Friday 14th February 2020
Daily Blog NO.76.
We are all born with a certain amount of hair all over our bodies. Then as we get older it grows to what our bodies require it to.
A lot of the time women are battling their body hair as the media says females should be hair free and smooth…but who makes this ruling?
A few years ago Julia Roberts gave up shave, waxing or whatever she did to her armpits and wore a red sleeveless dress to the Notting Hill Premier opening in 1999.
She is mostly known for her acting career but also this moment in history. I typed into google, actress with hairy armpits and Julia Roberts was first on the list.
Why is society so against hairy females? It is a very natural thing that happens to us all so why do a good percentage of us dislike it on a woman and in general.
I’m a hairdresser (if you hadn’t realized already lol) I love controlling, styling and manipulating it on the head but I am not a fan of it on my body.
I will in the winter grow it a bit when it gets to a certain length it feels unclean (even though I shower 1-2 times a day) to be clear of it completely feels much more hygenic.
This is why I say to a good majority of my clients. Male grooming is a common thing these days. To be completely waxed/shaved or partially waxed/shaved is up to the individual.
Say example you drop something that you’re eating on your chest hair if you are sitting there shirtless or shirt open. To clean up a substance is much harder to do in a hairy area than a trimmed or hair-free area.
Also the same in your manly area. Another reason also if you are looking to extend length (individual personal preference only) then trimming back the bush adds instant length.
Being that this is valentines day I should have mentioned this a couple of blogs ago so you be ready to woo your partner/date with a couple of extra inches (even though you had that hidden away in the bush that you were keeping for many years lol).
It is not down to me to say what you should and shouldn’t do but anyone that goes commando will understand that catching your pubic hair in a zipper can be very eye-watering painful (unlike the film ‘Something about Mary’, scrotum skin caught in the zipper) hilarious film but even I cringed at that moment and I don’t have a scrotum (well I didn’t the last time I looked lol)
So although hair is there for a reason (to keep germs out of orifices) personal preference is always a must to feel comfortable with yourself.
If you are requiring a body grooming session contact me and we can converse more on the topic.
I will look forward to hearing from all you neanderthal men or very hairy women lol
Tuesday11th February 2020
Daily Blog NO.73.
Why when there are so many nice flavors in the world that we choose to taste our on bodily liquids?
Is it because it’s forbidden in normal society or is it because we do it because we can. It’s because it’s our own and we can do what we wish with it.
So then why is it we want to taste other peoples. Total strangers that we have never met before. Who we have to trust that they are safe and clean but in the heat of the moment for some of us that goes out of our minds till after the act has been performed.
Playtimes have come along way since the year dot when everyone was doing the natural thing and making babies but nowadays we all want to see who can get the biggest butt plug in the smallest hole and cross-dressing to the opposite sex and do anything and everything that anyone can think of.
To many people tasting anything that comes from themselves or anyone else would make them instantly gag. Then there are some that would consume anything you put in front of them.
If you are controlled by a mistress then you as the client put your trust in her to abide by your rules that set out at the beginning of your journey together.
Anyone that she chooses to bring into the arrangement then she should make sure that she is confident that they are clean of anything unwelcome.
It still doesn’t answer the question of this blog… I don’t think there is an answer that is right or wrong.
We are all different and like different things, tastes, etc so as I mentioned previously every answer is correct in your own way…
I will look forward to your inquiries on this topic from all those that have strong stomachs…
Sunday 19th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.50.
Do you have a small one??????? Well if you have you may be interested in what I have for you.
S.P.H means (for those who don’t know) Small Penis Humiliation. Unfortunately, we aren’t all born with massive phalluses but trust me a big one is not every girl’s dream.
In a naughty video maybe your make loads of money but in real life, a female would more than likely run a mile if your hung like a donkey with a girth of a small person’s arm. Women aren’t that big inside.
Now don’t worry if your not of any size as there is loads of fun still to have for you. Learn to accept how your built and then life will look so much rosier.
The humiliation side of this fetish can be mild or as extreme as you require it to be but don’t take any of the humiliation personally as it is all roleplay…unless you want to then that’s down to you.
If you are comfortable with photography and video shoots I would like to hear from you as I am always looking for unique individuals.
The smaller the better in this case. I am not here to exploit you but to help you with your business or make you a side business.
So contact me and we can converse more
Saturday 18th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.49.
When an individual is thinking of the topic chastity they think of it for a reason and the reason is very personal to them.
For whatever reason they want this to happen they have to do research and homework on it before it can take place.
Chastity can be taken light-heartedly or it can be taken very seriously. It depends on your reason for proceeding with this transition.
There are many ways your can experience can take place:
Temporary Chastity – This can be mentally being told not to do something or have you pathetic member tied with a lace or silicone band and then removed at the end of the session.
Periodic Chastity – This is when you will have to purchase a chastity device yourself because it needs to fit your size relatively comfortable for the time you are locked in it.
Long term Chastity – Now this has to be taken much more seriously because long term can mean 1 month to much longer. Depending on what your mistress whats to do.
Permanent Chastity – This should not be taken light-heartedly because this is life-changing.
The Permanent chastity can go to the extreme leaves of castration (in human terms is vasectomy or hysterectomy). Depending on how you look at it.
Many couples make a decision to stay loyal to each other and so make a pac between them and their love will keep that pac in place.
As in others will do something physical as in apply chastity with a device. Male and female chastity devices are obviously different and they are out on the market to purchase.
A different type of chastity that is extremely permanent is Castration. It can be performed at the doctors/hospital in a day surgery appointment.
Like animals, a couple of snips and jobs down but it needs to be done by a professional. Other ways are like the sheep, elastic band around the testicles and leave it there until they drop off.
A painful way but if it means no more lambs then it has to be done.
I am not saying I will castrate you but if you would like a chastity session contact me and we can converse some more…
Friday 17th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.48.
I would like to mention as this will include other topics that I blog about in the future.
Some topics will be hard to find images for, such as this topic or the person I have included in the blog I have not had permission to use their photography.
So if you see that I have not added any images please use your imagination as you read through the content.
Thank you for your time…
Everyone’s pain threshold is different as we are all individuals. The world would be boring if we all were the same.
When anyone is introduced to the world of BDSM depending on who is your first mistress, it all depends on how your vision begins.
We all grow with experience and follow the road that turns us on. As if you find out you don’t like a certain thing you’re not going to want to re-enact it again.
On a first time appointment, I always ask what they like and dislike even though they have let me know beforehand. It’s nicer to talk face to face at the start of a booking, it calms your nerves.
Also, your views on what you would like to experience on that day may differ from when you emailed or text me your requirements.
Poppers react to the individual completely different. It can relax one person and then again it can make another using the same brand a sissy girly way.
I prefer a client to be natural if they are experiencing pleasurable pain. As the poppers can mask the realistic uncomfortableness and then when the enhancer wears off your left with an uncomfortable pain for days afterward.
If your natural then your feeling is fully open to your mind and you know how to guide it for no irregular discomfort afterward.
The choice is totally up to you but as long you have no abnormal side effects then I don’t mind you bringing them with you.
I never have them for you during the session as I don’t want the blame for any allergic reaction.
If you would like to have a session of topic with me then contact me and we can converse further…
Wednesday 8th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.39.
There are so many reasons why men and women have breasts. The reason men have undeveloped breasts and only nipples are because we are all developed in our mother’s wombs that way. We are all born with nipples.
Women’s breast grow more than mens because we have the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Men do produce a small amount of estrogen but not as much as women.
That is why we increase breast growth through our younger years, up to our late teens
Nowadays the culture of transgender beings is brought more to our notice than back in the day.
This has helped men who have tendencies to like dressing in women’s clothing to be more open with their thoughts than hiding and be a closet kinkster.
A good percentage of guys make amazing looking females because they don’t have female cellulite which can be a big hindrance to us ladies when sculpting ourselves to the shape we dream about.
Having breasts helps with the hourglass curve of a media produced woman.
We should all be happy with what we were born with but we never are. The media are at fault with this because they stereotype the ideal womanly shape when really a female can look fantastic whatever her shape may be like.
For example, if a female has a small frame and develops A cup breasts through puberty then that is what her body is telling her she should make look good.
Yes, we can put implant/chicken fillets (as they are comically called sometimes) to boost our shape in a nice top but why are we doing that?
To impress who? If your doing it for the opposite sex then eventually when you do sleep together they are going to find out your true size or be very shocked when they go to feel your breast and it comes away in their hand.
What’s more traumatic for your new partner? Seeing you in your contented way because you’re not worrying if one chicken fillet is high than the other or be as fake as possible and being a major disappointment and never having a 2nd date with anyone?
Your choice……
Now If it’s for playtime or you have decided to change sex then fake implants and padding is a must.
The person you will be meeting will know that you are a part-time TV and will obviously know that your breasts arent real as you have a day job as a manly man lorry driver. So chicken implants is the only option.
When dressing up in playtime it can be equally as convincing if put together correctly.
I tend to think when men dress men up as women they lose that feminine touch that only a woman know-how to.
As in how to put make-up on, what goes together with what in an outfit, different shades of colours and the condition of your wig and how it is put on.
Also when a guy dresses as a female they have to remember to shave everywhere. That is what gives it away sometimes.
To vanilla men breasts on a woman are just for playing with in a sexual act apart from feeding their offspring.
So breasts are great in all ways whatever size you have
If you would like to have a male to female transformation session contact me and we can converse a little more….
Wednesday 8th January 2020
Daily Blog Extra
When having a once in a lifetime moment we all like to take photos to remember it from. So to all you Sisy maids and kinksters that love to wear women’s clothes to look better than ever, why not have a photo shoot.
It will include a full transformation with a natural-looking wig (many to choose from), Makeup and outfits that will make you look unrecognisable.
It is always best to let me know your chest, waist and leg measurement together with your footwear size. This is so I can make sure I have everything I need for your experience.
It also includes any photos that you would like or they can be put on my website for you to browse them whenever you want to.
I have many backdrops that can set the theme of whatever you wish.
The way I take my photos can be in a discreet way ( partial body shoots) or an open way (meaning your face is on show) but the way you will be made up you won’t have anyone recognise you.
If you have any birthmarks or tattoos you want to be hidden then it can be by clothing or theatrical makeup or camera angle.
Either way, your comfort is my top priority.
Within the time you are here, you can have a session of your choice. Whether it be BDSM or hairdressing etc the choice is yours.
For a 4 hour appointment, It will be a tribute cost of £300. If we go over time do not worry as if we are enjoying ourselves I will not mind spending more time together. Call it a girlie day of pleasure.
So if you are interested please contact me and we can discuss the finer details at our leisure…
Thursday 2nd January 2020
Daily Blog NO.33
Nowadays when it comes to any product you can buy cheap and expensive but is the quality there?
I have developed a new fetish of my own when it comes to wigs. Over the past few months, I have collected around 25 wigs of all different colours textures and styles.

Human hair lace frontal wig which can be coloured, permed and is heat resistant. Set on medium rollers and backcombed into style.
The cheaper wigs without lace are the very first ones that I purchased because of curiosity and when delivered was very disappointed but put it down to experience.
Now they have developed a new type of wig that is a reasonable price but looks expensive. Well, all depends on the wig how you style and dress it.
When i receive any wig through the post i like to wash and condition it. Maybe leave it in a plastic bag with the conditioner on it for a day or so. Some hairpieces if they are bad I have left in the conditioner for 1 week. Wow, what a difference. Much softer and the shine is lovely.
I then will detangle and blowdry it. Human hair wigs are easier to manage but fake hair wigs are more tangled and have to have more care of them.
I then look at the hair and what style it is already to what style I will cut it into.
Cutting wigs are different from cutting a human beings hair. For one, the model canvas head I have attached to my office desk is not always the same shape as the wig. So I have to physically put on the wig to guide where the ear tabs need to be and sculpt it around my shape head.
There is a difference in peoples head sizes but our ears are roughly in the same place. So I know I’m cutting them in the right place.
Its amazing how a wig can change a face shape and appearance. Just like make-up that can make you look like another person completely.
I love doing transformations, its so much fun seeing the clients face when I reveal their female persona to them.
As I have always said “Every human being has male and female tendencies in them”.
So even if a man looks very manly. He will still pass as a female when transformed. As there are a few manly looking women out there.
I don’t mention this to offend in anyway but I’m just stating the truth.
So the conclusion to this blog today is that you don’t have to go over your budget to have a beautiful wig.
I do do a wig transformation service if you have a tired-looking wig and would like it to be made over to look a million dollars (or pounds in our case).
Contact me and we can talk further. I don’t have fixed prices I just cost the job for the individual client. This can be done during a hairdressing fetish appointment.
I will look forward to hearing from you….
Monday 23rd December 2019
Postmas Blog NO.23.
As I sit here in my office at home with my array of Christmas goodies on my side plate and my vegan oat coffee I look over my emails and come across this particular one which basically asks ‘How serious are you about your career in Mistressing?’
I was a little shocked by this question as I was briefing over my emails, not fully taking anything in seriously as they were mostly junk mail from companies trying to sell me something.
So had to double back on the email and read it through again.
They wanted to know how I can take it seriously as its pathetic how men dress as women etc… “Oh dear,” I said to myself as I could see I would need to blog about this topic to put things straight with anyone else that thought this.
So just to clear this up once and for all so everyone knows what I am all about.
I am a down to earth person that doesn’t take any crap from no one but on the other hand, I am trustworthy and never judge a human being whatever their colour, creed, age or appearance.
Now if you are disrespectful to me in a very disrespectful way then that’s a different matter. My punishment to you will be personal because you have chosen it to be that way, not me.
If a guy has a fetish of dressing in silky knickers and stockings or wants to have a full transformation I will be very serious and embrace his fetish the way he requests.
Unlike some Mistresses who will take your money, titivate with you and then send you on your way on the dot when your time is up.
I am completely different…As I could make a lot more money than I do but then I would then be in the category of a conveyor belt mistress, which I definitely am not.
I concentrate on quality over quantity. I prefer to get to know you first then I am able to give you much more of a customized service.
Sorry for sounding so formal but this is the only way I know how to explain this to you without sounding shabby if you know what I mean.
I have taken many on journeys of transformations in many different fetishes. Doesn’t matter to me how mild or extreme you are, you are all welcome.
I do like to stick to one ruling though and that is my age preference of over 35 years old.
The reason being is that younger guys in my experience don’t take the fetish world seriously. To them, if they are paying for a service it has to include a partially naked or naked mistress that will perform personal services with them or to them during the time that they have booked.
I am not that type of Mistress. I turn away at least 3-4 or more phone calls or texts a day because of this.
For the amount of polite and pleasant potential and regular clients I receive, overrules the young pathetic inquiries.
As we say in the industry “It comes with the job” which is very true…
If you would like to a customized journey with a genuine, non-judgemental and down to earth mistress then i would love for you to contact me in your own convenient time.
If it is out of my hours then please email me and I will pick up my correspondence at the nearest possible time.
Saturday 21st December 2019
Postmas Blog NO.21.
To anyone that doesn’t know about corsets, they come in female as well as male versions.
A corset is worn outside the clothing and is normally a plain material either cotton, PVC, Leather or faux leather.
A basque is for under the clothing. They are lace or a prettier material that underwear is normally made of.
The reason I say they will change your life is that they will change your look as well as your stature in every way.
If you don’t have a waist that is noticeable then you definitely will with a corset or basque.
It will take away your relaxed spin and make you stand, sit and walk with much more control.
Your breathing will slightly change EG: You will be much more aware of how you are taking each breath instead of taking it for granted.
I have dressed many guys in corsets and they are astounded about how they make them feel when laced in one.
It doesn’t have to be for a male to female transformation.
It can be for fetish play or whatever you choose the reason to be.
One thing I will say is when a guy is laced in a heavily boned corset they actually say that their admiration for ladies that wear them becomes greater than before.
Knowledge is powerful and fun at the same time.
So if you fancy experiencing being laced in one of my corsets then do contact me and we can converse much more.
You never know…You don’t know if you will like it til you try it. I will look forward to your inquiries…