Wednesday 8th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.39.
There are so many reasons why men and women have breasts. The reason men have undeveloped breasts and only nipples are because we are all developed in our mother’s wombs that way. We are all born with nipples.
Women’s breast grow more than mens because we have the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Men do produce a small amount of estrogen but not as much as women.
That is why we increase breast growth through our younger years, up to our late teens
Nowadays the culture of transgender beings is brought more to our notice than back in the day.
This has helped men who have tendencies to like dressing in women’s clothing to be more open with their thoughts than hiding and be a closet kinkster.
A good percentage of guys make amazing looking females because they don’t have female cellulite which can be a big hindrance to us ladies when sculpting ourselves to the shape we dream about.
Having breasts helps with the hourglass curve of a media produced woman.
We should all be happy with what we were born with but we never are. The media are at fault with this because they stereotype the ideal womanly shape when really a female can look fantastic whatever her shape may be like.
For example, if a female has a small frame and develops A cup breasts through puberty then that is what her body is telling her she should make look good.
Yes, we can put implant/chicken fillets (as they are comically called sometimes) to boost our shape in a nice top but why are we doing that?
To impress who? If your doing it for the opposite sex then eventually when you do sleep together they are going to find out your true size or be very shocked when they go to feel your breast and it comes away in their hand.
What’s more traumatic for your new partner? Seeing you in your contented way because you’re not worrying if one chicken fillet is high than the other or be as fake as possible and being a major disappointment and never having a 2nd date with anyone?
Your choice……
Now If it’s for playtime or you have decided to change sex then fake implants and padding is a must.
The person you will be meeting will know that you are a part-time TV and will obviously know that your breasts arent real as you have a day job as a manly man lorry driver. So chicken implants is the only option.
When dressing up in playtime it can be equally as convincing if put together correctly.
I tend to think when men dress men up as women they lose that feminine touch that only a woman know-how to.
As in how to put make-up on, what goes together with what in an outfit, different shades of colours and the condition of your wig and how it is put on.
Also when a guy dresses as a female they have to remember to shave everywhere. That is what gives it away sometimes.
To vanilla men breasts on a woman are just for playing with in a sexual act apart from feeding their offspring.
So breasts are great in all ways whatever size you have
If you would like to have a male to female transformation session contact me and we can converse a little more….
Wednesday 8th January 2020
Daily Blog Extra
When having a once in a lifetime moment we all like to take photos to remember it from. So to all you Sisy maids and kinksters that love to wear women’s clothes to look better than ever, why not have a photo shoot.
It will include a full transformation with a natural-looking wig (many to choose from), Makeup and outfits that will make you look unrecognisable.
It is always best to let me know your chest, waist and leg measurement together with your footwear size. This is so I can make sure I have everything I need for your experience.
It also includes any photos that you would like or they can be put on my website for you to browse them whenever you want to.
I have many backdrops that can set the theme of whatever you wish.
The way I take my photos can be in a discreet way ( partial body shoots) or an open way (meaning your face is on show) but the way you will be made up you won’t have anyone recognise you.
If you have any birthmarks or tattoos you want to be hidden then it can be by clothing or theatrical makeup or camera angle.
Either way, your comfort is my top priority.
Within the time you are here, you can have a session of your choice. Whether it be BDSM or hairdressing etc the choice is yours.
For a 4 hour appointment, It will be a tribute cost of £300. If we go over time do not worry as if we are enjoying ourselves I will not mind spending more time together. Call it a girlie day of pleasure.
So if you are interested please contact me and we can discuss the finer details at our leisure…
Monday 6th January 2020
Daily Blog NO.37.
The hairdressing industry has been around for centuries but only if you really love something that makes you tingle inside does it become a fetish.
I never in my wildest dreams would think that it would be my most popular fetish I offer when I started mistressing.
The multitude of colours and types of materials there are to make capes out of is unreal.
This is why I have a sewing machine from a client who tributed me Amazon Gift Vouchers. I bought it because I can’t find the type of capes I’m looking for and I would prefer to design and make them myself.
Then the world is my oyster as they say. Anything that I can make a cape out of I will.
Now the same goes for aprons and hairnets. It’s only a shaped piece of material with a hem around it. So why in hells name are they so expensive!!!
Well, I don’t need to worry about that as I am going to have as many capes, aprons and hairnets as I possibly can make.
The more I make the better I get at making them. Oh, my life is getting much more fun every day that passes by…..what next!!!!!
If you have a Hairdressing fetish do contact me and we can talk more girlie fun…
Thursday 2nd January 2020
Daily Blog NO.33
Nowadays when it comes to any product you can buy cheap and expensive but is the quality there?
I have developed a new fetish of my own when it comes to wigs. Over the past few months, I have collected around 25 wigs of all different colours textures and styles.

Human hair lace frontal wig which can be coloured, permed and is heat resistant. Set on medium rollers and backcombed into style.
The cheaper wigs without lace are the very first ones that I purchased because of curiosity and when delivered was very disappointed but put it down to experience.
Now they have developed a new type of wig that is a reasonable price but looks expensive. Well, all depends on the wig how you style and dress it.
When i receive any wig through the post i like to wash and condition it. Maybe leave it in a plastic bag with the conditioner on it for a day or so. Some hairpieces if they are bad I have left in the conditioner for 1 week. Wow, what a difference. Much softer and the shine is lovely.
I then will detangle and blowdry it. Human hair wigs are easier to manage but fake hair wigs are more tangled and have to have more care of them.
I then look at the hair and what style it is already to what style I will cut it into.
Cutting wigs are different from cutting a human beings hair. For one, the model canvas head I have attached to my office desk is not always the same shape as the wig. So I have to physically put on the wig to guide where the ear tabs need to be and sculpt it around my shape head.
There is a difference in peoples head sizes but our ears are roughly in the same place. So I know I’m cutting them in the right place.
Its amazing how a wig can change a face shape and appearance. Just like make-up that can make you look like another person completely.
I love doing transformations, its so much fun seeing the clients face when I reveal their female persona to them.
As I have always said “Every human being has male and female tendencies in them”.
So even if a man looks very manly. He will still pass as a female when transformed. As there are a few manly looking women out there.
I don’t mention this to offend in anyway but I’m just stating the truth.
So the conclusion to this blog today is that you don’t have to go over your budget to have a beautiful wig.
I do do a wig transformation service if you have a tired-looking wig and would like it to be made over to look a million dollars (or pounds in our case).
Contact me and we can talk further. I don’t have fixed prices I just cost the job for the individual client. This can be done during a hairdressing fetish appointment.
I will look forward to hearing from you….
Tuesday 24th December 2019
Postmas Blog NO.24.
Well, girls and boys its that time of year to whether you have been good or bad but in Mistress Lucy’s eyes good is being bad in a kinky type of way.
As you have been reading all my Postmas Blogs and have got an insight into how Mistress Lucy’s mind really works.
I am a human being like everyone else but living the Mistress life full time for 10 years changes the way I look at things completely.
Emotions for one thing. My heart has become tougher in the way that I don’t hurt easily. Thick-skinned I think the saying goes.
I used to be very sensitive and take a lot of things to heart if someone was to call me nasty names ect
Now I don’t think anything of it. Maybe it’s the change of eating etc that I started 19 months ago.
They say it takes time for anything to happen when change occurs. Finally, my body loves the skin it’s living in.
Shame its taken 47 years but that’s life sometimes.
I definitely think that has to be something to think about… ‘Being happy in your own skin’.
It’s like the foundation of a building. If that is not secure enough then the whole house when built is not going to last very long.
It’s the same with life. If you don’t love yourself then no one else will. I am saying that on a happy note because it is perfectly true.
What I am about to talk about is not a lecture, far from it but just my experience and how it has made me feel 100% better.
So even if you do one thing to change yourself for the better then that’s better than not making the effort at all.
So these are the steps I try to abide by to keep me healthy/healthier:
1. Eat A Healthy Food Plan Every Day –
I try my best to do this every day but we all waver every now and again. What is satisfactory to one person is not to the next. We are all built differently.
I eat 2 meals a day. Overnight oats when I wake at whatever time that is in the morning (as it differs from day to day). Then a hot meal around 5-6 pm as any later plays havoc with my digestion system.
I have learnt what I can eat at different times of the day and night if I get the munchies. If I don’t stick to these rules, I know it for sure.
2. Eliminate Un-Natural Bad Foods –
I have stopped all red and white meat from my food plan. Yes, we are carnivores (so the topic of conversation would agree to disagree) but some peoples insides find it hard to digest it more than others.
I have very little fish and diary (maybe cheese every now and again but not often).
I have found my taste buds have got better and every taste is much sweeter and sharper without dairy that was coating my tongue and masking the true flavours.
I am more plant-based than I have ever been in my life. I get a lot of my vitamins from fruit salad and vegetables.
I do not have a cooker or microwave. The only electrical appliances I have in my kitchen are a kettle, blender, fridge and a washing machine.
I have soya juice (I call it juice because it’s not milk as we all recognise it to be) instead of milk on my porridge (I’ve tried water but I have to put extra flavour in with it eg: sugar etc and I don’t like the taste).
I cut up 1 x mango, 1 x banana and squeeze 4 x oranges and put it all in the flask blender. Pure natural juice to keep me going throughout the day, yummy natural sugar.
I have peppermint tea as a hot drink although it’s nice hot. warm or cold and water when I feel like it.
My downfall is sugar in my peppermint tea which I know its wrong but it’s nice. I don’t have many sins in food and that’s one of them.
If I fancy a naughty treat I don’t deny myself of it but I don’t need much of it as I did before.
3. Cut Out All Pills And Potions – (only if they are hindering you)
I say I did this is because I was on the pill for 15 years or more. The reason I started taking it (skin issues and contraception) isn’t the reason why I was taking it now. My skin is clear from eating natural products and I am celibate by choice.
Being an old-school mistress does affect your mindset when it comes to an active lifestyle.
So I decided it was hindering my lifestyle (unwanted chemicals) more than benefiting it. I stopped it cold turkey as they say.
I didn’t have any side effects like some women do (dry skin, tiredness, depressed). Within 1 month I notice some amazing bonuses to my whole being.
No mood swings and emotional ups and downs (not that there were many but I had to train myself to control them when they occurred).
Ladies problems were a breeze but you don’t need to know about that.
Fewer migraines (I did suffer with them on a regular basis, that would knock me for six when they did occur) and a totally chemical-free lifestyle.
4. Exercise – (is not my strong point but I’m working on it)
Yes, it is best to do as much exercise as your happy with but I cut it out completely when I started this change. Basically to see how I would feel and what it would do to my mind.
I used to be a gym bunny years ago. So going from every day to not at all was a big leap for me. Over time I did miss it but my lifestyle was busy so I didn’t miss it in terms of I need to fit it in.
The days would go by so quickly and before I knew it I was clearing up my workspace and getting ready to sit down for my 2nd meal of the day.
As in myself, I feel that I need to do something for a feel-good factor but not for a major exercise routine that’s going to change my shape completely.
As I say I’m happy in my own skin the way I am.
Over time it may change my shape a bit but that will be without putting major effort into it. Whos to know when and if I have the time my mind may change direction.
5.Meditation and crystals –
Now don’t worry, I’m not going into this topic too deeply as I know its not everyone’s cup of tea.
I’ve only mentioned this because it has helped me in my personal and appointments life a great deal.
To relax and know how to relax in the art of meditation is a must. This has helped me immensely.
I am no reiki therapist or spiritualist but the advice I have been given on this topic has changed my way of thinking a lot.
These 5 rules I have tried to stand by have as I say changed my life in such a short amount of time.
This is why I have mentioned that loving yourself is so very important. We only have only life so don’t waste it.
Conclusion Of My Life-Changing Journey…
Throughout this part of my life, yes I may not be as toned and trim as I was when I was full-on at the gym but I feel happier and healthier in myself more than I have ever been.
If you want to change then do it for yourself and no one else. Your the only one that can make that change
If you would like to know more about turning you’re life around and loving yourself the right way then contact me and we can converse more.
If not then no worries and thank you for taking the time to read and hopefully enjoy this Christmas Eve Postmas Blog and maybe your find another topic to contact me about.
Monday 23rd December 2019
Postmas Blog NO.23.
As I sit here in my office at home with my array of Christmas goodies on my side plate and my vegan oat coffee I look over my emails and come across this particular one which basically asks ‘How serious are you about your career in Mistressing?’
I was a little shocked by this question as I was briefing over my emails, not fully taking anything in seriously as they were mostly junk mail from companies trying to sell me something.
So had to double back on the email and read it through again.
They wanted to know how I can take it seriously as its pathetic how men dress as women etc… “Oh dear,” I said to myself as I could see I would need to blog about this topic to put things straight with anyone else that thought this.
So just to clear this up once and for all so everyone knows what I am all about.
I am a down to earth person that doesn’t take any crap from no one but on the other hand, I am trustworthy and never judge a human being whatever their colour, creed, age or appearance.
Now if you are disrespectful to me in a very disrespectful way then that’s a different matter. My punishment to you will be personal because you have chosen it to be that way, not me.
If a guy has a fetish of dressing in silky knickers and stockings or wants to have a full transformation I will be very serious and embrace his fetish the way he requests.
Unlike some Mistresses who will take your money, titivate with you and then send you on your way on the dot when your time is up.
I am completely different…As I could make a lot more money than I do but then I would then be in the category of a conveyor belt mistress, which I definitely am not.
I concentrate on quality over quantity. I prefer to get to know you first then I am able to give you much more of a customized service.
Sorry for sounding so formal but this is the only way I know how to explain this to you without sounding shabby if you know what I mean.
I have taken many on journeys of transformations in many different fetishes. Doesn’t matter to me how mild or extreme you are, you are all welcome.
I do like to stick to one ruling though and that is my age preference of over 35 years old.
The reason being is that younger guys in my experience don’t take the fetish world seriously. To them, if they are paying for a service it has to include a partially naked or naked mistress that will perform personal services with them or to them during the time that they have booked.
I am not that type of Mistress. I turn away at least 3-4 or more phone calls or texts a day because of this.
For the amount of polite and pleasant potential and regular clients I receive, overrules the young pathetic inquiries.
As we say in the industry “It comes with the job” which is very true…
If you would like to a customized journey with a genuine, non-judgemental and down to earth mistress then i would love for you to contact me in your own convenient time.
If it is out of my hours then please email me and I will pick up my correspondence at the nearest possible time.
Sunday 22nd December 2019
Postmas Blog NO.22.
You may think the title of this blog is strange but it’s true. Marmite is an acquired taste, you either love it or you hate it. The same with tattoos.
Over the decade’s tattoos have become a personal thing to the one wearing them or it can be a tribal or gang-related mark that was not your choice.
Either way, the ink that is drawn upon you is permanent and should not be taken lightly when performed.
Many have had drunken holidays when they were younger and when they come back to reality, they regretted the art piece that they had chosen.
Like the numerous tattoo fixing television programs that can make you laugh and think “Reeeeeally” or situations that bring a tear to your eye because they want a permanent reminder of a past love one.
Either way, when deciding on your first piece of ink do your homework on your artist before you choose them for sure.
Like Pinterest or facebook, you have probably seen bad tattoos and amazing tattoos. Not all experienced artists are fantastic in their work.
I looked around for at least 6 months before having my first tattoo over 10 years ago. It’s not fantastic now like it was back then but my views have changed on what I would like it to look like.
I will get it re-inked and have the design made much better and clearer but I will never change the actual subject that I had in my mind for it.
Every tattoo I have has a meaning close to my heart and will stay with me forever.
We can never turn back time and when we have an experience in our life that we decide on keeping with us, what better way than to have a memory on your body which we have the option of keeping in sight or out of sight of others.
Once we start we can’t stop. It’s an addiction that I am proud to reveal. Urges are far and few between these days to get more work done but I will continue at some point in the near future.
Tattoos are mind-blowing when down well. So don’t fall into the trap of a bad artist because ink removal is costly and very painful.
It does not permanently take it away because you are then left with a nasty burn mark from the laser afterward.
What would you prefer? A Fabulous tattoo that you are proud to show off to the world or a nasty laser burn mark that you are embarrassed to expose to anyone that may see it by mistake.
It’s your choice…
If you have a tattoo fetish then i would love for you to contact me and we can talk about this further…..
Saturday 21st December 2019
Postmas Blog NO.21.
To anyone that doesn’t know about corsets, they come in female as well as male versions.
A corset is worn outside the clothing and is normally a plain material either cotton, PVC, Leather or faux leather.
A basque is for under the clothing. They are lace or a prettier material that underwear is normally made of.
The reason I say they will change your life is that they will change your look as well as your stature in every way.
If you don’t have a waist that is noticeable then you definitely will with a corset or basque.
It will take away your relaxed spin and make you stand, sit and walk with much more control.
Your breathing will slightly change EG: You will be much more aware of how you are taking each breath instead of taking it for granted.
I have dressed many guys in corsets and they are astounded about how they make them feel when laced in one.
It doesn’t have to be for a male to female transformation.
It can be for fetish play or whatever you choose the reason to be.
One thing I will say is when a guy is laced in a heavily boned corset they actually say that their admiration for ladies that wear them becomes greater than before.
Knowledge is powerful and fun at the same time.
So if you fancy experiencing being laced in one of my corsets then do contact me and we can converse much more.
You never know…You don’t know if you will like it til you try it. I will look forward to your inquiries…
Friday 20th December 2019
Postmas Blog NO.20.
As a child, I would be taken to the local hairdressers every 6 weeks and have the page boy haircut. This was something like Joanna Lumley in the Avengers (for those who can remember that far back).
I didn’t know any different so I didn’t mind. It was the local trend at the time and it suited me so I stayed with it.
George was my regular hairdresser for at least 10 years and I would change my style as and when I was able to look after it myself better.
The one-length bob was my favorite style for a good while, Mary Quant fashion hairstyle.
As there are so many variations of it in so many different ways I would always find a look I liked.
I would get up 1 hour earlier than normal to blowdry my hair before school as if it wasn’t dried properly it would not sit right throughout the day.
When I left school I decided to go short as the other children at school would make fun of my ears as they protruded out further than anyone else.
This was the reason I kept my hair long to cover them. So when I started work I decided to go for a whole different look to make me look older.
My first real job was in a hair salon so I could have any style I wanted and it would go with the workplace.
Throughout my hairdressing career, I have been anything from black lopsided bob to short bleach-blonde crop.
The blonde I couldn’t keep for more than 2 recolors as I was very dark and it would take a lot to bring it to the nice ashy soft blonde that I wanted.
The last straw to the blonde phase was when I woke with a lot of hair on my pillow where it had broken off one morning.
Hence the 1/2 to a bolding fade haircut. This was the easiest hairstyle to manage but the fiercest hairstyle to carry off.
I knew I could carry any style off but its whether the people I worked with could look at me with it.
When your used to seeing someone with hair and then all of a sudden they don’t have any yes it is a shock to the system.
I was more shocked the next morning when I woke and scratched my head. Very worried at first then when I had surfaced from my deep sleep and looked at myself in the mirror I then realized that it wasn’t a dream.
Throughout the years, I have gone from long to short and over 2 – 3 more times in conjunction with changing my hair color.
To change your hair colour too often is not good for your hair. Eventually, it will give in and break off or go a strange candy floss texture and frizz up to something you won’t be happy with.
To find a hairdresser to cut my hair these days is a nightmare. They either are fantastic for 2 – 3 haircuts and then the 4th cut its like they go phyco on me and do as they please or just do a really bad cut that I have to redo myself and shorter.
So now I just do it myself. It’s a little difficult at first. With getting the hand mirror at the right angle but after 6 months of constant practice, I have it to a tee now.
I do have a long term client that has a short fetish so every now and again I will let him have a play with a longer clipper guard which doesn’t take much or any hair off at all.
Cutting my hair myself keeps me on the straight and narrow of emotions towards hairdressers. As now I don’t have to be annoyed at them anymore.
At least if I feel like a long hair day at any time I have plenty of wigs that I can choose from.
Just be careful of any salon hairdressers or barbers. Don’t fall under the spell-like I did and have to walk around with a horrible haircut until it grew out.
I have 30 years’ experience, so don’t worry your hair will be safe with me.
I will look forward to receiving your inquiries. Do contact me and we can converse about this topic or others in greater detail.
Friday 6th Decenber
Postmas NO.6.
As I sit here at my office desk tapping away on my laptop with my Christmas lights around my barber’s mirror and the decorated pine wreath with a lit double wick candle nestles comfortably on my coffee table, I listen to the instrumental Christmas tunes on youtube. What a great life I have at the moment.
Thinking about it, 10 years that I have been building up to this point in my career has been a hard struggle some times but its all been worth it.
All the fetishes I have learnt to feel comfortable with over time have added to build my confidence in one way or another.
No one feels confident about a subject they know nothing about. Researching all subjects you practice in is a must to grow your skills to a better standard.
This is why trampling has become of my popular fetishes.
My footwear collection has grown to more than I can imagine. Including flat and heeled boots, anything from ankle to under the buttocks length boots. Shoes from court to strappy sandals, flat to platformed sky scrapper heels.
It can even be performed in bare feet or tights or stockinged feet.
The more slender the heels, I would have to be careful where I would be trampling you as I don’t want to pierce the skin.
Trampling can be on any part of the body including the head. It is scary to a novice client experiencing this but once used to it you become more relaxed.
Be careful when choosing a Mistress for this fetish as there are soft points of the head that can cause injury on impact.
Like any fetish, there are right ways and wrong ways EG: Caning. Anal and sounds but to name a few.
Experience goes a long way in giving you the right sort of pleasure in subjects like these.
Like one client that visited me many years ago…….
He had a thing about Doc Martin Boots. Unfortunately, he did not gift them to me but brought them with him and took them away with him afterward.
He searched for ladies with size 7 feet to complete this fetish for him. I saw him a few times.
He was a chunky chappy which was ideal really as back then I was a little heavier than I am today.
The one rule that you should always abide by when searching for a trampling Mistress. Only choose a lady that is lighter than you, otherwise you will end up in A&E with a cracked rib or hopefully nothing worse.
He would ask me to put the boots on (always with leather-look trousers, not actual leather as the DM boots were Vegan Leather Look).
He would lay on the floor, I would sit on his chest with one boot at either side of his ears so he could rest his head on the top of the toes of the boots.
We would chat a little about what he likes about this fetish and other fetishes.
I then would put the sole of one of the boots on his cheek and put pressure on his head by turning it into the other boot.
The pressure was quite consistent. It would make an indentation to his face but it didn’t last very long.
I would continue this all over this face and head. The boots and soles where immaculate even though they were clearly visible that they had been worn for this fetish many times.
It was only his head and face that he wanted this to be performed on him. He always stayed fully clothed because he wasn’t confident about his body.
He said it was the compact feeling that the boots made to his face that turned him on. The feeling of the indentations of that particular sole of boot that gave him the adrenaline rush.
It was because each person is a different weight and not known how light or heavy they would be putting pressure on his skull at that time.
When your in an industry like this, one comes across so many different weird and wonderful people with so many different weird and wonderful fetishes in so many different weird and wonderful ways that one has to be open-minded.
As I say “It takes one to know one”.
So if your weird and wonderful do contact me and let me know and I’m sure we will have some weird and wonderful conversations about it all………