Thursday 29th December 2022
Blog No.175
Wow, what a December we’ve all had. If it’s not the fact that we have to arrange family celebrations for the one day of the year e can eat and drink what we want but we had to deal with viruses and – degrees cold weather.

29/12/22 – One of the New and Improved Hairstyles For Mistress Lucy
I was going to do the blogmas that I did the year before but it crept up on us before we knew it and I didn’t have time to prepare. I never like to do the same thing every year but I am posting on Twitter a lot more. so have a look on there and you will be able to follow me on my hairdressing and barbering fun journey that I am on.
Christmas like every year is a major build up and then in a cough and sneeze it’s gone. I, like every year (but I’m fine with it), spend it with my 6 furbaby kitties. This year was a little sad, due to my eldest baby boy cat passing the year before. Every day feels strange without him but December always brings the memory back closer to my heart.
Well on a happier note, I have got closer to a few of my clients this year. Great friendship is always better than relationships I think. This year I have made 5 new friendships that I value greatly. We have had fun in session and out of session. I have had lots of fun apart from that but choosing your closest friends is not always possible with everyone. Friendship happens without you noticing it sometimes.
It happens with you enjoy each other’s company one day at a time and before you know it you have known each other for 3-4 or more years.

29/12/22 – Pussy-bow Hairdressing Cape
Time passes much more quickly than we realize but in that time you get to know one another and then you realize that life is not just materialistic but more importantly knowing that you have someone there to put out a helping hand when you need it.
Choosing to be in the industry comes with big decisions over time. I chose to be a mistress because it’s in my nature and over the years family started to put their noses in where it wasn’t needed. So I had to make the choice of progression or family. Unfortunately, if anyone is holding you back on what you want to do or be then sorry they have to go. A harsh decision but we only have one life and we shouldn’t waste it. So the consequences of my decision comes with Christmas day being alone with the kitties (which I love) and birthdays being just another day (apart from this one just gone when I was 50 years old) but I’m fine with that.
I have been a mistress for a long time and looking back over the years on how I have changed and developed I can sit here now and say I am very happy in my own skin. Yes, I have gone from being a soft individual that maybe anyone could have walked all over ( i don’t mean trampling as I do the trampling in my sessions) to a tough old bird (as someone once described me) that would give you a good hiding if the situation needed it. Much wiser is what I am now but unfortunately not as wealthy as I would like to be due to the pandemic. It has not helped a lot of us really but we are not the only ones as it’s everyone internationally that is suffering from it as well.
So as I mentioned earlier, I would have loved to do something special for you in December but I have something just as enjoyable in the coming months that will make up for it.
If you look at my Twitter page you will see that I launched the first of my new design hairdressing capes. I will be releasing more colours in time to come but I thought that red would be appropriate for Christmas. I had been working on the design for it for a good while and gave my twitter flowers (as I mistakenly called them one time by mis-spelling followers and it has stuck ever since) a sneak peek in the weeks previously and it intrigued them greatly. They were asking questions but I didn’t want to give a direct answer until I was ready. I research the design a lot to make sure no one else had thought of it first and was unable to find anywhere that did these types of hairdressing capes.
So if you are interested in purchasing a newly designed cape let me know, (even if it is a mix of fabrics, etc you have made up yourself) contact me and we can discuss it further.
So on that topic of discussion, I will bid you good night as it is 3.15 am and my eyelids are feeling heavy.
Take care in all you do sweetie and more importantly stay safe x
Wednesday 19th October 2022
Blog No.173

Not Bad For 50 Years Old, Well Nearly…
Hello sweetie…Is time passing quickly or is it me? I wake on a Monday morning and before I know it it’s Friday again. The days, weeks, and months let alone the years are passing so fast.
As I sit in my office just off my dimly light kitchen stroking my kitty, Tigi and looking through my diary. I skip through October’s monthly planner at the front of the book and notice that I have been in the industry for nearly 16 years. “Wow” I say to myself and notice that I have a birthday quickly approaching on the 10th of November.
Normally birthdays are just another day to me but this one is another decade passing me by. I don’t mean to say that on a sad note but on a shocked note. I don’t feel my age. Well since I have become a little curvier than I do some days but apart from that, I am very happy in my own skin.

Strict Eye Contact …
Younger Versus Older…
When I was younger I used to think about what I would look and be like at 30 years old, 40, and then 50 years old. Now I am 23 days from my 50th birthday. I look at myself and think about what I have experienced through my past years. What an interesting life I have had so far and here’s to many more decades to come. So now that I am officially in the right age frame of being an eccentric old-school mistress I intend to act like one. However, how is an eccentric old mistress is supposed to act and look? lol Although I wear wigs and glasses to fit my character I enjoy looking this way. I do feel that when it comes to actually wearing glasses for my sight and wearing wigs as my hair is thinning I will be very happy to do so. lol I don’t think my hair will be so thin that I will have to cover it up, as my mother had reasonable hair into her late 80’s til she passed.
So, as this Eccentric Mistress Lucy is fighting strong even though I’m not so ancient (as one of my disrespectful not so clients) remarked recently. I have decided to open ‘Mistress Lucys Online Fetish University’. It will be a phone call, video call, text, and email service where I will customize a daily/weekly/monthly routine that will wet your taste buds with a touch of Domination, BDSM, Sissification, Therapy etc, (or just a naughty fetish conversation) to the individuals that can not visit me or live too far from me to do so. The tribute for my time will be £50 per day, £150 per week, and £500 per month (customized to the individual as to what your fetish is and what your real lifestyle will accommodate). If you care to take these offers it will be much more cost-effective than paying for each day as you go but it is up to you totally. My tribute will be paid via bank transfer to an account I keep empty, especially for this type of payment. It will be slightly different from the times that I take appointments. Hours starting at 9 am to 12 midnight.

Crazy Eccentric Old Lady Mistress Lucy lol I do Like To Roleplay…
All that Is offered within the Fetish University is negotiable and discreet. Now, as long as you are polite at all times all are welcome. The age preference starts at 18 years and there is no age preference it stops at (as I know what you elderly gentlemen like in your late 90’s). If I find that you are disrespecting myself or test me (playing me around and not in a good way) in any way, I will terminate your verbal contract and ban you from ever contacting me again. Your choice to be a good boy or not.
So if you would like to join ‘Mistress Lucy’s Online Fetish University’ then send me an email, direct message on my social media, or text and we can converse more on the subject.
For more in-depth details please contact me via whatever preference you prefer. I will look forward to receiving your inquiries.
Take care in all you do and stay safe…
Tuesday 19th July 2022
Blog No.171
Oh, my life, it is so flaming hot at the moment. It just shows us that we have been mistreating the world so much over the last 100 years or more that mother nature is punishing us for what we have done.

Extreme Temperatures
I don’t work well in the heat. English weather normally is comfortable between 20 to 25 degrees. I have been abroad in previous years but it seems that international temperatures are not so dry and are sauna-like, unlike the English temperatures that we have been experiencing.
I was shocked when I went up to my BDSM rooms upstairs and the heat was stifling even with the windows open and worse with the windows closed. I was at least 41 degrees.
It’s amazing how cats that have fur coats will sit out in the heat or find the warmest part of the house and be fine. Us humans just can’t cope with any type of heat and we have no fur coats on (well if your crazy you put a fur coat on a warm day) lol.
I always have youtube on the tv for background sound. An influencer called ‘Lost Leblanc’ had a video titled ‘Why I Left Home’. He is Canadian and left home a good many years ago. He made this video recently to try to help people who have an indecisive mind to make a decision about their present situation. To a lot of people, they would say that moving out of England is a better life. I would say in my case I love my home and my furbabies so home is where my heart is for sure.
Yes, this country is falling apart but so is the rest of the world. It is always best to stay where you know you feel safer. Bills need to be paid but they can wait in a lot of cases and we can get by in one way or another.
There is a saying that English people are never happy with the weather. If it’s cold, it’s too cold and when it’s hot, it is too hot. Well, that is what England has been like and will never change. A lot of things recently have changed but it’s how we deal with them mentally is how it affects us. If we let it get out of control then we only have ourselves to blame. Nothing stays the same forever and sometimes things have to change for the better of that person.
Everything happens for a reason and it has a solution to solve it.
So in conclusion to what I have mentioned today…If you are unhappy with the way your life is, change it to make yourself a better person. Don’t jump into anything in the spare of the moment but plan your next move stage by stage and eventually you will get there. May bee slowly but you will get there.
I will leave you with that thought and bid you safety in all you do x
Learning a new skill from scratch is quite difficult until you know how. Then when you know how it’s the maintaining and upgrading it when it needs it. Nothing easy and if it is it’s not worth pursuing it.

Mistress Lucy – 05/02/22
January itself was a strange month as I launched Lucys Fetish Closet on 1st January at @12 midnight. Before then I had had this project under wraps and no one could see it, which was comforting (like my baby) but then when it was out in the open it made me feel different about myself.
I would sit looking through it and think “wooooow i have just made that website”. It took a while to sink in but I think it just has now.
2021 was a big eye-opener for me. As you would have read before, I have always wanted to have an e-commerce website (for the 14 years I have been in the industry) so I can do as I please and show you all that is possible.
I have looked at many youtube videos to see the process from the influencers that have started similar businesses. I realize that I am nowhere near as popular as they are and the reaction to my website will not be as explosive as it was and is with them.
Over time I am hoping that I will make decent sales but I think first it will be ‘The Dark Side’ subscription that could take off much better.
The interest in that project has been amazing. It is because you will be able to take your own fantasy journey from your own device. Choose who you want to be at that moment in time and then switch to another character when the last emotion has worn off.
I appreciate everyone that has helped me and stayed by my side since it began. Believe me, this is only the start as I have many ideas for photos, videos, and more.
If you want to try your hand at being a master or mistress, Sub or slave then The Dark Side will show you that way. This is not going to be anime or Simms but a real journey that will help you bring your wildest BDSM fantasies to life (well from your device).
Then if you wish to act out your fantasies that you have seen on your device then there may be an opportunity for you to do so in the future. This is something else I have in mind but that will be a project that I will have to get other people involved in. I will keep you updated when I can.
Well, I just wanted to update you on the progress of Lucy’s Fetish Closet as I have been extremely busy with taking appointments when I can together with working on projects in the back office of both websites.
I will keep you posted on my social media every day and do message me whenever you wish as I love to hear from you.
Take care in all you do and talk again soon…
Monday 27th December 2021
Blog No.165
This blog will resonate with everyone as everyone has the urge in one or another. The question is which way is the best way?
There is no best way as we are all unique and different In our own way.
How many ways are there to have the feel-good factor?
Well, there are 8 ways to find the feel-good factor. Some you may be unaware of and some maybe new to you. Either way do try them out if you can as they are very toe-curling.
If there is anything that I have left out by all means let me know. I may learn something from you.
Sexual intercourse
Tantric Massage ( this is far different from regular hand relief)
Hand relief
Wet dream
Imagination – Talking about erotic experiences etc or sitting and thinking about naughty things
Anal – prostate massage
Your own Fetish
I will explain what I mean about certain ways of ejaculation and then it may open your mind or it may be something you know about already.
Sexual intercourse…
This is an obvious one that we all know about or if you don’t you shouldn’t be on my website. It is the man and woman expressing their feeling for each other in a physical way. Whether you’re in a relationship, one-night stand, or arrangement. Either way, it should always be of the consent of 2 people.
Oral Sex…
This way may not be for everyone and if not…why the hell not? To some, they think it is an unhygienic form of pleasure but when performed correctly and you have the trust of that person is absolutely cosmic.
It is a very old way to pleasure each other. As they say, “How did we eat food before knives and forks were invented?” This is exactly the same thing. Before toys and sexual aids, it was only what we were born with that we can use to pass the time of a spare moment.
When it comes to the technique I’m not experienced in that field due to my celibacy for many years but when I did and with the right person I enjoyed it many a time.
I will say this now because I’m sure many of you reading this will have the urge to ask for this from me. Please don’t as I will only decline your request and become very offended. As you should know that I am an old-school non-sexual mistress from reading my likes list on my fetish page. If I would like to offer that type of thing then it would be on there but it is not. I am celibate because I choose to be.
All I can say is… be slow and gentle with your partner. If you are doing anything wrong then they will tell you and guide you. Do not be offended if the person you are with does not like what you’re doing. We are all different and like to be treated in our own personal ways. Learning is the art of the game and practice is the fun part.
Tantric Massage…

Mistress Lucy’s BDSM Massage
This is a world that you never turn back from. A massage is only Tantric when the person who is receiving it has a connection with the person performing it. I say this because if the receiver is not feeling aroused from the moment he/she lays on the massage table then the massage becomes a Swedish massage.
From the first touch, the connection between you both should be sexual in a way that it sends vibrations through your whole body and arouses parts that will eventually harden and make you uncomfortable to lay on your front.
The warmth will of her hands enlighten your whole being. Now at this time, your imagination will come into play. You will have to control your willpower from cummin too soon. It is always best to finish at the end so you are at your peak of arousal. No one likes to finish early. Especially if you are enjoying yourself.
The only way to control your flow is by think of something to calm you down EG: your mother-in-law or something that will turn you off. Then once you have calmed down to a point that you don’t want to touch her. You then know that you can build yourself up in your imagination again.
Although by then you will be handcuffed to the bench/bed so you won’t have the option to touch her (well in Mistress Lucy’s company that will be the way).
Hand Relief…
I didn’t finish the last section on Tantric Massage because tantric hand relief follows on from the massage. Now if your Mistress/Therapist knows what she is doing when starting a tantric massage then she has complete control over your body, of the intensity that she wants to build you up to or slow you down. As I mentioned before you also need to control your mind as you also have the power to cum sooner if you want to.
Let her control your mind, body and soul is always best for you to have the full experience in the best possible way.
The tantric hand relief is never a rush job. It must always be a slow build-up to the point of tipping you over the edge but slowing you down just before you get there. I find it can only be done twice before the sensation disperses. Then it will be a very hard job to bring it back even if he wants it to.
A nice slow oily and slippery finish, touching every millimeter of his length and girth will give him an orgasm to remember, and will definitely be back for many more experiences.
The same for the females. T.L.C is always a must. All females are like a beautiful rose. The petals are fragile, so tend with care. Be aware if you don’t then the thornes will appear and she will show you a lesson that you will never forget. a painful one I can imagine.
Wet Dreams…

Pinky and Perky
I think the term ‘Wet Dreams’ comes from a teenage phase that we all have experienced. Waking up with a moistness in our underwear (if you wear any in bed that is) and trying to remember what we have dreamt about. Wow, the topic of dreaming is a completely separate blog that I will do another time. I have often woke up and felt good about myself in that way but I can not for the life of me remember what I dreamt. Which is very frustrating as from the naughtiness that am feeling I want to know why I am feeling this way. So for all you kinksters reading this, dreams that make you wet between your legs can be of anything, not just sex or oral. If can be about females in boots or bare feet in sandals. maybe something that is on your mind but out of your comfort zone as in activities out in a field. Absolutely anything. So just be sure to have a packet of wet wipes in your bedside cabinet just in case. As it could be anytime. Wet dreams are spontaneous and could catch you unaware.
The imagination is a very unforgiving part of our body. I say this because whatever we wish to think we can keep it to ourselves. It is also a very powerful muscle. I say muscle because it has the strength to physically make you cum without touching yourself. If you can think of a moment that you felt extremely aroused you then can turn yourself on and re-live it in your mind. Building up your emotions to the extent that the blood will rush to your sexual parts and you will either have a full liquid cum or feeling of cumming and not produce anything liquid. Both ways are as powerful as the other if not more. Another subject is denial. That can do all sorts to your mind and body and soul if you are deeply involved in it but that will be another blog. That’s an intense fetish for sure.

Customized Pleasures…
This is a very involved topic as it can be performed in many different ways. Not just angles but ways of bringing you to boiling point. This can be a very enjoyable time or if performed with too much force and not enough patience on a non-experienced person it could put them off for life.
I had an experience in my early years that nearly did put me off of all sexual activities for life. All I can say is I underestimated how excited he was and didn’t think he was going to put it there. I had no prior knowledge as he hadn’t mentioned it beforehand. The pain was nothing like I had experienced before. He injured me quite badly and going to the no.2 for 6months after was a painful healing process.
So to all you guys and gals that enjoy giving anal please talk about it with them before creeping up behind them. Be very sympathetic when doing it as I wouldn’t wish the pain I experienced on my worst enemy.
Your Own Fetish…
Now the last one is left to your own devices. Everyone has their own preferences. Whether it be a knee or armpit fetish or even consuming shavings off the bottom of your mistresses feet (yes I have done that one before aswell). Your own personal fetish takes you to a subspace that no other fetish can. A fetish grabs you by the short and curlies and will never let you go. You may have times when you forget about it. Then one day something may happen and it reminds you of it again. Then the stirring in the loins wakens up and then you can think of nothing else until you sort it out.
Well if you are still reading this and got to the conclusion then you are either sitting there with a very hard arousal and you need to sort it out soon or your eyes are out on stalks because your concentration has gone into overload or both. Either way, thank you very much for still being here and if you ever need a Mistress, Therapist, or both do please CONTACT ME and we then can converse about what your brain or Percy needs (or both).
Take care in all you do, stay safe, and talk soon…
Sunday 26th December 2021
Blog No.164/ Blogmas No.26
Can you believe it is all over and done with, Christmas I mean… These 26 days of blogmas have gone by so very quickly. It has been fun and we are all that little bit more knowledgeable on certain subjects. Well, today’s fetish is, as you see from the title Zelophia. It was a baffling one for me as in many cases I don’t like to be this fetish. It depends on the circumstances are I suppose.
What Is Zelophia?
It is when you are jealous and love the feeling. As I say a strange one but there are kinksters that like that feeling.
It mixes in well with voyeurism. As if you are observing your partner with another person then that could be exciting in many different ways. You could be jealous of the way that he touches her/him. The way he gives her/him oral. They may react completely differently to the new play partner than they react when your alone together. Introducing new play partners into the relationship can spice it up a bit. The one thing that is a fine line between fun and reality is if she/he prefers the new partner.
Like voyeurism, a 3-way can bring jealousy into the situation as well as other emotions. This is why having a 3-way is probably better to have it with 2 people that are out of the relationship. Then your relationship partner will not get jealous. Women do not like getting jealous of their other partners in that way. It can play havoc with everything and then when you plant that seed in the brain it never goes away. Instead of just keeping warm and then disappearing it grows on thoughts and in the imagination.
I Don’t Get Jealous…
I used to be very jealous in my younger years when I was immature and didn’t know much about the worldly things of life
I’m a Scorpio and they are known to be very persuasive and controlling. Well, I am one of those things which makes me a very good mistress.
Over the later years of my life, I have developed a way of thinking that changes everything and helps me to stay on an even kile to carry on everyday life even if I have a matter that is bothering me.
When I was in a relationship I would say to myself “As long as he doesn’t bring any STDs back to me and treats me right when we are together then I’m not worried about what he does when he is away from me. If he falls in love with someone else or chooses to walk away, it’s his loss. There is only one of me. Sooner or later he will realize that he misses me but you can’t undo what’s been done.”
If he thinks of me that way then ok but if not the life goes on. We are all here on this earth to look after ourselves. We are in control of what we do, how we do it, and who we do it with. We may meet people along the way that may think they can control us and change our mindset but when you realize that it is wrong or right you will take the pathway that you are comfortable with.
This was a difficult fetish to write about at first but then when I started to type it was easier to put together than I thought. Sometimes mentioning past experiences may help someone that is going through a troubled time when they come across my website.
They may be looking for something to fill the gap in their life that they are lacking in. Many a time when you come to see me or even just have a therapy session on the phone it can help you fulfill that fantasy/gap that has been trapped in your mind for a long time. Trust and enjoyment go hand in hand when finding the right mistress.
I’m not going to make this too deep in thought but I am a therapist of many subjects and if we have come to a crossroads in life that we feel we don’t know what way to turn reading someone else experiences and mindset could help you make your mind up sooner than you thought.
Contact Me…
If this resonates with you then i would like to hear from you. CONTACT ME and we then can converse about your requirements and how we will sort out whatever it is that you are needing.
Just to make you aware…
If you are new to my website please look at my FETISHES PAGE < (click here) first before you ask for what you are looking for. I AM NOT AN ESCORT. So please do not ask for anything to do with personal services.
If you abide by my rules and are respectful towards me then I will be able to help you with what I can.
What The Future Holds For The Mistress Lucy Blogs…
I have mentioned this in a few blogs this month but for all that have not managed to read them, let alone the 163 other blogs apart from this one ( you don’t know what your missing, good toilet or bedtime reading lol) then I will recap.
I will continue to do a blog for the rest of this month ( 6 days) Then January onwards, I will put together 2 blogs a week of random subjects.
It could be what I have experienced in sessions ( identities will be covered in photography when needed and names will be changed for obvious reasons). Maybe topics that I feel are relevant to fetishes of general.
Even topics to help us understand our bodies better. We take our bodies for granted on many occasions and expect what we want at that time, that hole will consume that toy and don’t know why it won’t or expect us to want to do a certain thing to a certain person but when it is about to happen we just can’t do it due to morals, trust or its just plain disgusting to us.
This is a non-login website so I will have to judge the subject and PG it when I need to if you know what I mean.
Well, I think I have covered enough for today ( i love blogging for you and I could carry on with much more information. Perhaps I should write a book of my memoirs).
So take care in all you do. It looks like we are heading for rocking January unfortunately so look after yourself and I will talk with you again tomorrow…
Saturday 25th December 2021
Blog No.163/ Blogmas No.25
It is now Christmas day which means lots of lovely treats, sandwiches and cakes, pies and trifles. I hope once you read today’s blogmas that you won’t be put off of all those baked yummy goods.
What Is Yeastiality?
Well, my good little kinkster Yeastiality is having intimate times with baked goods. Yes, you guessed it. Sticking your todger in a cherry pie. Just like the film ‘American pie’. He got very curious (as you do or do you?) as to what a juicy, soft, filling of a cherry pie would feel like if he submerged his hard thallus inside it.
Unfortunately, he got caught by his dad (how do you explain that one with cherry sauce dripping off your pubic hair !) Sorry, but I couldn’t resist saying that. A totally hilarious film for the subject it was about. I only watched it once as when you know what’s coming (excuse the pun) it’s not so funny a second time around.
I also ask myself the same question but if the kinkster can not get a female to act out his fantasies with then why not???? As they say “No cherry pies were hurt in this experiment and they weren’t wasted as I’m sure they were consumed….or maybe not. As a prank, they could have offered the pie to a family member when they went home. That would be quite funny. Thinking about it if he really had a good time with the pie it would be completely demolished and would not be recognizable as a pie anymore.

Can’t Beat A Good Glazed Doughnut…
As I am typing this I am physically giggling to myself lol I have a wicked imagination sometimes, well all the time actually.
If you are not a fan of cherry pie then maybe an apple pie or even a ring doughnut. Maybe a mini one depending on the girth of your throbbing erection. It’s only what I have been told…I don’t actually know this information…or do I !!!!!!!
On that note…
I will bid you a Happy Christmas. Enjoy all those baked goods that will be on offer to you and let your imagination run wild whilst chopping through the succulent sweetness but do have respect for your elders. As granny doesn’t want to be munch through the black forest gateaux with yummy desperation to find a short and curl sitting on the cherry 2 inches from the end of her nose.
As we all know dentists are expensive and so are false teeth. If they drop to the floor as her bottom jaw falls to her chest in shock horror, they may bounce and break. You don’t want to cover that cost. Do you????
Contact Me…
So If you are in knead of a cherry or apple pie experience or a ring doughnut, BDSM fantasy put into reality CONTACT ME and we can converse about your requirements and I will see what sweet concocktion I can whip up for you.
So cake care in all you do and stay safe this holiday. As you don’t want to trifle with stupidity and wreck the rest of your festive cheers. As you would feel a right doughnut if you do.
Friday 24th December 2021
Blog No.162/ Blogmas No.24

Although It’s Not An X-rated Image It is As Risky As I Can Be, As This Is A Non-Login Website…
Wowee Who would have thought that December could have passed so quickly. I must admit it has been difficult to fit the daily blogmas and my website work on the same day but I got there, well nearly there. As we still have today and tomorrow of Blogmas and then 6 days of December from then on. I will see about 2 blogs a week from January onwards. Random subjects but will still be interesting.
Now I know I have mentioned that other letters are difficult to find a fetish for but this is really difficult as nothing came up when I googled it. So all can think of is X-Rated.
18 Plus…
X-rated is, as we all know not for under 18 years olds but I think and I know you think that kids know a lot more than we let on. I’m not going to go on like that as I will show my age but times have changed.
What Is Classed As X-Rated?…

Hog Tied And Waiting To Be Roasted. Risky In Words And The Rest Left To Your Imagination…
Laws these days are good for one and not for another. it’s the same as when adult websites will not allow BDSM photographs but they will allow females with all showing all their wares on non-login websites. This means underage kids can look at it all Crazy but it will still get through the rules in one way or another.
Different Opinions As To What Is Explicit And What Is Normal…
As I am in the industry I feel that BDSM and naked male bodies are normal to me (I have a different normal to everyone else) but to someone that is a regular lifestyle and X-rated viewing is a luxury at weekends maybe would think it is not normal. I do not mix with females in my line of sessions. There are more guys that are interested in seeking a mistress to session with than females. Then when they do contact me I am very wary and give them a lot more questions to reply to than I would a guy.
Contact me…
On this point, I would mention to contact me and we can converse about your fetish but I don’t take part in anything that you would call X-rated. If it is along the line of BDSM or anything on my likes list then do CONTACT ME and yes we can converse about it.
I will look forward to any one of you that abides by what I have requested and hear from you soon…
Thursday 23th December 2021
Blog No.161/ Blogmas No.23
“Please accept my apologies as this Blogmas is late but I have had a build-up of things to complete and I was unable to fit this in in the time frame of the 23rd December. Please enjoy and let me know what you think if you wish.”
When looking for fetishes for certain letters of the alphabet it is testing, very testing indeed. I didn’t want to do just normal fetishes but I couldn’t think of anything else apart from whipping which is part of corporal Punishment and wrestling which is something I don’t offer. Then I thought… Waist sculpting is a fetish for small waists.
When It was First Brought To Our Attention…

Thursday 23rd December 2021
Blog No.161/ Blogmas No.23
Waist sculpting is a very old fetish that goes back to Greek times and before. The terminology for sculpting garments changed through the centuries
The first recorded corset-style garment was recorded in Crete, Greece 3500 BC, and worn by the Minoan people. The garment was worn to accentuate the curves of the torso and uplift the bustline as they did not have bra’s in those days. As a young woman would grow through her teens and into her adult life she would be made to wear a corset continuously so her form would grow in the shape of the cotte. Both Minoan men and women were trained this way. The particular cote that you see in the image is called a ‘Zona’. which was only designed for women at that time.
In The Later Centuries…
In the 12 century, the boned stiffness was sewn into the dress that madam would require. In this era, there were no undergarments such as corsets. The dress would have customized boning where the torso needed it to make the female look her very best.

Thursday 23rd December 2021
Blog No.161/ Blogmas No.23
“Skipping a few centuries as trust me I love doing this research and I could write a book on corsetry and waist sculpting but this is a blog, not a lecture or book so I need to keep it compacted and to the point without boring you too much”.
In the 17th Century, a female-boned undergarment was introduced as an easier way to sculpt the waist and keep it minimal. This was known as a ‘Stay’. It was a very basic design but because it was at the beginning of something big in the fashion world there was plenty of room for improvement. It was designed without a front closure and only laces at the back for tightening and keeping in place. Being that it was a foundation garment to be worn under the lady’s clothing it had to be minimal but sturdy.
In the 18th Century, the stay evolved into becoming known as a corset. This was much more structured and the design became a little more adventurous. As from then on it became a fashion that everyone wanted to wear, even men.
The Last Few Centuries…
The 17th, 18th, and 19th Centuries have become a mixed fashion evolvement. As you see from the image, the stay has changed and is now known as a corset. Going from a classic form to an underbust and overbust and many more exquisitely detailed designs that have been used as undergarments and over the top of clothes to make a statement in an outfit, you would feel confident in.
In all of these cottes, stays, and corsets they have all been abiding by the one job that they have and that is to give the form a better silhouette and make the individual feel better about themselves.
I am a big fan of corsets, I have been for years. Although on me I am not a lover of waist sculpting in the long term. I do love to wear them to sculpt the body I do have right now. I
It doesn’t matter what size you are, if you feel good in all you wear then the confidence will radiate from you.
Corsets come in all sizes so if you want to wear one to give you a better shape and to make you feel good then go ahead and do it.
Life is far too short to worry about what people think. Yes, there may be someone else that looks better than you but if you’re comfortable in the skin that you were born in then that is all that matters.
Don’t Ever Forget…
You are unique and beautiful in your own way. So love yourself and then your find everyone else will be drawn to you.
Contact Me…
If you feel you would like to have some training on corsetry and what you need to feel and look better then, by all means, CONTACT ME and we can converse about your requirements.
Disclaimer – The information for this Blogmas was taken from numerous amount contacts that I have added the sources for you to look at if you wish.
Wednesday 22th December 2021
Blog No.160/ Blogmas No.22

Time to get Christmassy