but never admires her for the before hand task of putting it on.
To get a perfect shape there should be a particular position you should stand in so your maid can pull those laces in to perfection. Making sure each lace is set just right and the underlaying piece of material under the laces is flat enough to join both sides of the corset together.
If it doesn’t and there is a gap then the corset is the wrong size.
When it comes to my appointments it can be difficult to have all the sizes and colours of the corsets in stock for all my clients. So I have to compromise on the clients shape and what garment is chosen.
Corsets can be made in all different materials, anything from latex to lace. I have grown to love satin corsets which helped me make my mind up into purchasing the emerald green satin corset (that you see me wearing in the photo).
I have had corsets from this company before and they are very well made and very hard wearing. They need to be heavy duty really as when your laced into the garment the laces are pulled in very tight around your waist/rib cage and the strain on the eye holes and hook fasteners is immense. It has to be to get that fantastic hour glass shape.
We are not all built to a size 0 but not to worry because corsets are also made for the fuller figure, whether it be male or female you will be happy with the shape that it gives you.
Only with the right size corset will it feel like a second skin. If the wrong size is fitted it can feel uncomfortable in a way that you just want it off sooner than later. Also an ill fitting corset it can make your outline look horrendous.
When the bones of the corset draw your waist in the excess flesh has to go somewhere. In most cases it will give you more of a bust than you thought you could ever have, even on a guy.
This is what I was mentioning about a wrong corset size. If you are in the wrong size it can push your excess flesh in the wrong places.
Also the flap of material that is under the laces is there for a reason…
It is there to stop the laces pressing on your skin. As laces pulled tight on bare flesh can cut in/chaff and be extremely painful.
If you needing to wear it for a long amount of hours and your mistress expects you to bend in all different positions then you need to be as comfortable as you can.
Truthfully i think corsets were design by an angel and the devil together because it make the our shapes look heaven sent but it gives naught/wicked thoughts to any onlookers…
Saturday 3rd October
Blog No.121.
When a mistress has near on everything apart from multiplying more of what she has, your always looking out for different things to add to the collection.
This is what I have been doing over time but finding a lot of the same thing. It is not worth purchasing more canes or anal toys for example if it does exactly the same thing as all the other toys I have.
Equipment like all equipment needs to be worn in. So for me to have more things than I know what to do with is a waste of space and money.
Canes – Its all in the wrist and arm action to make an experience different.
Anal – Its all in the technique and how I use the toy on you to make it a different experience each time.
When I take my anal sessions I’m finding that my clients prefer my fingers/hand more than a solid piece of lifeless silicone eased where the sun don’t shine.
I think a lot the time when designers try to invent a new toy they come to the same conclusion. So all they can do is make it in a different colour or make it with different looking knobberly bits on it in a way that has not been made before.
My hands have a lot of experience in giving pleasure so they will be continued to perform the stimulation the way you all like it and better.
Although I have found something that I have seen in the past I over looked it before.
It will make grown men cry and balls shrive back into the body at the sight of it. Oh I love to see subs wince and the thought of what I will do next.
Being that it is made out of clear Perspex it means nothing is hidden and everything…I mean everything is seen.
The only thing I think that it has to be adjusted in the design is it needs a opening for the thallus to be easily put into place. If you are of a different girth to the open itself then it could be rather uncomfortable or damaging when you get excited.
So any small naughty boys out there who have done something you need punishing over, think wisely before taking the next step to you dream.
Don’t shy away from me boy… as you know you like a mature mistress to take a firm hold of you in one hand, given a good strong punishment to you with the other hand. Trust me…your never forget it…
Monday 25th May 2020
Hi everyone, I thought I would give you an update on what’s been happening in the time between my last blog and now…
As we all know, at some point no one knew the future to anyone’s career or lifestyle because of what we were being told through the media and from the leaders of our countries that we all live in. (I say this as I am not sure who is reading this and what country you are based in).
Now we understand what a hard job it is to be prime minister and how to control the population their countries.
As what he advises us to do it is down to us as individuals to do as he says to help clear this terrible pandemic up as fast as we can.
Unfortunately there is a greater population that ignores the advice and does as they please.
Enough about what I think and onto the future of appointments and fun fetish times.
I am hoping that my appointments will resume back on the 1st July 2020.
So I thought I would give you an update on how I am going to proceed with my new normality.
I say new normality because it will never be going back to the way it was before.
Although we are not 100% what is going on with this pandemic we all have to be super cautious and careful from now on how we proceed in the times we do meet people.
I may joke about a full body condom is need but in all seriousness I will proceed (as I have done) with gloves through out certain fetishes that I will allow in my appointments.
As everyone knows I don’t and hadn’t allowed any personal services in my appointments EG: Kissing etc so that eliminates out any contaminating of the virus.
This is one of the reasons why I don’t allow personal services to keep all body parts sanitised and hygienic at all times.
Also the main reason I don’t allow to get intimate with you or anyone Is because I prefer to keep those things for my own personal time.
The way I have work with my appointments has worked very well. So as they say ‘if aint broke, don’t break it’.
The newest service I will be bringing into my offerings is a larger photography service.
I used to and still do offer a make-over services with transformations from male to female photo sessions.
I am going to widen that offer to a vanilla photography service also.
So if you and your family would like to have a photo session or baby photos then do let me know.
A lot will say that because of where you found me EG; Adult industry that you wont be wanting to tell anyone about me.
Well don’t worry as I am going to be advertising in normal places as well as the adult industry.
Also when things get better I will be offering a call out service so I can come to you in your home or where ever you wish to have photographs taken.
I have portable backdrops etc depending on the photo shoot that you request to have to bring with me. So all will be near on the same as if you came to visit me.
The only difference will be is that my dress up wardrobe and props are far to much to bring with me so I will only be able to bring a fraction of them.
I will also d photography shoots with animals but I would have to come to you as I have pets (cats) myself and I wouldn’t want them disrupted as they are not used to other animals in that way if you know what I mean.
Also pets are more relaxed in their own environments so the result of the images would be much better for you.
So there you go your Mistress Lucy is branching out and showing you her true colours.
I have always had a thing for photography but never know how to make it my living, now I can and will.
As they say a rest is as good as new start…I think that’s the saying but you know what I mean.
So do contact me for any ideas you may have and we can converse about them in more detail to your specifications.
I hope your all keeping well and smiling through out these strange times and I will let you know when appointments resume asap.
Saturday 11th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.42.
Over the past year, I have decided to cut my own hair because I have not found a hairdresser competent enough to please me. In this time I have been able to design what I think is a style that suits my hair type and face/head shape.
It’s taken me a few haircuts to find what I am happy with but I think I am finally there.
My style is a basic clipper cut, contouring from NO.1. to NO.8. guard. We all have different skull shapes unique to the individual which unfortunately some hairstyles doesn’t look as good with some shape heads as others.
I have developed a bony head with my weight loss and change of eating recently. I have got to accept that I won’t get the smoother no.1. blend silhouette as I would have had years ago.
Oh well, That’s life. That’s what happens when growing older but I’m still happy.
I have to be in the mood to cut my hair otherwise I don’t feel that the outcome is what I particularly like and aim for.
So as you can see from the photographs that I woke up in the mood to go that bit shorter this time.
The reason being is that when my hair gets to a certain length when I wake and my crown sticks up, it lays very strange at times.
So the only way to sort it out is to have a shower which I love to do every morning but it then plants that seeds in my mind that I need a haircut very soon.
This firstly happened yesterday morning when I greeted the postman by not having the chance to looking at myself before answering the door to him.
He probably didn’t notice but I sure did when I went to check after I closed the front door.
Also lately I have been looking out for some different hairdressing capes, to my disappointment I have not found anything but the normal production line cotton, cheap nasty looking plastic or children’s capes.
So as I mentioned in a previous blog that I have bought a sewing machine with vouchers that had been tributed to me on amazon.
So last night I started on my first design of BDSM, hairdressing, Fetish Capes. Although I didn’t need to use the sewing machine for what I wanted to do. At least it was a start.
Now I haven’t seen anything like this online or anywhere as I have been looking for a while now. So, as far as I know, this is my unique design and there will be more from where that came from in the near future.
Whatever material I can make into a cape and whatever I can attach to it to make it fetish I will give it a jolly good go and I won’t give up till I succeed.
What you see me wearing when I cut my hair today is my first attempt at this design but as I make many more I will get better and the end result will be more to what I really want and at a satisfactory standard. I do have high standards in a lot of things.
So keep watching this space for more weird and wonderful Fetish items.
If you would like an experience in my BDSM Hairdressing Salon contact me and we can converse more about the topic.
Wednesday 8th January 2020
Daily Blog Extra
When having a once in a lifetime moment we all like to take photos to remember it from. So to all you Sisy maids and kinksters that love to wear women’s clothes to look better than ever, why not have a photo shoot.
It will include a full transformation with a natural-looking wig (many to choose from), Makeup and outfits that will make you look unrecognisable.
It is always best to let me know your chest, waist and leg measurement together with your footwear size. This is so I can make sure I have everything I need for your experience.
It also includes any photos that you would like or they can be put on my website for you to browse them whenever you want to.
I have many backdrops that can set the theme of whatever you wish.
The way I take my photos can be in a discreet way ( partial body shoots) or an open way (meaning your face is on show) but the way you will be made up you won’t have anyone recognise you.
If you have any birthmarks or tattoos you want to be hidden then it can be by clothing or theatrical makeup or camera angle.
Either way, your comfort is my top priority.
Within the time you are here, you can have a session of your choice. Whether it be BDSM or hairdressing etc the choice is yours.
For a 4 hour appointment, It will be a tribute cost of £300. If we go over time do not worry as if we are enjoying ourselves I will not mind spending more time together. Call it a girlie day of pleasure.
So if you are interested please contact me and we can discuss the finer details at our leisure…
Monday 6th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.37.
The hairdressing industry has been around for centuries but only if you really love something that makes you tingle inside does it become a fetish.
I never in my wildest dreams would think that it would be my most popular fetish I offer when I started mistressing.
The multitude of colours and types of materials there are to make capes out of is unreal.
This is why I have a sewing machine from a client who tributed me Amazon Gift Vouchers. I bought it because I can’t find the type of capes I’m looking for and I would prefer to design and make them myself.
Then the world is my oyster as they say. Anything that I can make a cape out of I will.
Now the same goes for aprons and hairnets. It’s only a shaped piece of material with a hem around it. So why in hells name are they so expensive!!!
Well, I don’t need to worry about that as I am going to have as many capes, aprons and hairnets as I possibly can make.
The more I make the better I get at making them. Oh, my life is getting much more fun every day that passes by…..what next!!!!!
If you have a Hairdressing fetish do contact me and we can talk more girlie fun…
Thursday 2nd January 2020
Daily Blog NO.33
Nowadays when it comes to any product you can buy cheap and expensive but is the quality there?
I have developed a new fetish of my own when it comes to wigs. Over the past few months, I have collected around 25 wigs of all different colours textures and styles.

Human hair lace frontal wig which can be coloured, permed and is heat resistant. Set on medium rollers and backcombed into style.
The cheaper wigs without lace are the very first ones that I purchased because of curiosity and when delivered was very disappointed but put it down to experience.
Now they have developed a new type of wig that is a reasonable price but looks expensive. Well, all depends on the wig how you style and dress it.
When i receive any wig through the post i like to wash and condition it. Maybe leave it in a plastic bag with the conditioner on it for a day or so. Some hairpieces if they are bad I have left in the conditioner for 1 week. Wow, what a difference. Much softer and the shine is lovely.
I then will detangle and blowdry it. Human hair wigs are easier to manage but fake hair wigs are more tangled and have to have more care of them.
I then look at the hair and what style it is already to what style I will cut it into.
Cutting wigs are different from cutting a human beings hair. For one, the model canvas head I have attached to my office desk is not always the same shape as the wig. So I have to physically put on the wig to guide where the ear tabs need to be and sculpt it around my shape head.
There is a difference in peoples head sizes but our ears are roughly in the same place. So I know I’m cutting them in the right place.
Its amazing how a wig can change a face shape and appearance. Just like make-up that can make you look like another person completely.
I love doing transformations, its so much fun seeing the clients face when I reveal their female persona to them.
As I have always said “Every human being has male and female tendencies in them”.
So even if a man looks very manly. He will still pass as a female when transformed. As there are a few manly looking women out there.
I don’t mention this to offend in anyway but I’m just stating the truth.
So the conclusion to this blog today is that you don’t have to go over your budget to have a beautiful wig.
I do do a wig transformation service if you have a tired-looking wig and would like it to be made over to look a million dollars (or pounds in our case).
Contact me and we can talk further. I don’t have fixed prices I just cost the job for the individual client. This can be done during a hairdressing fetish appointment.
I will look forward to hearing from you….
Saturday 14th December 2019
Postmas NO.14.
Good morning everyone,
This is a bit of a different blog today as I’m a day behind even though this blog is dated yesterday.
Sorry, I did not update my blog when I had decided to pack up from upholstering my BDSM furniture last night/this morning but it was gone 2 am and I was very tired.
My brain has to be in blog mode to produce an interesting blog and when Mistress Lucy has a tired mind is not an interesting mind.
I started at 12noon and (still not quite finished now) worked on it until the early hours of the morning. I’m a perfectionist (to best of my ability), that’s why it takes me so long and also upholstering, is not my profession.
So for those who have been following my blogs even before December, your know that I have been looking for a carpenter to make me a spanking bench of which I was hoping for a customized one so that I could have it just the way I want it.
Time after time people who were so-called carpenters would contact me and say “Yes sure I can do that for you” and in the end fail to produce.
I think I had roughly 8 carpenters that were complete fails.
In business, if you do a good job then your client ( hence myself) will advertise your good name and then you will get more work.
People don’t seem to think this way. Still, I didn’t get exactly what I have wanted but it will look just as good and will do the job that I want very well.
One day I was looking on eBay at some other things and came across this advertisement for a carpenters bench. Very chunky and not really what I was looking for, so dismissed it.
As a few days passed I was still looking for a bench but everything looked commercialized.
Anyone that knows me knows that I am not commercialized and like to be uniquely different.
I went through my checklist of what I was expecting my ideal bench to perform for me and funny enough this bench ticked all my boxes.
The things I wanted for my bench were the following:
- To be able to take any size and weight of person I have for any appointment.
- So that I have one piece of furniture to accommodate my BDSM and Massage clients.
- If I wanted to have attachments to it I could EG: Gyno supports, Stocks, St Andrews Cross (but my version), etc…
- If I wanted to have a cage underneath the table part then I could.
When having a piece of furniture made out of wood it is very versatile to do as I please with it.
Although metal is great and it really looks the part all I can do is hang things off of it and attach this to it (as I do not have welding skills) but I feel that it is not as sturdy as a solid wood frame.
To have anything like A St Andrews Cross or Stocks etc attached with wood I can attach with sturdy bolts and take off if I require.
I do like to put my own twist on things on many occasions.
So as you can see from the images I have attached to this blog the end result I like Is unique but clean cut.
Sometimes when having so much equipment it is difficult to be clean-cut in the design of my entertainment room but in my furniture, I will be this way.
Having many pieces of furniture will clutter up the floor space. Being compact will give more space to move around in.
I use my entertainment room as a photographic studio also. With backdrops for the male to female transformational photos as well as other things.
So I hope you enjoyed this update and when I have received the next delivery of spray glue I can start on the larger bench.
As the bench I did yesterday is the kneeling stool to the spanking part of the bench.
Big and bulky is the best type of multi-use furniture so it can take anything I want to do on it.
So do contact me and we can converse more. I will be looking forward to receiving your inquiries on any service that I offer……