Sunday 17th January 2021
Blog No.132.
Well now, this is a subject I am extremely passionate about. I don’t get passionate about anything these days but corsets I definitely do.
The first corset goes back to the 16th century that was worn by men and women in different outfits. Men for battle and women as undergarments to shape themselves for the outer clothing.
These days Corsets are worn in many different ways but mainly to give the women that hourglass figure. We all crave to look like Dita Von Teese or close enough but we are not all shaped that way.
Corsets come in all different shapes and sizes but the main reason it’s worn is to give the wearer the feel-good factor.
I love my corsets because whatever shape I have been throughout the years it will always sinch in my waist and give me that bottom-heavy look that many don’t want.
I think these days the trend is coming back again as it did in the 1950s and 60s. Don’t get me wrong as the corset has never gone out of fashion as there’s always a female that wants to make her figure tighter than it naturally is.
There have always been certain years or decades that the cinched in the waist was more popular than others. I was watching a documentary on Danny La Rue last night. Men have to wear undergarments as they don’t have the waist and hips etc that a female has.
Now when wearing a corset for the first time it will be a learning curve for you. It is like you have to learn to breathe again. Comfort is the main thing because if you can’t breathe properly then you will feel very uncomfortable and dizzy.
There’s no point in being as silly as some females will go to even removing ribs to get smaller. This female in the photo was on a Tyra Banks chat show and her waist measured 18 inches but inside the corset, it is 15 inches.
Ribs are there for a reason, to protect the internal organs and if you move them around then you looking for trouble. The less time in hospital the better I always say.
The love of corsets can be so much fun though without being too serious about it. There are loads of different designs and materials that they are made out of.
A while ago a mentioned about I wanted to add a store to this website so you could purchase videos and photos. That is not possible.
So I have decided to make a completely new one (still keeping this one but i will link the 2 websites together through links you can click onto.
It will be similar to this one as in blogs and real life photography but it will be predominately an online store.
If there is anything you would like for me to look into researching for you to purchase then by all means let me know.
The content will be equipment and toys, corsets, compression garments, and shapewear and crossdressing items (silicone skin wear for body shaping as in boobs, butts, and bodysuits).
I think with the way this world is carrying on my appointments are going too far and few between so I am putting my knowledge to better use.
Each product that I will advertise will have a demonstration video (a handling video not how to use a dildo) and my opinion of it. Its to help you get a realistic view of the item and not just a flat photo like some websites that a cold and collective and have the bare essential details on it.
It is in working progress at the moment so I will keep you updated as and when it will be live for you to view.
So I will look forward to hearing from you if you have anything to ask me.
Stay safe and keep smiling…
Sunday 17th January 2021
Blog No.131.
Everyone has their own funny quirks about them but when it comes to fetishes that’s another ball game completely (excuse the pun).
Fetishes can make you have all different emotions and I have developed a love of a particular fetish over the past few months, well 2 actually but they both come under one title.
Now to many restrictions means being tied down and unable to move. Yes, that is right but too many that have sessioned with me they will know that restriction includes compression.
So for me to say I have been obsessed with restriction lately is an understatement. I have also become introduced to the fetish of compression as well which comes in the form of shapewear. This takes shapewear to another level that I thought I would not like but…I do very much.
It is a company that I was looking at because of a youtube video that I was watching one night. I like to watch plastic surgery documentaries, not for the construction side but the after-effects (what they look like before and after). It’s fascinating to me.
I would never get anything done myself unless I really had to.
The garments that they are told to wear after a liposuction procedure, for example, looks really uncomfortable as it takes all your effort to get into it but when they are in it it looks amazing.
So I decided to investigate these garments and whether normal people ( as if I’m normal lol) can buy them or if only plastic surgery clients are allowed.
I found out that anyone can buy them. So I did my homework on the best one and decided to make a purchase.
There was anything from thonged panty girdles (tummy panel from hip to hip) to full-body compression suits (everything held in from neck to ankle).
Whatever you wanted they could make for you. I was in my element as when a woman gets to a certain age a little help goes a long way. Especially when she’s not a gym user anymore.
So I decided to get a 3/4 leg, high waisted bodysuit with a high back and straps. It sounds old ladyish but I don’t care. If it holds me in in all the right places and makes me look and feel good in my outfits then that’s all that matters.
I’m not having to undress for anyone. Clients tribute me to keep my clothes on and want to see me look fabulous in my outfits. So it doesn’t matter what I look like underneath my uniforms.
You never know, heavy-duty armor might be a turn on to some people lol. Unfortunately, we all aren’t perfect, and if we were what a boring world this would be. Being unique is beautiful in many ways.
So I had to wait a couple of weeks as it was coming from America but it was well worth the wait. As I opened up the envelope I pulled out this garment that I could only describe as ‘big enough to fit a broom’ size.
OMG, I said looking at it in disbelief. “That’s never going to fit my big arse,” but I was so wrong. It took a bit of pulling and pushing but in the end, I got it on.
From the homework that I had done of watching females putting on their compression garments, they had said that a good quality one will take a bit of getting used to.
When it’s new it is very tight but each time you put it on it stretches it out a bit and by the 4th time (which was the 4th time for me) it will be much more comfortable to get on.
I sometimes use mine with a waist trainer which holds up the bodice part of the garment but that is only when I don’t want to have the straps showing when I’m in a see-through blouse or strappy top. The straps are removable like suspenders on a corset.
The compression suit is reinforced with extra panels in places that are needed EG: Stomache, sides of thighs, and under the shoulder blades on the back.
When you’re squeezed in the bodysuit the excess flesh has to go somewhere. So to have the extra height at the back section is a godsend.
You may not think it but when you in a suit like this you will understand.
I am going to look into purchasing another but a short leg one as the 3/4’s version shows below a skirt heam. It is fabulous for trousers or if I’m wearing boots with a skirt but I can’t hide it when wearing a skirt if I want to wear shoes.
Oh, dear now you know my secrets to my new improved shape. I would love to say that I have lost weight and toned up at the gym but this pandemic has ruin life in one way or another for many.
Not sure I would say that I have turned into Mrs Doubtfire (Robin Williams in drag) but enhancements are for the better.
So for all you large panty and compression garments lovers, this one is for you lol
Oh, BTW this can be for women or men as it has an open gusset for easier bathroom trips as you wouldn’t want to get in and out of this too many times a day.
I wanted to try this underwear for me but also for my crossdressing clients. It will need to be customized so it’s for your body shape but will help to get that hourglass figure we all adore to have.
I also have a lot more to say about corsets etc so I will put together another blog. Lookout to see more on how my mind works, even though lockdown.
Stay safe and talk soon…
Tuesday 29th December 2020
Blog No.129
Over the past 11 years i have tried to sculpt myself into some one that i am now but i wasn’t when i started (if that makes sense).
When we all start a new thing we all want it to happen over night but unfortunately it doesn’t
I was watching YouTube today and the female on there was saying about how we compare ourselves to equally benefited or better people.
Seeing someone else that is in the same category as you but is either better looking or has better things than you can put you in a good or bad frame of mind.
I sat watching it and thinking to myself…I’m at last happy in my own skin.
It has taken me a bit over 11 years to accumulate the experience that i have and to gain the trust that i have in my regular clients.
Trust does not come easy and you earn it over time. That goes both ways.
As like knowing what you really want out of life and getting to a point in your world that you can say to yourself “Im happy with the way i look, the way i live and the friends i have around me.
We are living in a very messed up world right now and the pandemic is ruining a lot of businesses but for those who are finding it tough you should think of plan B to help you stay on the straight and narrow.
As they say ‘You shouldn’t keep all your eggs in one basket’…
So you may think i am doing a lot to my establishment at the moment but i am doing it for a reason. There are many things i will be changing and doing in 2021.
I am not stopping client visits but as they are far and few between at the moment because of the tier system/lockdowns etc i have to find other ways of bringing in the bill money.
So making my home a 100% photogenic will help in many ways. For videos as well as ideas for blogs etc
So watch this space and lets see what happens…
Sunday 27th December 2020
Blog No.128.
Now Mistress Lucy is no cook when it comes to cuisine but i will only cook for myself if I’m experimenting (i never know what is going to turn out like).
Everyone jokes about Brussel sprouts but me, I love them and i try to experiment with different ways to have them.
I went out shopping at Tesco’s on 23rd December (before everything had completely sold out). I normally get Tesco delivery but fancied some naughty chocolates etc for the festive time alone with my kitties.
As I browse, I always have a strange way of working out what i want to buy. I see what my taste buds are telling me. I see something then think of what it taste like last time i ate it. If it brings back good memories then I buy it or if It brings back bad memories I put it back.
As walking down the vegetable isle I see Brussel Sprouts. Now I haven’t had brussels for a long, long time. They actually brought fond memories of my grandma back.
She would sit at the kitchen table in our old house in London (big corner plot Victorian house). The rooms had tall ceilings. The kitchen had double doors that opened into the front room to make it one room if need be.

This Is Like Nanny’s House Coat. I Have Bought This Actual One. When I Have A Better Photo I Will Swap Them Over
I can picture her in mind right now as I tell you about her. She lived in North London and we were in South London. She would visit us for 2 – 3 weeks at a time. Funny nanny. Things she would do would make me crease up with laughter.
I would call her a wrinkly old teenager because her mind was young but her body (like us all) was aging and slowing her down as years past by.
She was an old school gal literally. She was a house maid back in the 1900’s for a lady and master of a grand house in the country.
She learnt everything from her younger days and stayed in that job for 20 or more years. She said she enjoyed it very much because although she was the head maid in charge of everyone and lived in the servant quarters she loved to admire her ladyships home.
It was grand and elegant but obviously with a masculine touch of the master. “Oh how i wish” she would say as cleaning the silver or polishing the long dining room table that would seat 16 or more.
So as time pasted and she carried on her own ways in modern day she would still wear the old style house coats that would be made of slippery polyester. I say slippery because she would say it would be better for house chores and cooking, as it would not attracted anything as she was going about her day. It would stay cleaner in other words and she would always look smart and tidy.
Isn’t if funny how something as small as a Brussel Sprout can bring back so many memories…
So this evening i decided to have them and cook them a little different.
I cut and skinned them (dirty leaves for the compost bin ) then rinsed them under cold water and then boiled them as nanny used to.
I then drained them and let the pan get hot and sizzling and them popped a little butter and salt in there for extra flavour.
When it had melted i put the brussels in there and let them sit until i could hear crackling, not burning just crackling.
Then move them around til crispy in places.
It took longer than i anticipated but i had plenty of time so it didn’t worry me.
Eventually when they where done to my liking, I poured them out of the pan into a boil, put a little grated cheese on them and that was my meal.
I do agree my eating has changed in the past year and due to the pandemic I have gained weight through stress (like us all) but I have always carried my weight in certain places .
To keep it off I have to sacrifice nice things like the butter and cheesy Brussel Sprouts and chocolate biscuits.
This year has taught me one thing if nothing else…we only have one life and lets live it the way we want to.
Yes there are rules and regulation with the pandemic on how we should conduct our lives for staying well and safe but when it comes to food etc and what we look like it is totally down to the individual.
Don’t go over board obviously but as long as we are comfortable in our own skin that is all that matters…
Saturday 26th December 2020
Blog No.127
To all of us this year we are having to change our family Christmas according to the pandemic tier situation unfortunately.
My Christmas was very much the same as previous Christmas days as i stay at home with the cats and we do as we please.
This year i had a lazy lay in and then a chilled breakfast of toast and a almond milk coffee whizzed up in the Ninja which is like a bullet blender, I find i can do most of what i want in it and it was half the price of a bullet blender.
I then went for a shower to freshen up as i wanted to take some photos for my onlyfans page.
As i was drying my hair (as it is now long enough to style) i thought it needed a trim. I had let it grow for a good couple of months with only cutting around my ears. So the back and everywhere need a look at.
I put the whole procedure on my onlyfans page if you would like to take a look.
By the time i had finished and styled it I was very pleased in deed. Its amazing what a trim in places does to make it look as if you had a whole haircut.
I do my own hair only because a millimetre to a hairdresser, well most hairdressers is 1 inch.
I was devastated many a time when all i would ask for is a very light trim and i would come out like Shaun the sheep and very annoyed.
It takes 2 months to grow and 2 seconds to cut off…not impressed at all.
My Christmas day photo shoot turned out well as you can see.
A little taster of what is on my onlyfans page.
Well it takes so long to prepare for (Christmas Day) yet it is over in a cough and a splutter.
As i sit up in bed on Boxing day night typing this for you (and listening to storm Bella as she throughs a tantrum up and down our street with the heavy rain fall that she seems to be having fun and games with) I wonder how i am going to have time to fit all these new ideas for 2021 and carry on with mistressing.
Don’t worry i wont give up anything as it has taken me 11 years to get where i am today and I’m loving every minute of it ( well not the pandemic but everything else).
I have grown closer to a lot of my regulars throughout this past months and unfortunately had to say good bye to some of them because of their selfish ways but that’s there lose.
So I think we are all glad Christmas is over and done with and we can welcome 2021 into our lives and hope its better than the year we presently are in now.
Keep healthy and safe and don’t loose your smile as it makes everything much better to see you happy as much as you can.
Don’t hesitate to drop me an hi if you feel like it as a chat online or over the phone is always nice to break the day up as they say…
Sunday 20th December 2020
Blog No.126.
At last we have made it to December. What a year we have all had. A strange one but at least we only have 11 days left until we can welcome 2021 and hope it brings us more happiness than 2020.
So on this Christmas note I have a fun and comic blog to brighten up your day. Every year I try to do something a bit different that will make you smile.
The theme needed to stay within the mistress ways but also with a xmas twist.
I saw, whilst browsing on Amazon some costumes that would be ideal for my model client that I use for photoshoots ( model as in my model sub client). He is partial to a bit of cross dressing if I ask him nicely and is willing to do most things i put to him.
When he came back to me with a date he could arrange off work I started to plan what I was going to do in the 4-5 hours he could spare.
The time between of when he booked an appointment to the day of the appointment i guided him to what i want him to do in preparation for the photoshoot.
He is putty in my hands. Although he has earnt his mistress stars over the many years of servitude.
He is a joyful chap and the banter is fun but he knows when to be serious or humorous.
The session started with an update of the outfits that I had got for him and what I expected him to do to help make the perfect images for my online Mistress Christmas Card.
The first outfit was of a full coverage red and white body stocking. His shoulders were broad but he filled out the suit in all the right places.
This body suit was not a serious outfit as he had packed his lunch fully which made the scene more appetising to the onlooker that i would send the Christmas card to.
The boots he had tried on before so i knew they had fit him perfectly and i was glad as it went with both outfits very well.
Once I had cuffed his wrists I put him in the position I needed him in. He was a little short for the top cuff but to stretch him on his tippy toes made the image even better.
As you can see it was a jovial session and fun was had by all.
The second outfit was not so covering. It was just as I want it to be and he did not disappoint.
He relaxed more times than once but it was easy to get him to stand to attention again.
He had treated his mistress with a Christmas tribute gift that I was wearing. A black leather spiked corset.
As I had always been covered on our previous meetings he had not seen what I had hiding underneath before.
Out of gratitude I thought it only right for him to see me in it. I did need help in tightening the laces to give me that synched in shape but he did not decline and did as he was told.
The tightness of the bodice made me gasp an intake of breathe when each lace was pulled tighter but it felt good. It’s no good having a corset that doesn’t hold you in in all the right places and it sure did do that.
As I had become curvier over the pandemic period my lady lumps had grown within that time also.
The tighter the corset was pulled in the more of an over flow happen to the cup area of the corset.
It made me laugh when he had finished and I turned around to speak to him. He choked on his intake of breathe at the first sight of me.
“Are you ok” I said to him as I looked down at my chest to make sure I wasn’t over flowing to much that would embarrass myself.
“Yes Mistress, I am fine” he said with his eye out on storks looking down at the floor to check his excitement under his dress.
“Careful now” I said “I don’t want a snail trail on my skirt do I?” He was a healthy boy and even standing half a foot or less away he would be marking my skirt if not careful.
To calm him down a bit, as I could see he was a breast guy i turned my back to him so he could compose his emotion while i sorted out the ring light I had placed to brighten the area of the next image.
The time pasted quickly and the next outfit was needed to be changed into. This was even less of a covering outfit but fitted him well again.
On previous sessions he had tried on heels and stockings which helped me decide on the next image i wanted for another idea I had.
The heels were platformed and extremely high. He found them difficult to walk at first but got used to the heel height quicker than I had anticipated he would.
The stockings I choose for him were fine black seamed 1960 style stockings. With the calf muscles he was showing off it was a match with the shoes for sure.
I matched them with a lacey man thong and suspender belt. “I do love a plan when it comes together” I thought (as said by Lieutenant Colonel Hannibal Smith in the A Team).
It took a few takes but in the end as you can see we decided on the perfect images.
The afternoon ended in a session of his choice for payment of the photo shoot.
l always make sure that all my fetish models enjoy their time with me.
It loosens them up and I can create much better end results.
Obviously if I want a moody looking face or attitude within the image then I will say but apart from that it has to be enjoyment and fun that oozes out of the image to the onlooker.
If anyone thinks they have what it takes to become a Mistress Lucy’s Fetish Model Let me know and we can converse more at our convivence.
Stay safe and smiling and I hope to hear from you soon…
Monday 7th December 2020
Blog No.125.
Now for the clients that have known me for all of my mistress career or longer would know about my dream of having my own Barbers/hairdressers.
I would of mentioned how my ideas would of got me shut down by the authorities before it was open day.
Reason being that my ideas would be and never are regular ideas for a high street shop.
For as long as i could remember i have always had a kinky mind in one way or another and putting my career and fetish together seems a blooming good idea to me.
This past year has brought nothing but heart ache and sorrow to a lot of people. It has also given us lots of time to think ‘what does the future hold for us?’
We have all had to change our 5 and 10 year plans and also our retirement. I say that because I’ve just turn 48 years old last month (November), so now is a good time to think about it.
Its time to think out of the box and about what will stand you in good stead for the long haul instead of what is a regular type of job that will help you out just for now.
Just for now jobs wont care about you when there’s continuous lockdowns or another major recession. Businesses are running out of money to keep paying their employees and the government are wearing thin on spare funds.
So to think outside the box and working for yourself (self employment) means going out of your uncomfortable zone and maybe doing something that is unlike you.
You never know until you try…
I’m not saying to do something wrong but something that has longevity and will bring you in a regular income how ever small or big.
Regular income is a must to keep our heads above water and the arrears people from sending constant reminders through your letter box.
Unemployment wouldn’t be so high if this is how everyone thought.
At one point i thought my top floor studio was working great for me with such a large open area and plenty of space to do as i please but i was finding that my appointments were swaying more to certain fetishes than others.
When national lockdown was talked about i decided to make use of my second self employment fund and divide the area up into sections that would work much better for my appointments and enable me to expand in what i could do.
Before, i had many a idea run through my head but the pandemic had always put road blocks in my way to complete and make it work.
So with the spare time i felt it was a perfect to put my plan into action.
To many females the thought of picking up an electrical chop or circular saw to do some wall building would sound like to much of nail breaking work for them, not to me. I keep my nails short for that reason.
When all my renovation’s are finished then i will go back to painted long nails…maybe.
It wasn’t that hard work really and plus i enjoy it.
As the days and weeks passed and i could see the project coming together. It was very heart warming to know that i was getting closer to my dream then ever before.
To a normal person, what is normal these days? to say about the world of hairdressing fetishes they would not understand but to a hairdressing kinster you could say what ever you liked to them about the fetish and they would understand completely.
Clippers to setting rollers or capes to hairdressers outfit it all triggers off a emotion.
You see fetish is an understanding of anything that makes you feel something.
- F… Feeling
- E… Emotion
- T… Tantalise
- I… Imagine
- S…Seduce
- H… Happy
All of the above are all in the 6 senses we all have. So don’t knock anyone that likes a particular fetish.
We are all different in our own way which makes us unique in our own little world.
So when and if you do come to Mistress Lucy’s Fetish Barbers don’t be afraid of letting loose your fetish and telling me (as long as it does not include personal services).
As you never know i may be the only mistress your feel comfortable with.
My Barbers Studio includes all the regular type of equipment but if you have a particular fetish for something out of the ordinary then do please say and i will do my best to accommodate.
Well i have briefly mentioned to you about my exciting salon but if you do have anything else to ask don’t hesitate to contact me and we can converse some more.
Stay health and safe and I will look forward to receiving your inquiries when you ready.
Thursday 15th October 2020
Blog No. 122
Corsets have always been top priority in my likes list when it comes to outfits and dressing up. All shape changing attire feels fantastic, hugging the body in all ways possible and making you look like you would only dream about.
The most fabulous thing about them is that they can draw you in at least 3 inches or more on your waist but the only negative thing about them is getting into them.
Its not like a loose fitting t-shirt that slips on very quick and easy. Its more like a 2 person job.
When admiring a statuesque female in a corset, the onlooker normally admires what he can see but never admires her for the before hand task of putting it on.
To get a perfect shape there should be a particular position you should stand in so your maid can pull those laces in to perfection. Making sure each lace is set just right and the underlaying piece of material under the laces is flat enough to join both sides of the corset together.
If it doesn’t and there is a gap then the corset is the wrong size.
When it comes to my appointments it can be difficult to have all the sizes and colours of the corsets in stock for all my clients. So I have to compromise on the clients shape and what garment is chosen.
Corsets can be made in all different materials, anything from latex to lace. I have grown to love satin corsets which helped me make my mind up into purchasing the emerald green satin corset (that you see me wearing in the photo).
I have had corsets from this company before and they are very well made and very hard wearing. They need to be heavy duty really as when your laced into the garment the laces are pulled in very tight around your waist/rib cage and the strain on the eye holes and hook fasteners is immense. It has to be to get that fantastic hour glass shape.
We are not all built to a size 0 but not to worry because corsets are also made for the fuller figure, whether it be male or female you will be happy with the shape that it gives you.
Only with the right size corset will it feel like a second skin. If the wrong size is fitted it can feel uncomfortable in a way that you just want it off sooner than later. Also an ill fitting corset it can make your outline look horrendous.
When the bones of the corset draw your waist in the excess flesh has to go somewhere. In most cases it will give you more of a bust than you thought you could ever have, even on a guy.
This is what I was mentioning about a wrong corset size. If you are in the wrong size it can push your excess flesh in the wrong places.
Also the flap of material that is under the laces is there for a reason…
It is there to stop the laces pressing on your skin. As laces pulled tight on bare flesh can cut in/chaff and be extremely painful.
If you needing to wear it for a long amount of hours and your mistress expects you to bend in all different positions then you need to be as comfortable as you can.
Truthfully i think corsets were design by an angel and the devil together because it make the our shapes look heaven sent but it gives naught/wicked thoughts to any onlookers…
Saturday 3rd October
Blog No.121.
When a mistress has near on everything apart from multiplying more of what she has, your always looking out for different things to add to the collection.
This is what I have been doing over time but finding a lot of the same thing. It is not worth purchasing more canes or anal toys for example if it does exactly the same thing as all the other toys I have.
Equipment like all equipment needs to be worn in. So for me to have more things than I know what to do with is a waste of space and money.
Canes – Its all in the wrist and arm action to make an experience different.
Anal – Its all in the technique and how I use the toy on you to make it a different experience each time.
When I take my anal sessions I’m finding that my clients prefer my fingers/hand more than a solid piece of lifeless silicone eased where the sun don’t shine.
I think a lot the time when designers try to invent a new toy they come to the same conclusion. So all they can do is make it in a different colour or make it with different looking knobberly bits on it in a way that has not been made before.
My hands have a lot of experience in giving pleasure so they will be continued to perform the stimulation the way you all like it and better.
Although I have found something that I have seen in the past I over looked it before.
It will make grown men cry and balls shrive back into the body at the sight of it. Oh I love to see subs wince and the thought of what I will do next.
Being that it is made out of clear Perspex it means nothing is hidden and everything…I mean everything is seen.
The only thing I think that it has to be adjusted in the design is it needs a opening for the thallus to be easily put into place. If you are of a different girth to the open itself then it could be rather uncomfortable or damaging when you get excited.
So any small naughty boys out there who have done something you need punishing over, think wisely before taking the next step to you dream.
Don’t shy away from me boy… as you know you like a mature mistress to take a firm hold of you in one hand, given a good strong punishment to you with the other hand. Trust me…your never forget it…
Tuesday 26th May 2020
Blog No.118.
Good evening my lovelies. I have been thinking a lot in the past weeks about my new venture that I will be adding to my list of services.
I was in a text meeting with my web designer yesterday about how we should go about putting my new website together.
This website will still be up and running and will always be my top priority but I need to also have a vanilla website for my future business ideas.
I looked through all my photos that I have taken over the years and put together a compilation of regular photographs that a vanilla/regular person wouldn’t be offended by, EG: No butt plugs ect lol
It took me a while to get my vanilla mind on track to look at my mistress photography in a regular way of thinking.
I am far from normal but I know how to think and act in certain situations.
This new website will have a slight fetish twist to it but in a regular way. I have to do it this way because of the places I will be advertising it.
Not sure where at the moment but when im out there you will all know about it.
The fee’s for my vanilla photo sessions will be competitive to the other companies that offer regular photo sessions.
I will be still doing the appointments from my home in my entertainment studio because this will keep it all discreet and the main thing is keeping the cost down for you as a client.
I have been on many photo shoots over the years and for what they do, they are asking stupid money for the products that they produce.
Thousands of pounds with some companies, its unreal. How is a average type of person suppose to afford that, I do not know.
Even if you are a model starting out you don’t have that type of money.
So keep a look out for my blogs in the coming weeks as now that I have my future business on track I will feel more comfortable to blog more.
In the past weeks of this dam Corona virus/CV19/Pandemic (whatever you want to call it) I have been very confused on what to do and where to go with my business.
I think like me, a lot of us are getting a bit fed up with it because the Prime Minister is showing that he really doesn’t know his arse from his elbow in this situation.
My thoughts have been going in all directions on how to bring my life style back to a comfortable level again and now I am there I only have to put plans into action.
So now I will be back annoying your fetish minds once again, lol
Any thing you would like to ask me just do so. Keep healthy and well and talk soon…