Monday 6th December 2021
Blog No.144/ Blogmas No.6
As I have been searching through the fetishes I have come across some very strange but interesting ones but also some ‘wow, really’ ones. Some that will turn your stomach in the sickest ways but for me to write about it I have to agree with it in some way.
Today is F for Forniphilia…
This confused me at looking at the title as it is nothing like the fetish it is supposed to be. Forniphilia is the love of being human furniture.
I have come across some clients that have wanted to serve me to anything I will say. Yes even resting my tired feet on them on all fours to be my footstool. If I’m feeling extra wicked I will tell them to lay flat on the floor face down and then i will place my feet on them and push them into the floor. Depending on how naughty or good they have been.
The thought of a sub wanting to please their mistress is a pleasure for them but also arousing in all ways of the word.
Obey Your Mistress Or Else…
Having to be still in a certain position is stressful on the body as well as the mind. To be in one position for a length of time you have to go into a subspace where your mind is detached from the aches of your body.
Whether you laying on a carpet, stone, or wooden floor it will be uncomfortable to the limbs at any length of time. That is what your mistress wants, so you will obey her.
If you are interested to be my footstool or seat for your punishment or pleasure then CONTACT ME and I will see if you are of adequate sub material that I can use.
Take care in all you do and stay safe. Talk again tomorrow in the next blogmas if not before.
Sunday 5th December 2021
Blog No.143/ Blogmas No.5
Latin words always make a fetish niche sound so mysterious and knowledgeable. That’s why I do my homework on these subjects. So today it is Eproctophilia and yet it is unrecognizable to what it is in the title. Unlike tablet is a table in french. Easy to know what it is. So have you given up on what it means?
Ok, this fetish is Flatulence, Farting, Botty Burps, Breaking Wind, Tooter, Fluffing, Booty Cough, Gassy, Trumpet, Foghorn, Duck Call, etc and the list goes on.
When we were kids or even now when we are adults if someone fluffs at an inappropriate or not expected time it becomes hilarious. Especially if they are not known to do that and then they do. It can be pant wetting at times.
Started in the industry…
Until I started in the industry I did not know that it was a turn-on to have a female let go on his face or near him, let alone he would pay to feel such an experience.
Some people are extremely gassy as they may have a varied way of eating. In return, it will let out a strong odor that is powerful enough to burn your nostril hairs.
Yet others won’t produce and air and you will never hear them pass wind (or they might hold it till they are alone). As they say “you are what you eat” and you sure are.
So Funny…
I Have experienced a few moments of embarrassment but I do remember one time a good few years ago when I went on holiday to Greece (early 1990’s ) I and my ex-husband went away with another couple that we had met in our local pub. We were departing from Heathrow and had some time to wait as we had got to our boarding gate early. The seats we had picked were in 3’s so Chris decided to sit on the floor. It was a rubber design for easy cleaning. He had some music on his earphones but we could all hear it if it was turned up to a certain level. He decided to rock backward, forwards, and side to side to the beat of the music as a little sit-down dance to pass the time. On one of the side-to-side rocks he let out an almighty fart that he thought wasn’t going to sound…but It did. I have never heard a fart echo in an airport as much as what this did. He didn’t need a microphone to be loud, the hollowness of the terminal did that for him. The embarrassment that showed on his face was a picture. He hung his head in shame and ask me “did anyone hear that?” The whole terminal was in hysterics.
So if anyone has a fetish for Eproctophilia don’t contact me but for any fetishes that are on my FETSH LIST do CONTACT ME.
Saturday 4th December 2021
Blog No.142/ Blogmas No.4
When I was thinking about today’s letter of the alphabet I didn’t want to do an obvious one like domination or dogging. As yes they are fetish even though they are a big world in their own niche.
So I choose Dwarfism. It could be a controversial subject but I will do my best to be politically correct. I know a little about it but the research I did was amusing in some places and yet interesting.
When I first started in the industry I met a smaller-than-average chap. I have met a few shorter guys over the years but this guy I remember 14 years on.
I did have (back then) on my list of interests, wrestling. He had contacted me and mentioned a few of his likes and dislikes (as I normally ask for every client). I agreed as his requests were to my liking.
I had mentioned that he was shorter in height but I didn’t take much notice. I don’t judge anyone on what they look like. As long as you are polite and healthy that is all that matters to me. We agreed on a date and time and waited for that day to arrive.
When I heard a ring on my bell at the time of his appointment I opened the front door, stood behind it, and waited for him to walk in.
I was shocked at first but if I had looked out of my spy hole in my front door I would not have seen him. He described himself as vertically challenged. He said it with a snigger and that made me feel a lot more comfortable as I didn’t want to offend him with my initial facial expression when greeting him.
He was a down-to-earth type of guy (excuse the pun) and it helped our time together flow much more smoothly.
Although he was a small guy he was still of a good weight. I went to the gym then but didn’t do many upper body strength exercises. Only what I felt comfortable with.
I managed to hold him in some restriction moves and locks but that was only because he did not resist and try to get out of them. Which I was thankful for.
When a client would contact me about wrestling fetish I would tell them my rules so they would know what I am happy with. It was a great session.
I didn’t have another appointment with him as I soon after decided not to offer wrestling due to my back. Even little moves would play havoc with it. So I thought it best to cross that fetish off my list.
To many vertically challenged people they can make it work for them and make a very good living from it. Actors/actress nightclub mascots, kissagrams, etc
There is also the other side of the health issues that I have read about as well. It’s not nice but many have learnt how to deal with it.
Not all short people have a great time as there are some cruel people in this world that shout abuse etc to them with no reason to.
I always think you were born this way for a reason so make the most of it. Life would be boring if we all look and built the same.
As one of my mottos mentions ‘You only have one life, so don’t waste it. This includes ‘it doesn’t matter what you look like, we all have our own personal worries’
If you have a wrestling fetish it’s probably best not to contact me but if you have a FETISH that you think I would be accommodating with then do CONTACT ME.
Take care in all you do sweetie, stay safe, and talk soon in my next blog.
Friday 3rd December 2021
Blog No.141/ Blogmas No.3
Corporal Punishment sounds quite aggressive and yes it is when it is given in the way it should be many years ago. These days it is very much a niche that people enjoy when it is given within their pain thresh hold limitations.
Trust In Your Mistress/Master…
Having trust in the person that is administering the CP is very much a top priority.
If a Mistress/Master is dishing out the punishment they need to know what your pain level is.
The Mistress/Master has to remember that you have come to them for pleasure (even if it is painful).
If they don’t administer the correct level that you are happy with you will not come back.
So to show genuine skills as a Mistress/Master it is vital so that they are respected in the highest form.
Having the right surroundings is not always necessary depending on the scenario that is needed to take you to your fantasy/subspace.
Hoods and Masks…
Sometimes you may prefer to be hooded or masked for visual deprivation. So the surroundings do not matter but it helps to intensify the atmosphere of what you may observe before you are hooded.
The only emotions that you will feel are hearing and adrenaline.
The sounds of the Mistress/Master going through their cupboards to see what to use for your next
stage of punishment will raise their temperature to a level that will heat your entire body.
Adrenaline is a very arousing feeling. Waiting in anticipation of what painful or pleasurable thing you will next encounter.
Keeping you on your toes in your imagination is most important. If the intensity cools off this could ruin or even stop the whole experience.
Contact me…
So if you are a lover of Corporal Punishment that would be administered by a highly skilled mistress contact me and we can talk further about your requirements.
Take care in all you do, stay safe, and talk soon in the next blog.
Thursday 2nd December 2021
Blog No.140/ Blogmas No.2
Disclaimer: Sorry, this is a plain blog but I did try to find a non-risky photo for this fetish but unfortunately couldn’t. As my website is not guarded by a login page have to be careful what content I put on here.
Hello again sweetie, Day 2 of blogmas already. This is how fast the days are going by.
So today is B is for Bisexual. For many years to be who you really want to be was not welcomed in many parts of the world. Then a lot of strong-minded people stood up for what they truly wanted. Now from the way all genders are accepted we all can express ourselves fully to the way we are happy with.
Now, this doesn’t mean to say we all have to let everyone know and shout it to the world. Keeping it as a private interest or seeing someone that they feel comfortable with every now and again is still ok. Whatever you feel comfortable with is fine.
There is no wrong way and right way to do things. You live your life the way you want to. We are all individual human beings and have our own opinions of what is good and bad and what to say yes and to say no to.
The definition of bisexual means that you have a fascination with both sexes. Everyone’s day job sometimes does not allow them to voice their opinion on this. If you wear what you want under your office suit then no one knows any different.
Whatever makes you happy is the right thing to do. As I always mention ‘we only have one life, so don’t waste it’.
Take care in all you do and stay safe. Talk soon in the next blogmas.
Wednesday 1st December 2021
Blog No.139/ Blogmas No.1
When it comes to most fetishes you would know A is for anal. That is the most common one. I have been doing some homework on bizarre and strange fetishes and if I am stuck on a letter i will just look for the Latin name for a common fetish.
A is For Andromimetophilia…
This is when you are turned on for women dressed in men’s clothing. There is a lot of women’s clothing that are cut like men’s clothes these days. Sometimes it is the case that a female will feel much more comfortable in a man’s style than a female design.
Some guys like the fact that a woman can look good in both styles as this shows that she is open-minded in many ones than one.
Another reason could be that he doesn’t want to accept that he likes guys and to get around this he likes to dress a female up to impersonate a guy. Then he doesn’t have to feel he should explain his sexuality.
Nobody has to feel that they will be judged when around me. You are who you are and if you like the same sex as you are then hunki dori. It’s the straight-laced people that are missing out.
In many cases, the straight-laced people are jealous of the proud people because they haven’t got the guts to show their real selves to the world.
My Motto…
My motto is (well one of them) ‘we only have one life, so don’t waste it.’ So don’t and be happy in all you do and if you arent then you are the only one that can change it…
Wednesday 1st December 2021
Blog No.138
Well, what another year it has been, and hasn’t it passed quickly. I thought I would pop on here and update you on all the goings-on of Mistress Lucy. Don’t worry I am not going to bore you with the website news that can be for another blog. 
The reason I am blogging for you today is that I am going to a month of Christmas Blogmas. This means that I am going to do a blog a day for December.
Christmas Attire…
I am a mistress that does like a bright colour every now and again. So as it is the Christmas season as of today I thought I would be tasteful and bring out the scarlet red corset and glasses. I wish I had waited to do these photos until I had my nails done (sparkly red) but I have to take photos when I’m in the right mood and Monday was that time.
A To Z Of Fetishes…
I thought about doing the A to Z of Fetishes. I may have 2 blogs a day if there is something else I would like to let you know or ask you but I will do my best to stick to 1 a day.
Together with the 2nd website work and blogmas I will be a busy little mistress. I will be fine. The blogs may not be very hearty and long like before but I will upload one a day for you to get back into the way I am.
Apologies for neglecting my website but once the 2nd one is launched you will understand why I have been busy the way I have.
So Take care in all you do sweetie, stay safe and we will talk again in the next blog.
Sunday 10th October 2021
Blog No.138
Well hello, sweetie…
It has been a while but I have been extremely busy all in all. I really can’t afford to be writing a new blog (time is of the essence) but I would like to let you know about the new additions to my Fetish Dungeon that maybe you can enjoy someday.
The reason I have bought these things and had them erected in my fetish photo studio Is that I want to place them on my shop on Lucy’s Fetish Closet website that I’m still working on.
It is so much fun finding amazing things to show you. A lot of stress and a lot of time is being spent doing all this homework but it will be worth it in the long run.
I have found anything from erotic biscuit cutters to chastity cages or even a full leather heavy-duty restriction bag with an attachable heavy-duty hood to match.
I found out it was better to have the hood that’s not attached to the main part of the sack as then it can be used with the different hoods if need be.
I have found I have become more of a perfectionist with this 2nd website than I have with this one. I know I have not designed this one and it was sculpted by a professional website designer (Thank you, Peter, much appreciated) but I have put a fair bit of content in it.
As it is with everyone, we have to start off at the bottom (excuse the pun), and as we get more confident and much more experienced we can if we wish go on and expand to big and better things.
Don’t worry I am not giving up this website, far from it. This is my early years of becoming a mistress. Without this website, I would not be what I am today.
I can’t believe it has been 14 years that I have been in this industry. As I say we all have to start somewhere and I am grateful for all the experiences I have gone through to get me here today.
One of the things I have learnt and that is patience. Woweee building a website and especially my own has proved that I don’t know when to be happy.
I have been advised to build it basic and then add on to it from there on. I just find more amazing things to ad on. I’m like a child in a candy shop.
As I mentioned earlier, I have become a perfectionist in more ways than one. I know I can not learn everything overnight but I want your experience to be fantastic and not disappointing.
Maybe you come across a small mistake that makes you think I have failed at producing a so-called fabulous website that everyone has waited so long to see.
Being a Lone Trader…
Doing everything on my own is tough. I have learnt many things in these months since I started putting my thoughts into a project but having to trust someone with all the work I have done would be heart-wrenching.
I know I have to someday, otherwise I am going to live a shorter quality of life with many grey hairs (i can see more appearing day by day lol).
That’s business and if we want to be our own boss then we all have to go through it.
Sound advice…
I was speaking with a friend the other day and he was telling me about the same worries he had. His were on a much larger scale but still in the same context.
Having to give up a very successful business through no fault of his own. Contracts falling through because of the economy changing.
Then his workers not being satisfied even when he was practically giving them the shirt off his back. In the end, he decided to give it all up and work alone.
Being the only one in your company has its benefits and disadvantages.
Benefits – You can work when you want and do what you want.
Disadvantages – Saying no to clients is difficult in some trades. In the back of your mind, you don’t know when the next job is going to be with you.
Although now it’s catch 22 for my friend. As he is so particular and perfect in the way he does things he has become very popular.
Word and mouth have spread and everyone wants him. It’s great to be in demand but only to a certain level.
There is only a certain amount of hours in the day. Only a certain amount of appointments he can take in 1 day.
Now it has got enough work to cover him for 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for the next 3 months.
Conundrum… Does he take on help or not? That is the question.
I can totally understand what he was saying to me because if I’m not careful I could be in the same situation.
Being self-employed is very tough sometimes. What I am is slightly different. Although if i took everyone that contacted me for an appointment I would be similar.
Lockdown and the past couple of years have made me think as it has done with most of us. As I take actual appointments I need to have multiple streams of income and not rely on meeting appointments.
Don’t get me wrong I do enjoy sharing my skill and enjoyment with all of you but the pandemic has really tarnished it.
Before all this pandemic situation started I was not apprehensive of meeting new clients. Now it’s like I have to ask a string of questions even before I think about inviting anyone to visit me. It’s a must and unfortunately not my fault.
Social Media…
So as you see, my absence on social media has been me sitting around doing nothing as some people tend to think and have mentioned.
It’s been far from it. I have a list of things to do around the house and in the garden etc that I really want to do (D.I.Y is my hobby) but I don’t have the time.
If I do, then the website sits waiting for another day. Trust me I annoy myself. I am more excited to get it launched than anyone on this planet.
As I know what I want to achieve and I know I can do it, I want it launched yesterday. Until it is at a standard that is flowing I will not launch it.
Now I know why e-commerce websites are so expensive to build with professional website developers. Then it is the basics that they give you.
As then I have to have my personal touch to make me mine.
So what you see on this website has been at least 4 or more years of work. Not constant just bits and pieces here and there but it has still taken time.
Mmmmm maybe I will become a website developer once I get over the tribulations of building Lucys Fetish Closet.
There are no links to it at the moment until it is launched. Then don’t you worry everyone will know about it.
Then I will be blogging about how I’m getting only 2 hours of sleep a night because I’m on social media 24/7 lol sod’s law isn’t it.
Well, I think I have gone on enough now with my life update and need to get back to web designing.
Take care sweetie. Stay safe and healthy and talk soon…
Thursday 22nd July 2021
Blog No. 137.
This may seem like a very direct question but it is a question that a lot of people lack confidence in this subject.
They keep it secret for their own personal reason but doing this could make you lose out on fun times with your partner.
Confidence is a necessary thing to have in all you do. I say this because if you are not happy in general with your partner then they could lose interest in your relationship.
I have been mistressing for 14 years (time flies when you’re having fun) and throughout that time I have learnt a lot about relationships.
How so many guys are secretly visiting a mistress to fulfill their fantasies because they’re frightened to ask their partner to act out the fantasy in their intimate times.
Putting your partner on a pedestal can sometimes fog over your true feelings for certain fetish topics. As you don’t want them to think of you any differently that may hinder your home life.
Being a dominatrix mistress has opened up my mind in so many ways and one of them is listening to guy’s problems that they have at home.
I don’t pry but ask questions that helps me get to know why they like certain fetishes.
A lot of the time I believe that if they were to approach the subject of their fantasy to their partner in a certain way then eventually they would have a better relationship at home.
Many say that they are very happy with their wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend but if they were happy then why are they contacting me…
When a new client looks at my website they will think that an Old School Mistress like myself would only be handcuffs and caning in sessions.
My sessions are not always hardcore and toys. I am a mistress with a difference.
Through the years I have been classed as a unique mistress because of the services I incorporate in my sessions or can do depending on what the client requires.
To have a near on perfect session I always like to chat with you to start with. The reason being, so I can understand why they like a certain fetish and where the reason stems from.
Call this therapy if you wish but it is not only chatting on a settee but the appointment has a physical side to it as well.
I show you mentally and physically how you can connect deeper with your partner in ways that you may not have thought of before.
Don’t misunderstand me by thinking I will get physical with you in a sexual way. That is not what I mean as I am not that kind of mistress.
The way I connect with you is helping you become more confident in how to make your partner feel more attracted to you. How to open her mind up to accepting your fetish.
It will not be instant but over time it will happen. Be patient and you will be able to reap your reward.
I understand that not every relationship is a physical one but a bit of intimacy in or out of the bedroom towards each other will always make you smile and love your partner more than life itself.
So if you are in need of a confidence booster in whatever way you feel EG: Submissive or Dominant, Mindful or Physical then let me know by messaging me on my CONTACT PAGE and we can discuss the subject a bit more.
Whether it’s a phone session or you would like to visit me, either way, I would be glad to converse with you via email, text, and then call.
Stay safe and healthy and hope to hear from you soon…
Saturday 17th April 2021
Blog No.134.
Good afternoon Sweetie,
I hope you are well and have kept well over the few months that have passed.
Now how do I start…It’s been a little while since I last spoke to you but after 5 months of lockdown, we are now on the first or second stage ( don’t know which stage we are in but I know it’s either of them) of a slightly better life. Although Monday the 12th April people went a little bit crazy on the celebrating and I just hope that does send us plummeting back into another lockdown again.
I have been extremely busy with burring my head in the website business as like before. I am plodding through it but the thing that is slowing me down is perfection.
I’m not saying it has to perfect in a professional way but perfect in my way. As the years have gone past I have become a perfectionist in certain things and my mistressing and career (which really I can call it that now) are definitely one of those things that I am particular in.
I feel that I owe a lot to you. As without you, I wouldn’t be where I am today. You’ve helped me grow my confidence in many areas that once upon a time I wouldn’t even try to attempt, let alone succeed in my dreams.
The new website has also helped me decide to be the true me. I still am Mistress Lucy but to do business you can not have anything to hide.
So that is why you will see in many places I will be my own name and answer to my real name. I will say one thing though… if you want to session with me I must be known as Mistress Lucy and stay as Mistress Lucy or lucy on a friendlier point.
It puts me in the right frame of mind as trying to switch at the flick of a button is possible but you won’t get the best out of me that way.
A few people in the past because they have seen my real name on my email address they have addressed as that. I have been very annoyed with them back then.
This is why I say you need to address me as you mean to go on.
So I thought I would keep you updated with is going on with me at the moment. Many have thought I have given up mistressing because I have not been on social media so much lately.
I am still here but the website takes up so much time, you wouldn’t believe.
At one point I was working nocturnally for a good few weeks. This was because I would get into what I was doing and just continue on till my eyes would refuse to stay open anymore.
I did know at some point in the previous weeks that were getting closer to now that I would have to get back into a normal (I’m never normal lol) but a going to bed at 12 midnightish and getting up at 9amish ( i say ish because some times it was earlier and sometimes it was a little later). So I would be in routine for taking my appointments again.
So Monday 12th April arrives, the week starting back taking appointments….
It felt a little strange I will admit. I felt like a beginner again. I have moved my upstairs around to benefit the popularity of my appointments so everything was in a different place. Finding out where things were was a bit daunting ( like in someone else’s Dungeon) but i familarised myself with everything fairly quickly.
I was lucky as my first appointment was a gent i had known for a while and he wasn’t too hardcore. A little chatting whilst a trim of the outgrown hairstyle he was wearing and then mild tie and tease to satisfy his needs.
I always go with the flow. If you have a checklist in your mind and then the body language doesn’t agree with what you are doing it needs to change to accommodate his happy side of kinky.
I only take 1 appointment a day. As i prefer to take 2-3 hour appointments. Then if it goes overtime then it’s not a problem.
I don’t do what I do for only tribute but bills need to be paid. So this is why I say if it goes over time because we are enjoying ourselves (or i’m enjoying myself teasing you lol) we can carry on and I won’t ask or expect any more tribute.
I will say…Many have gifted me with extra tribute and actual gifts but that is completely down to you. I am not demanding in any way and do not expect it.
The rest of the week was my long-term eager clients/friends that were desperate for haircuts and another pair of hands on them in whatever way I chose to do so.
Being used to my own time for the past 5 months or longer has made me do as I please. Having appointments does give me a routine as I’m sure you agree.
I now truly know that mistressing is in my blood. I knew that before but the experience over the years has made me realize that I will never change.
The sad news of Prince Philip’s passing has made me also realize that I may have Mistress Lucy engraved on my headstone.
‘Mistress Lucy a powerful but hard businesswoman, that wouldn’t take any backchat from anyone. She will be missed but will be tattooed on every heart that she has punished’.
I’m not being down on the subject but just being reflective. As we all have a good thing or 2 that we would like to be remembered for.