Friday 17th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.48.
I would like to mention as this will include other topics that I blog about in the future.
Some topics will be hard to find images for, such as this topic or the person I have included in the blog I have not had permission to use their photography.
So if you see that I have not added any images please use your imagination as you read through the content.
Thank you for your time…
Everyone’s pain threshold is different as we are all individuals. The world would be boring if we all were the same.
When anyone is introduced to the world of BDSM depending on who is your first mistress, it all depends on how your vision begins.
We all grow with experience and follow the road that turns us on. As if you find out you don’t like a certain thing you’re not going to want to re-enact it again.
On a first time appointment, I always ask what they like and dislike even though they have let me know beforehand. It’s nicer to talk face to face at the start of a booking, it calms your nerves.
Also, your views on what you would like to experience on that day may differ from when you emailed or text me your requirements.
Poppers react to the individual completely different. It can relax one person and then again it can make another using the same brand a sissy girly way.
I prefer a client to be natural if they are experiencing pleasurable pain. As the poppers can mask the realistic uncomfortableness and then when the enhancer wears off your left with an uncomfortable pain for days afterward.
If your natural then your feeling is fully open to your mind and you know how to guide it for no irregular discomfort afterward.
The choice is totally up to you but as long you have no abnormal side effects then I don’t mind you bringing them with you.
I never have them for you during the session as I don’t want the blame for any allergic reaction.
If you would like to have a session of topic with me then contact me and we can converse further…
Daily Blog Extra
If you require me to be the topic of your project or to join other like-minded individuals in photography or video shoots then I will accept but only with my rules.
1. I DO NOT perform any sexual activities apart from hand relief or genital play. That is giving and NEVER receiving (just so you understand).
2. I am clothed at all times. In whatever outfit that I agree to be in. (not lingerie, ONLY full outfits)
3. If you are requesting that I travel it is classed as an outcall tribute fee and all travel expenses will be paid extra to my advertised rate.
4. If you are requesting to come to my studio to have the photography or video shoot to take place there will be a £300 charge on top of the incall tribute rate.
5. I DO NOT collaborate in any way when it comes to me being the subject. I have been stitched over (as some would like to title it) a few times in my inexperienced days and it will not happen again.
These rules are guidelines for your request. All depending on what you want and whether you want rights to the footage that you take is dependant on the end total charge.
I am not an escort who is doing this for a cheap thrill and extra money. I am an experienced mistress that my time costs and if you require my time and fetish modeling experience then you will have to pay for it.
So contact me after you have looked at my tribute rates on the contact page and on that page, there is a contact form you can email me your request.
I will look forward to hearing from you…
Daily Blog Extra
Firstly thank you for taking the time to look at this Daily Blog Extra of my website.
I have been in fetish photography for some time but only recently decided to take that next step and look for something a bit different and unique.
So if you are or know of anyone that is 4 ft and under in height then please contact me and we can converse more on the topic.
I am looking for mild to extreme topics but only fetishes that you are comfortable with. Everything is done with your concent and it is a collaboration between you and me.
It can be a one on one meeting or it can involve other like-minded people or the same as.
I am totally open-minded and your happiness is my top priority.
Any other types of individuals that I am looking for I will add to this section but if you think you are of a different nature then do contact me and I will see what I am looking for at that particular time.
I am not looking to do pornographic photo or video shoots but fetish shoots that are specific niche orientated.
This is not a get rich quick arrangement but it can help your business in the long run.
So contact me and I will look forward to hearing from you…
Thursday 16th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.47.
DISCLAIMER: As the topic of today’s blog is of people I have not had contact with this means I have not had permission to post photography of them. So please use your imagination this time, thank you.
We are all born with defects in one or another. A lopsided finger or a 3rd nipple etc but if its a defect that is much more obvious then learn to embrace it if it is something that can not easily change.
People that have dwarfism can work for them in such a unique way it can conquer their career as well as their whole life in such a positive way.
If you learn to love the way you are put together whichever way that might be then other people will learn to love you more.
There are many actors that are successful but only of a couple that are a prime example as the first I can think of has been in many films since 1983 and even before that but my research only goes that far back.
Warwick Davis who was born in 1970 and at 50 years old has been in Harry Potter, Star Wars which are the recent films and then Labyrinth with the late great David Bowie in 1986.
Although his height is 3ft 6inches he has become a very successful man. A very famous face that when you see you would say “Where do I know him from?”.
Another well know face is Vernon Troye. We may not know these people as in their name but when you see them you will recognize them from 1 or 2 films that you may have had a great and funny experience watching them.
Vernon Troye stands at 2 ft 8 inches. He is mostly known for working alone side Mike Myers in Austin Powers – Gold Member as Mini-Me a film I really enjoyed for its slack-stick humor.
These are only a couple of the successful little people that have loved themselves for being created in such a unique and wonderful way for a very special reason. To enjoy life and entertain the way that makes them happy.
Photography and Video Extras…
If you are or know anyone that is willing and open-minded to be in mild or extreme fetish photography/videos that are under 4ft then please contact me and let me know.
Also if you are a small person who is looking for a mistress to dominate you contact me and we can converse more…
Wednesday 15th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.46.
We have to deal with what we are born with according to some people’s views. Plastic surgery can change any part of the human body apart from feet and hands
If a female has a size 8 feet and she would rather have a size 5, that is not possible. To reconstruct every bone of the foot it’s impossible.
Exactly the same as hands. We have to deal with what we are born with.
It doesn’t matter what we look like or if we have big or small hands and feet, there will always be someone out there that likes you for being you.
Hands and feet are beautiful parts of the body according to some men or women. Hands are very expressive when talking.
If you have feelings for your partner then to hold their hand is a sign of affection but to a hand kinkster hands can be much more meaningful than just a body part at the end of your arm.
The nails, length, and shape of fingers, palm of the hand, how well they are kept or even unkept nails and hands. Basically everything about hands.
Now feet are a league of their own. You can have a fetish for immaculate feet where the nails are perfectly painted and the soles of the feet are soft as the Caribbean sand or you can absolutely love the texture and feel of unkept feet with hard skin, long toenails and even what’s in between the toes.
I have had a client ask for my feet to be in my trainers with damp soaks for 3 days so he can lick my feet clean.
I obviously declined on that occasion because that can be bad for the skin for that length of time.
leave my feet for 4 weeks without pedicuring them and then when I do take the hard skin off my heels for him to lay underneath my feet and for the shavings to go in his mouth.
For one thing that is one of the most unsafe and unhygienic fetishes I have heard of and you can get all sorts of infections of the mouth that way.
I am very clean so I know he is safe with me but even still….no
So as I have mentioned kinksters love your hands and feet whatever the state they are in and even request them to be in the worst state than you can imagine them to be…
If you have a hand or foot fetish contact me and we can converse more on the topic
Monday 13th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.44.
Punishment brings back memories of your past in a way you will never forget. Some times it is hurtful punishment when it’s not your fault and other times its pleasurable punishment. This is when it turns into a fetish that you crave that feeling again and again and go back for more.
It can be a feeling of being at school and being naughty just so a teacher you fancy will take to you as an individual because you have been disrupting the piece during class time.
She calls you back after class to give you a telling off and a time to come back for detention.
In the olden days when caning or a ruler over the hands or backs of legs was aloud for the high pain threshold children, they would be naughty just so they could feel the sting of the cane etc on across the palm of their hand.
If they had been very naughty they would be invited to the headmistresses office for a bottom caning that may only be 5 strikes of the thin long implement but the sting that it would produce would stay with you for days.
Punishment is all in the mind.
When someone tells you that you have done something wrong that is only what they interpret as being wrong.
To you, you misbehave because you want to have that sting in your cheeks feeling again like you did when the whip caressed your bare skin with Venum in its vicious tongues
That feeling that lasted longer than the moment it happens so you can re-en-act that precise moment in your head over and over again.
Punishment is an addiction in a way that you will only understand because every reason is unique to the individual.
If this topic is one of your fetishes do contact me to talk it over more about putting it into reality…..
Sunday 12th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.43.
There are many types of women in this world that are very happy in their own skin.
As the media says “A female should look like this and do it like that” but it’s not an everyone’s opinion of what a woman should be like.
What your reading is the views of the reporter who put the article together. Its what he/she thinks in their mind what a female should be like.
I am only talking from what I feel like on this topic. So please don’t take any of the following statements to be against anyone.
I am a very independent and dominant female. Whatever stage of my life I have been in I have always put my look together on the basis of what I have felt like at that present moment.
I do have my girlie moments when I choose to put a dress or a skirt with a feminine blouse and heels but I’m still me underneath it all.
Some ladies feel more comfortable in trousers or jeans and like to look more on the masculine side but this doesn’t mean they are butch, lesbian, bisexual or gay. Whatever you want to call it.
Now, look at me…to anyone that doesn’t know me they would firstly judge my appearance and assume what they think I sexually am in their eyes.
Very short hair, masculine features, No makeup, non-feminine outfits (not like a sexy, girlie, female is interpreted EG: Pinup girl or Escort)
Now you would be wrong. I am very straight with no tendencies towards women.
I may look at a woman in a nice outfit and admire her but that is it.
I have a male partner that I have been with for 9, coming up for 10 years. He likes me the way I am because I am genuine and not fake in my nature.
I am not saying this to put a point across but to really mention that no one should judge anyone before you know all the facts about them.
Just because a female likes the basics of life doesn’t mean she bats for the other team. I say this in the nicest possible way with a comical twist to my manner to make this topic light-hearted.
So let’s all appreciate all walks of life and treat them as equals as we are all human beings just like the next person…
Saturday 11th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.42.
Over the past year, I have decided to cut my own hair because I have not found a hairdresser competent enough to please me. In this time I have been able to design what I think is a style that suits my hair type and face/head shape.
It’s taken me a few haircuts to find what I am happy with but I think I am finally there.
My style is a basic clipper cut, contouring from NO.1. to NO.8. guard. We all have different skull shapes unique to the individual which unfortunately some hairstyles doesn’t look as good with some shape heads as others.
I have developed a bony head with my weight loss and change of eating recently. I have got to accept that I won’t get the smoother no.1. blend silhouette as I would have had years ago.
Oh well, That’s life. That’s what happens when growing older but I’m still happy.
I have to be in the mood to cut my hair otherwise I don’t feel that the outcome is what I particularly like and aim for.
So as you can see from the photographs that I woke up in the mood to go that bit shorter this time.
The reason being is that when my hair gets to a certain length when I wake and my crown sticks up, it lays very strange at times.
So the only way to sort it out is to have a shower which I love to do every morning but it then plants that seeds in my mind that I need a haircut very soon.
This firstly happened yesterday morning when I greeted the postman by not having the chance to looking at myself before answering the door to him.
He probably didn’t notice but I sure did when I went to check after I closed the front door.
Also lately I have been looking out for some different hairdressing capes, to my disappointment I have not found anything but the normal production line cotton, cheap nasty looking plastic or children’s capes.
So as I mentioned in a previous blog that I have bought a sewing machine with vouchers that had been tributed to me on amazon.
So last night I started on my first design of BDSM, hairdressing, Fetish Capes. Although I didn’t need to use the sewing machine for what I wanted to do. At least it was a start.
Now I haven’t seen anything like this online or anywhere as I have been looking for a while now. So, as far as I know, this is my unique design and there will be more from where that came from in the near future.
Whatever material I can make into a cape and whatever I can attach to it to make it fetish I will give it a jolly good go and I won’t give up till I succeed.
What you see me wearing when I cut my hair today is my first attempt at this design but as I make many more I will get better and the end result will be more to what I really want and at a satisfactory standard. I do have high standards in a lot of things.
So keep watching this space for more weird and wonderful Fetish items.
If you would like an experience in my BDSM Hairdressing Salon contact me and we can converse more about the topic.
Friday 10th January
Daily Blog Extra
Everyone likes to be touched in one way or another but not everyone likes to be tickled. It is an acquired feeling and like marmite, you either love it or hate it.
This is a difficult topic to find a photograph for. So please use your imagination to imagine what it would feel like to be tickled while you read through my blog.
This is a known fetish where individuals long to be tickled to the extreme sense of laughter.
Touching on the sensitive parts of their body gently at first and building up to a feeling of extreme hilariousness and maybe even wetting themselves a little or a lot.
If tickled in the same area for too long your body gets used to the feeling and after a while, it is not ticklish and you become immune to the touch.
To change frequently to different parts of the body keeps the tickle sensation much more alive but do be careful where you tickle as it can trigger a fitting sensation on rare occasions.
Although, tickling yourself is impossible because the brain is too clever. The brain will not tell your body part that you’re going to tickle yourself but if someone else is tickling you you won’t know where and when it is going to happen.
So then when it happens the brain will send that trigger to tell you to react in a certain way.
Now touching a body part EG: the back can be very sensitive. When giving a massage to your partner, running your hands of the area can turn into tickling without you even trying.
If they are extra relaxed then their nerve ends can be brought closer to the surface of their skin which will make them much more sensitive to your touch.
So whoever your touching and teasing be kind to them as without you realising it can turn into a tickle in a split second.
The body is an amazing but comic thing sometimes but very enjoyable if you’re in the right frame of mind.
If you are interested in a tickle torture or massage session contact me and we can converse more on the topic…
Wednesday 8th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.39.
There are so many reasons why men and women have breasts. The reason men have undeveloped breasts and only nipples are because we are all developed in our mother’s wombs that way. We are all born with nipples.
Women’s breast grow more than mens because we have the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Men do produce a small amount of estrogen but not as much as women.
That is why we increase breast growth through our younger years, up to our late teens
Nowadays the culture of transgender beings is brought more to our notice than back in the day.
This has helped men who have tendencies to like dressing in women’s clothing to be more open with their thoughts than hiding and be a closet kinkster.
A good percentage of guys make amazing looking females because they don’t have female cellulite which can be a big hindrance to us ladies when sculpting ourselves to the shape we dream about.
Having breasts helps with the hourglass curve of a media produced woman.
We should all be happy with what we were born with but we never are. The media are at fault with this because they stereotype the ideal womanly shape when really a female can look fantastic whatever her shape may be like.
For example, if a female has a small frame and develops A cup breasts through puberty then that is what her body is telling her she should make look good.
Yes, we can put implant/chicken fillets (as they are comically called sometimes) to boost our shape in a nice top but why are we doing that?
To impress who? If your doing it for the opposite sex then eventually when you do sleep together they are going to find out your true size or be very shocked when they go to feel your breast and it comes away in their hand.
What’s more traumatic for your new partner? Seeing you in your contented way because you’re not worrying if one chicken fillet is high than the other or be as fake as possible and being a major disappointment and never having a 2nd date with anyone?
Your choice……
Now If it’s for playtime or you have decided to change sex then fake implants and padding is a must.
The person you will be meeting will know that you are a part-time TV and will obviously know that your breasts arent real as you have a day job as a manly man lorry driver. So chicken implants is the only option.
When dressing up in playtime it can be equally as convincing if put together correctly.
I tend to think when men dress men up as women they lose that feminine touch that only a woman know-how to.
As in how to put make-up on, what goes together with what in an outfit, different shades of colours and the condition of your wig and how it is put on.
Also when a guy dresses as a female they have to remember to shave everywhere. That is what gives it away sometimes.
To vanilla men breasts on a woman are just for playing with in a sexual act apart from feeding their offspring.
So breasts are great in all ways whatever size you have
If you would like to have a male to female transformation session contact me and we can converse a little more….