Thursday 16th December 2021
Blog No.154/ Blogmas No.16

This is extreme but persistent offenders will get this punishment…
Today may not be an obvious fetish but many have this fetish on their likes list without them knowing it. The reason is, if you like to have a fetish performed on you regularly and it is of a punishment nature then it becomes a Persistent Punishment. Persistent Punishments are both P’s and today is a P day.
Old School Punishments…
A punishment back in the day use to be something you had to be performed on you by the teacher or if it was a very naughty thing you did then you would be marched off to the Headmistresses office. There you would be given an experience that hopefully would turn you off doing anything naughty again.
Persistent offenders…
Too many boys, a once time extremely hard caning or ruler across the back of the legs was enough to put them off but the odd crazy boy would continuously be the rebel of the class/school and want the punishment as he loved the tingle of the pain during and after what he was given.
Does The Punishments In Your School Years Turn You Into A Pain Needer In Your Older Years?…

Bare Skin Punishment Is Not For The Faint-Hearted…
This is a question that we are all needing the answer to. When I have a punishment client (or any client) I always like to find out why they like the fetish that are so attached to. The therapy side of my career is what fascinates me. To get to know how a machine works you need to know how a machine works. I don’t mean to call all my clients machines but you know what I mean.
Understand What You Do So You Can Enjoy It A Lot More…
As quite a few of my clients say many a time when I ask them about their previous experiences in meeting other mistresses they don’t have a complete connection with them. It’s like they only do it for the money and want the client out as quickly as possible. I’m completely the opposite. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t ask for the name of the mistress and was she any good or not but just a general what they didn’t like and what could have made it better. It helps me with the session and so it will flow better.
Enjoying The Company Your With…
This exactly goes the same for the client as well as the mistress. When I have a client visit me for the first time (I call them clients when I first meet them. Then when I see you have proved to me you are a nice person and my type of client it changes from client to friend/client) I give them the benefit of the doubt. If I get the vib that you are not quite right when you first contact me then I go with my intuition. I have been caught out before and ignored my intuition. I would say it wasn’t unpleasant but it wasn’t pleasant and I had to make the excuse and cut the session short. Yes of cause I blocked him straight away. Sorry, it wasn’t his fault but I didn’t feel the mistress/friendly/chemistry between us if you know what I mean. not everyone gets on with everyone.
When You Have Passed The First Phase…
When you have passed the first phase and you have become a friend/client then I will relax a bit by not seeming frosty or looking like I have a barrier up against you.
The Reason I Have Looked Like I Have Side-Tracked With This Blog…

Anything can be used to perform a punishment…
I have mentioned all that I have because for a persistent punishment fetishist persistently does something wrong is because he wants to keep coming back to that one person. They like the way they pleasantly but kinkily hurt them. If they don’t like the mistress then they won’t come back and life will be boring again until they do find someone they like.
Method To My Madness…
I have worked on my mistress persona for 14 years (the length of time I have been in the industry). To correct my flaws in things I do over the years I have had to understand why I do it and when I do it. I have now realized why I do things the way that I do them. This is why I feel I am at my very best now than I have ever been.
Phases Of Fetishes Through Our Lives…
The persistent offenders who once loved having their detention or whatever the role play will call it to give them maximum enjoyment may have loved a hard caning back in the day by soft mistress. Times have changed in the industry and your taste in punishment. To find a mistress who really is a pure dominant mistress that lives her career 24/7 is hard to come these days. Many are escort mistresses or part-time mistresses who will do anything if you pay them. Then afterward come out of the so-called stern-looking role-play and go back to the ‘yes wifey’ at the kitchen sink. Sorry to say that but a lot of the time it’s true. When the client changes through his life they have to either stay with a mistress who totally understands the phases he is going through (20’s, 30’s, 40’s, etc) or change mistresses and find a new one and start again. What turns you on in your 20’s won’t turn you on in your 50’s.
Why Your Fetishes Change Over The Years…
If you are completely healthy then it may apply to you or it may not. As the years pass your interests change to a point where you become a lot more curious. Sex is not doing it for you and you need to find your inner kinky self and fulfill the ?’s you have next to a lot of your imaginary fantasies that have been kept locked in the kinky part of your brain. It’s been there forever and a day but you have been frightened to unlock it because of who you are with or the particular time in your life is not the right time. So until you meet that right mistress it will not trigger you to unlock it or change your desired fetishes.
I will leave you with that thought…
So if this blog has awakened any thoughts that you have kept locked in your kinky part of your brain CONTACT ME and let’s see if we can arrive at a conclusion that you are happy with or start a journey that will make you a better person to continue your future with…
Wednesday 15th December 2021
Blog No.153/ Blogmas No.15
When you first looked at my social media and saw Oral in the title I bet you thought that I would be talking about the obvious…well your wrong. Oral can be in all sorts of methods What I am going to be talking about is Oral domination/verbal domination.
All Kinds Of Methods…

Therapy With A Silky But Wicked Twist…
When you look at a blog and it speaks of domination that is orally brought you It can be as the mistress is telling you or you answering the mistress’s questions on subjects she wants to know about you.
Many clients contact me because they like the therapy side of the session. It may be a whole session of therapy or partial depending on how the conversation goes. Talking about experiences and what they would like to experience can solve many problems that you may not know that is taking part in your everyday life.
To Bring It To Reality Or Not...
I have had bookings where the client requests to talk about their fantasy as if he would like to bring it to reality but in reality, he doesn’t want to. Its the fact that he is frightened that it will not meet his expectations. If the fantasy has been just that for a long time it’s better to just talk about it or keep it to yourself and then if you want to change it around eg: a male leading role instead of a female leading role hen that is your prerogative. If it doesn’t work out in the way you expecting then you only have yourself to blame.
To Talk Your Arousal to Boiling Point…

I Can Speak To You Without Talking…
Hearing certain words being put together by a person that you are attracted to in whichever way you are can be part of the turn-on process. She may have a way of pronouncing sexual words or encouragement that just make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. Maybe she has a way of making a plain and maybe boring story sound as if you are the one it’s about. either way, you can not stay away. a phone call, video call, or going to visit her, you need to hear her soft voice dominate your whole body.
A strategy has occurred in your life without you realizing it. From the moment arrange to hear her voice again your body goes through an overtaking feeling of excitement that you don’t feel like this with anyone else. You sit and think and ask yourself the question “why her? Why does she rule my world with the silky words that roll off that wicked tongue she has?” You can never answer your question and because of that, you accept that you are bound to her for however long she will have you.
Build up to a very traumatic situation…
So when you have arranged a date and time you then have the seconds, minutes, hours, and days in between to consolidate what and how you will enjoy the time she has spared for you out of her busy schedule.
Life is not so easy after a session…

Careful With Your Choice Of Words…
The come-down after a session lasts for days. You hear nothing but her voice as your imaginary mistress that is with you everywhere you go. A bit like the angel and the devil that you have sitting on your shoulders 24/7. Although she is your angel and devil enticing your good side and naughty bad side at such inappropriate times of your everyday lifestyle.
A Female that intrigues your Curiosity…
“The domination that spills from her mind can only be from years of experience,” you say to yourself as your driving to work, when you should be concentrating on your day ahead of you. The words from her vocabulary entice the male brain cell in a way that takes over his way of thinking to a certain point that after a session he can not think of anything else but her.
You did not know that the first time you called her that she would real you in on her every word. She took you by surprise because she was so pleasant and so wicked at the same time. Just what you like and you know it.
Contact Me…
So, I dare you to CONTACT ME and let me know your request. Be prepared for temperatures to rise with my silk soft wicked ways.
Take care my sweet and you stay safe or else…
Monday 14th December 2021
Blog No.152/ Blogmas No.14
Now I had trouble finding a fetish for the letter N. I have been getting fans to ask about hairdressing topics that I can blog about so all I could really find was the word Neck. This would also include some hairdressing terminology as in the nape of the neck etc.
The human body Is A Fetish on It Own…

Officer Lucy – Short Back And Tidy Nape
I understand that any part of the human body has a fetish attached to it. Including knees but that’s a K. When I first was aware that the neck became a fetish was when I started in the industry 14 years ago. Things developed on my need for fetish knowledge and so I looked more into it.
The Neck Is So Sensitive…
The neck has so many sensitive and arouse mechanisms in it that there is too many to count. To touch or go anywhere near it and it can set the hormones and endorphins to make amazing feelings rush through your whole body.
The Nape Of The Neck…
The hair on the nape area (back of the head near the neck) if brushed in a certain way can give you a feel-good factor or a really good feel-good factor.

Short and tidy Hair. neat Nape
Some characteristics of hair growth at the nape area can look very interesting to a neck/hair lover. Just the feel of it when they touch the short hairs can set off arousal emotions on them let alone on the person that hair they are touching.
Visually Satisfying…
Too many hair lovers if the nape is not trimmed and neatly visual then they are not interested in that particular person. Everyone has their own preferences. If hair is cut in a short or long style you have to remember it grows. Which is the beauty of it as then we can have a different hairstyle every time if we wish.
Qualified Hairdresser (30 Years)…
If you an interested in the hairdressing fetish then CONTACT ME and we can talk more about your requirements.
Monday 13th December 2021
Blog No.151/ Blogmas No.13
To many, a massage can mean one of two things, a seedy happy ending massage down the local parlor or a regular above board massage in the beauty salon.
Understanding Massage…

Mistress Lucy’s BDSM Massage
Little do people understand about massage that it can be an inner or out-of-body experience if performed by the right therapist. The therapist can be anyone that can do massage to a professional standard. Even if she be a mistress or dominatrix.
Connection Between The Two People Involved…
The connection between the two people involved should have an understanding before the session starts. Boundaries are different for each person. One may require a straight forward massage with no ending and another may be requiring a tantric massage where the sensitivity starts from the first time the therapist will lay her hands on you. You do not want to get the two mixed up for fear of offending the client.
Anyone Can Try Massage…
Anyone can try massaging their partner that they are with but whether they are any good or not, is the question. If you do not enjoy what you are doing then it will show within the movements of your hands. This is one activity, amongst many others that will show your lack of interaction or love of the interaction immediately you lay your hands on the partner/client.
Improve On Your Skills…

Mistress Lucy’s BDSM Massage
To either ask for help or do classes on massage is a definite benefit if you are wanting to impress your loved one. It could become part of your job or what you are doing now if you want it to.
I have definitely found it is a big benefit in the services that I offer. It has taught me how to tell the difference between a soft and heavy-handed touch. If you are requiring a soft and heavy-handed touch laid on your hard-worked body then CONTACT ME and we can discuss your requirements.
Do Not Offend Me Before Reading…
Please read my fetish list before letting me know your requirements as you don’t want to offend me before we have even had any communication.
For those who don’t comprehend what I have just said it means… For all you seedy-minded guys that think it’s a massage with a quickie as an end result, it is not as I DO NOT OFFER PERSONAL SERVICES.
I will look forward to any of the polite and well-mannered gentlemen reading this blogmas.
Sunday 12th December 2021
Blog No.150/ Blogmas No.12
With the way the world has progressed to this present day, to meet a partner to have fun with can be frightening to many people. So this fetish today is very surreal or strange or both to some people and yet the ideal solution to happiness to others. “nd best will do some may say.
You’ve Guessed It…

Red and Fiery, Gorgeous
From the title, you have guessed what I am talking about. Mainly in Asia, they make life-size dolls of all shapes and sizes. Many shopping websites use them for modeling without anyone knowing. As many would say “They are the future. Just like robots”.
Fascination At First Sight…
I saw an article online about a certain company that I will not name as the dolls here horrendous. I sat and stared and thought how ridiculous they looked. Months after that I was still hooked on this topic and continued to do my homework on the many companies that boasted how beautiful and realistic their dolls were.
Being Drawn Into A Topic I know Little About…
After reading multiple amounts of reviews I was swaying to the idea of maybe purchasing one to see if the content that these websites were writing about was true.
At the time I was thinking of starting my 2nd website and thought maybe she would come in handy to dress up and advertise the items that I will be selling. Also if I decided to do a photoshoot at 2 am then she would be here to do so instead of calling my friend to visit me to help me.
Have I Found The Right One…
I decided on a particular website to concentrate all my homework on as they had the best-looking girls and some of the shapes and sizes were very realistic.
Build Your Own Female…
The one thing that really fascinated me was that you could customize her. Height, eye colour, face look, breast shape, cock/vagina attachment or built-in, slim or curvy or both, larger curvy shape with a large bottom it was endless what you could order her to look like.
Experiment About to Commence…
I eventually decided that I would order one for an experiment.

Perfect Hair Model
When I had chosen my desired shape of female I sat there hovering on the payment button for about 5 minutes.
All these things were going through my head of what she really would look like and be like. Is it a con or not!!!. That is why I hesitated for around 6 months to really think about it.
Payment With My Anxiety…
After I had checked everything to make sure I was happy with it I closed my eyes and finally click the button.
A wave of anxiety came over me as to whether I had made the right decision or not. When I had calmed down I thought “oh well it’s paid for now, just have to wait for it to arrive”.
Cost For Quality…
The cost was not cheap but it was not that expensive either compared to what you can pay for them. The extra requirements and the cost of the doll were separately charged as it was shown on the invoice.
That was a bit of a shock but I didn’t want her turning up looking like a frog with lipstick so I agreed to pay for (hopefully) quality.
Delivery Updates…
The delivery was with UPS couriers. They were very good at informing me about every stage of where the package was and how long it would be before it was with me.
One other cost that was unexpected was a customs charge. It was a fairly heavy package as she weighed exactly the same as a human being. I did think “shit I hope there’s not a human being in the box”.
Now I Wait…

Red and Lacy, Very Sexy
It was around 5 weeks that I had to wait (probably a week to make her and 4 weeks to post her to me at the rate of the international postage these days).
When I had an email to say what day the package would arrive I decided to clear a cupboard out for her as I ordered the hanging support to keep her looking brand new for as long as possible.
As she is made out of TPE (flesh-like material) if you lay her down for too long she will mis-shape EG: flat bottom or dented breasts and no likes a dent breast now do they!! T
The Day She Arrives…
When I saw the UPS van pull up outside my house I felt anticipation but also excited to see if the company I bought her from really was what they say it was.
The guy pulled the box out from the back of the van and hoisted it up onto his shoulder. “ok” I thought “it’s not that heavy”. Little did I know.
Humorous Delivery Guy…
When he put it inside my door he laid it flat on the floor and commented about a dead body being in there as a joke. I looked at him sheepishly and said “I bloody hope not” as he walked away down my pathway to his van.
It took me about 30 minutes before I had the courage to open the box. I don’t know what I was expecting her to turn up looking like but it looked like a coffin.
Opening The Box To See What I really Had ordered…

Suspenders and lace ooh very nice
As I slide the scissors down the middle of the brown taped seal I was careful not to push it in too far as to catch her TPE flesh. That would be great to mark her when I haven’t even got her out of the box yet.
When I flipped open the 2 side flaps of the box I slowly looked inside to see what I would find. Half-heartedly thinking something was going to move or jump out at me.
Is It Moving Or Not…
The item was wrapped in a yellow cloth so I couldn’t initially see anything at first. So I moved a little bit of the cloth aside so I could see her for sure.
“Ok,” I thought relieved that it didn’t move. I began to finally unwrap from the top of the box so I could see all of her. “Jesus,” I said as I saw her head was apart from her body. I laughed with a nervous jitter as it looked like a decapitated human body at first sight.
Fake Flesh Or Realistic…
I had to touch her to make sure she was a TPE doll and not a decapitated body. It was fine she was a doll but a bloody realistic one. I had to get her out of the box and upstairs to where she will be residing for however long I needed her. She was very heavy, 30kgs that felt like 100kgs when you dont go to the gym anymore. That was a task and a half.
Now It wasn’t as if she came in 6 parts with her head, arms, and legs where separate. She came in 2 pieces. Her head and the rest of her torso.
It then dawned on me how the delivery guy must have been a bodybuilder. or something to carry her so easily.
Ideal House Mate…

Pinky and Perky
When I finally got her into place and sat her in the barber’s chair, I sat on the settee and pondered for 15 minutes. I had to now accept that I have a housemate that won’t speak back to me. Fantastic I laughed.
My Conclusion…
I am going to give you a very honest opinion. This is why I have waited until now to do this…
After having her here for 12 months and using her for many photoshoots, I feel that yes she is worth it, and I’m glad I ordered her.
If I Was To Buy Another…
If I was to buy another then I would go for more of a harder silicone and better wearing. She would not be realistic to the touch with harder silicone but I am not looking for that. It’s just the look I want.
TPE marks and bruises very easily. The reason being is when she is lifted because the weight of the metal skeleton it puts pressure on the TPE material and moves it/marks it. Hence leaving the bruise-like marks.
If you are wanting her for a hands and feet fetish, then forget it. Those are two places that she is not pretty in and they don’t wear well. I’m just being honest as I mentioned.
Also, she is very cold to the touch. It mentions in the handbook that you can submerge her from collar bone down in warm water to heat her up to a human temperature. This is only if you do not have any cuts or splits in the TPE below the collar to the toes. If so you when water touches the
skeleton it will rust.
So as you see from the photos I have attached in this blog, she is very realistic for photographing but in person, she is not a substitute for a warm human being.
Final Notes…
I would say if you want to try something like this for yourself take these points into consideration first of all…
What do you want her for? Photographing or sexual needs.
How often are you going to be using her? Moving her from her hook or using her when she is in the supported hanging position.
Are you going to be moving her around a lot? This depends on whether TPE or silicone is going to be best for you.
What type of build and height are you interested in?
The weight of the doll? Taller and thicker curves mean she will be much heavier than a short 4 ft, smaller chest, slim build female.
If you are a gym user then the weight won’t matter to you but to someone like me, it was a struggle sometimes to get onto the hook in the cupboard. The hook from her neck is so it will give her even support and will be less chance of mishappening her body parts.
Extra Information if needed…
If you need any help on this fetish topic then CONTACT ME and we can converse more about it.
Saturday 11th December 2021
Blog No.149/ Blogmas No.11
If I was to ask you what fetish would you pick for the letter K, What would you say? I have looked for as many as I can find. I am not going to tell you what the meanings are. That is your homework if you are really interested. Some of them are very normal…normal as can be anyway.
Here are the 7 that I found…
I did find knives being a fetish also but that one I do not play with at all. So which one do you think I choose to blog about for day 11 of blogmas?
Most Interesting…
I found that knismolagnis was the most fascinating. I can not tolerate this done to me. as I am sensitive all over. Yes, you have guessed it it’s Tickling.
I have taken tickle torture sessions for years and every one of the bookings has been different.

A Perfect Position for Tickle Torture
The reason I say this is because if I have the same client come back to me for a repeat session because he loved it the last time.
You are not to react the same every time. your sensitivity is ruled by what type of day week or month you have had. If work or home life has been getting to you it can affect how locked in you are to your imagination and fetish subspace at the particular moment.
At the beginning of every session in front of the client, turn down the sound on my phone to nothing. I do this to hopefully give a sign to my client to do the same thing.
This is because if their phone goes off in the middle of the session it distracts their concentration. I like to give a quality session and when they are distracted it can end the urge to be tickled.
Mistress Lucy’s Technics…
I have many technics to break through the tickle zone in certain areas of the body. Some people aren’t ticklish but the clients that request to have an actual tickle session are and very much so.
I will not go into how I conduct my session but for clients that play hard to get in certain zones, they are the more interesting bookings. I love a challenge.
Are you brave enough to partake?…
So for anyone that is willing to challenge me CONTACT ME and we can converse further
Friday 10th December 2021
Blog No.148/ Blogmas No.10
How time flies when you having fun. Welcome to day 10 of Blogmas. What would you say a fetish is for the letter J? As far as I can think of there isn’t a specific one. Apart from Japanese Rope Art/Torture or a fetish that is a popular one that has a different name to it.
What is Judicial Punishment?…
Judicial Corporal Punishment is a little like corporal punishment but ordered by the law. It was a law in many countries at one point but not so much now.
It can be found to continue in British colonies and Muslim-majority states. I will not go into which actual countries as that could be a controversial topic.
Fantasy / RolePlay…
Roleplay on this fetish is quite popular. I have clients making up fantasies of being sentenced by the court of law to visit me for a punishment they will never forget. With this, I tend to mix a few frightening mind games into it to make it a bit more realistic.
I have a policewoman outfit with a white shirt (with lapels and badges etc) and black tie black skirt and very unattractive flat black tie-up shoes. This is matched with thick black tights. This sets the scene when I answer my front door. Sometimes I am requested to have just office attire because of what they see in their fantasy. entails.
Either way, it does not make any difference to the punishment I will give them but it does to the client who requested this roleplay.
Open-minded Mistress…
I am a very open-minded mistress and as long as it has nothing to do with sexual acts with underage or animals I will listen to what you are requesting. Whether I say yes to the scenario, I do not know that answer until I have heard your fantasy.
Contact Me…
If you have a unique fantasy that you would like to act out at a place you and I will only know about then CONTACT ME and we can converse more on your request.
Take care in all you do, Stay safe and talk soon in the next blogmas.
Thursday 9th December 2021
Blog No.147/ Blogmas No.9
Today’s fetish letter was a difficult one. All I could think of was isolation. This could also be known as subspace. This is brief and to the point blogmas today as it is testing on the brain as to what to write about without repeating myself too many times.
The meaning can be in many ways…
Isolation can mean many things but it depends on how a person’s mind works. To me, it means
being hooded and taken out of reality so you be in your fantasy world. Isolated from everyone and everything.
It’s a bit like confinement or incarceration which again can mean ‘Confined in a cage for your
punishment’ or incarcerate you for a period of time for you to repent your sins’.
In BDSM there are many ways to demonstrate the meaning of isolation but my favorite is ‘Isolate your mind from reality so you can float away into your fantasy world of no judgment’.
So if you would like to be taken to your isolated fantasy world CONTACT ME and we can converse more on your request.
Wednesday 8th December 2021
Blog No.146/ Blogmas No.8
Wow, This one was a test between Humiliation, hoods, hooks yes I know that they all come under BDSM but if you have an interest in one particular thing then that becomes an individual niche/fetish for you.
One Of My Favourite Fetishes…
Now as I have been in the industry a long time I have a fetish for all of them in totally different ways but I did pick Hooks as my favorite out of the 3 choices.
It’s because they are different. Not everyone likes them but they can be used in so many different ways.
Just because they look gruesome doesn’t mean they have to be. Although you see in the image in this blog this is a mouth hook and nose hook.
If someone wants to be restricted in a way of speech deprivation these little beauties are perfect for that job.
As we are at the height of the pandemic (unfortunately) I have not had the opportunity to use them as much (due to hygienic values). I am always very tip-top on hygiene and cleaning all my equipment (in boiling water etc as guidelines tell me to) but because viruses can be carried from one to the next I always like you to have your own implements.
If you have been to visit me or would like to become a regular client and have these implements involved in your session you will need to arrange with me to have your own.
This is quite simple. If you pay for them in advance I will order them for you and they will be here for you for your next appointment.
I have a few clients that have already done this and I keep your things separate in a box or bag (depending on how much you have) so that it is safe and clean away from other clients’ things.
The other option is that you bring the items with you to each session. Either option, I am fine with it.
Other Options How To Use Hooks…
I have recently had hooks installed in my ceiling in my Dungeon/BDSM Room. This is for the leather
swing that I use for suspension sessions. I have also found that the hook in the ceiling doesn’t only have to be for that.
It can be for restricting subs that like to be punished with suspension, even full weight off the floor. This could mean Japanese Rope Art but that’s a different fetish to talk about another time.
As long as you are under 20 stone (that’s the ceiling hooks capacity) then you can be suspended in whatever position I care to put you in. Depending on your health obviously. So as you see Hooks arent that unfriendly as people think they are.
If you have a hook or suspension fetish and would like to pursue it further then CONTACT ME and we can talk more about your requirement.
Tuesday 7th December 2021
Blog No.145/ Blogmas No.7
Being told not to speak is not good enough for some people so an item needs to be used to gag them so they won’t make a sound. To many, this is thrilling and exciting but to others, the thought of having something pushed in their mouth with a material or leather, etc strap tied around their head would be a form of torture they would not like to put into reality
Types Of Gags…
There are many types of gags in all materials that can be used as a mild form of pleasure or if you a masochist then the experience could go as wild as extreme. If your pain threshold is on a high level then the gags can have things attached to them EG: cock gag, Ball gag.
Care With Use…
The Mistress/Master who is conducting a session when using gags has to know the health status of the client. If they have trouble with breathing, heart problems, or suffer from claustrophobia will not like gags. They are clients that you need to be sympathetic with and eventually you will come to a conclusion of something similar to what they do like. Gags can be fun if used in the right way with the right people.
If you have a fetish that involves gags and breathe play then do CONTACT ME and we can discuss it further.
Take care in all you do and stay safe. Talk again in the next blogmas tomorrow.