Well as it has been 13ish months since my last post I think I should update you on what has been happening, don’t you think!

Don’t worry sweetie, I won’t go off on a tangent as I can do. Let me briefly mention them in a list form so you can read them at your leisure.
Weight loss…
Well, I still seem to be losing weight but I have still not been able to get my skinny arse to the gym. It’s not one of my priorities at the moment. It will be though. I’m working through my priority list of things I need to do individually.
Social Media…
I have been on social media less lately as I have found certain websites much more difficult to post on with all the new rules and regulations that have been put in place recently.
Home update…
I have been thinking a lot about whether to move home. I seem to be swaying more toward wanting a new home where I can spread out my career a lot more. When I first moved into my home 20 years ago I did not have ideas to do what I do now. So back then my house was enough. Now I feel I would like a slightly bigger house to have a room for each of my specialties. Lets see how the future pans out, shall we.
 Acceptance of what/where I am in life…
As you will know for all those who have followed me for many years I have been in denial of who I truly am. When I turned 50 years old on 10th November 2023 it was a life milestone for me. As I thought to myself “Oh my…50 is a big number to reach. It’s time to start seriously thinking about the next phase of my life”. So here I am doing that. Gosh, it’s a tiresome task but I think I have made the decision. It will take a lot of hard work and long hours at the laptop but I have the discipline to do what needs to be done.
Tug of the heartstrings in a happy way…
For around 2 to 3 years, I have been feeding and fostering a couple of cute kitties that strolled into my garden on their own accord. Berti was 3 years, in the May after Smokey passed in the December and Georgi came to us (me and my furbabies) later that same year.

Berti in his splendor looking down from above

Well on Tuesday 12th November 2024, I took it upon myself to part Georgi and Tommy from fighting. Tommy was protecting Sandy from Georgi. I unfortunately got bitten in the process which made me end up in hospital after 3 trips to A&E.
The cat bite that I ended up with got infected and I developed septicemia in my hand and left arm. I didn’t believe it was happening at first (another time of denial) otherwise, I would have been in hospital sooner. I had to have the first finger on my left hand operated on, on Friday 22nd November. I stayed in for 5 days in all. Luckily I had a very dear friend who was able to stay at my place to look after the cats. If not I would have been in bits thinking about what to do about their food/water etc. I was on intravenous drip antibiotics 3 times a day, of the strongest kind. so I was not able to go home even if I wanted to. If I had ignored what the doctors were telling me I wouldn’t have been here today to type his post. Scary, what a small cat bite can do to one’s life when I think about it.

Georgi was very affectionate with me but not with other cats

My finger is gradually on the mend but the mobility of the whole finger is only working at 50% at the moment because I am having to learn how to grip and use it again. This is due to the scarring from the operation. Some days are better than others but with the winter weather being up and down I find it difficult to have regular temperature of the blood flow around my finger. As the wound had to be reconstructed when the operation was finished the amendment of the flesh has given me a whole new sensitivity in that area. Everything is 5 degrees hotter and colder than before. Very strange indeed.
I am in the middle of a course of hand therapy treatments at the moment. I am not sure if they are working. As I’m doing all the work. My next one is at the end of the month. I will ask how many I have to go to and then will assess the situation.
All in all, I am still doing everything that I was before but with more care when my left hand is involved. All for the love of my furbabies, bless their fluffy socks.
December, oh what an eventful month this always is each year…
Well, I am pleased to say we got through December with no bereavements this year (2 furbabies passed last year) but on a happier note, I was able to find Georgi’s and Berti’s original mummies due to microchip information.
Since my finger operation incident, Georgi was not allowed back into our home. He stayed outside in my garden room where I took his food and water to him and gave him lots of cuddles. He was great with humans but not with other cats. Which made me source a microchip scanner from eBay. It finally came mid-December. So I was able to see if the boys were microchipped. They both were microchipped. So I phoned the whitecross vets that my furbabies are registered at and gave them the details. Unfortunately, they needed to scan them with their machine (which was understandable but a pain because I didn’t know how they would react to getting them into my cat carrier (on separate occasions, obviously lol).
The conclusion to this beautiful little heart-felt chapter of my life is that both families had their furbabies home for Christmas. Georgi on the Monday before Christmas and Berti on Christmas Eve. That helps me accept the happy loss to our kitty family.

Now we are a family of 3 elderly furbabies between 17 and 20 years old every one of them is so much more at ease. They sleep, eat, and play without a care in the world now. I have definitely got an old cat sanctuary just like I wished for when I first moved in.

The Red PVC Dress I Always Want To Fit Into

So, apart from that I am very healthy. My weight loss has helped me in many ways. The main way is I don’t have to buy any new clothes because all the ones I couldn’t get into before I can now or are to big for me now lol honestly we can never win at ever game that comes our way through life lol

So I will love you and leave you for the time being and I will catch up with you very soon. Dont worry I wont leave it as long as I did last time. I feel you all missed me and are in need of some attention. Be good sweetie and if you cant be good be safe. MLx



Blog No.179

Good morning sweetie and Happy Christmas to you,

It has been a while and I know in previous years for December I have done special things to celebrate but sometimes other things take my time up more than my mistressing. So apologies for the lack of updates this year.

Who would have thought that 2023 would go by so fast and yet so much has happened in a short amount of time?

Smokey – 16 years old (2020)

So are you having a Fetish Festive Christmas this year?

For many, they will have the traditional Christmas of inviting everyone together for Christmas dinner and watching the Queen’s speech at 3 pm (ops sorry King’s speech). I still can’t get the hang that we have a king now and not a queen. She reigned for 50 years of my life and that is a hard routine to change.

The word family is a controversial topic I know but it all depends on how you were brought up and with what type of parents. To me, my true family is my furbabies. Anyone who has followed me for a while will know that since I moved into my home just under 20 years ago my furbabies have been my everything.

Yes, they talk to me (no I’m not a crazy old cat lady. Well not crazy yet). They give me hugs and comfort when it is needed and just being in my house makes the 4 walls, a home. That is all I ask from them and obviously, I give back my unconditional love forever for them.

Tigi – 17 Years Old (Younger Photo)

So unfortunately 2 years ago on the 11th of this month Smokey my eldest pusscat and will always be my first love (because he is and was slightly older than Tigi) passed from a horrible Thyroid illness. He declined over a month previous and was comforted by his sister Tigi til the end whilst cradled in my arms.

Tigi didn’t take his passing well and for a good 12-18 months after would hide for hours on end wanting to be alone and when she came out she would opera sing calling for him at the top of my staircase at random hours of the day and night.

Taylor – 10 Years Old (Younger Photo)

Everything was normalish as could be, right up to the end of November 2023, Then, if I think back she started to act a little different as she went off her food and treats that she normally liked. I was very observant of her as I wanted to see if it was her depression that was taking her eating habits away or if she was ill. This went on for 14 days. For the last 5 days, she barely had anything to eat or drink. I tried to get her to take some small quantities of food and water throughout the day and night but she wouldn’t even lift her head to acknowledge what I put there for her.

To this day, I still think it was her depression that she gave in to. Yes, we all have to get on with life in general after a bereavement and yes it takes time to heal a broken heart but with cats/animals it affects them differently. Many species of the animal kingdom live only for one partner. I know Tigs was Smokey’s Sister but sometimes that is enough for an individual. For Tigi, Smokey was her everything.

Sandy – 13 Years Old (Younger Photo)

I think she struggled with her emotions more than she let me know. She passed at 11:20 pm on Sunday 10th December 2023. Unfortunately not peaceful. As soon as she felt her time was up she was very vocal to her last breath. Calling out to Smokey, maybe saying “I’m coming smokes, wait for me on the green fields at Heaven Gate. I won’t be long”.

It is terrible when a loved one leaves you but when you see them suffer for so long I am grateful that her broken heart has been healed now by being with her brother again. When Smokey passed it was painful but I had Tigs to cuddle up with as she was Smokey’s blood family. Now that she has passed as well I have Gorgus who is the next eldest but it’s not Tigi or Smokey. I love and cherish all my furbabies the same but they were my first kitties and I will never forget them.

Gorgus – 17 years old (Present Day Photo)

Gorgus is gorgeous, and very loving in her own way but since Tigis has gone she has been very understanding and affectionate, more so than ever before. She even sitting right by me whilst I type this blog. Bless her.

Each time a furbaby passes it breaks a piece of my heart away and gets me ready for the next time. This is not a nice thing to think about but the more kitties one has the more times your heart is bound to be broken.

Tommy – 15 Years Old (Younger Photo)

I’m a gluten for punishment. I have had 9 furbabies over the past 19.5 years. 4 were strays that walked into my garden and didn’t leave (they know where there is a loving home), but unfortunately, they are no longer with us due to underlying illnesses that took them.

2 were given to me as brother and sister (Smokey 17.4 years old, and Tigi 19.5 years old), Sandy was born in a neighbor’s shed a few gardens down from me and escaped to my garden (don’t know how as he was weeks old when I found him) Tommy was unwanted and Taylor was rescued from a friends dog that he cornered their back garden. 

Then last of all is Bertie. They say cats warm to you for a reason. He walked into my garden in May 2022 when Smokey passed in the previous December. As he is a white cat maybe he’s Smokey’s messenger disguised as an angel. He is around 2 years old now. A whirlwind of energy but he has been put in his place a few times by the elderly generation. It’s like putting a 20-year-old in an old people’s home. We are all subdued and calm and he wants to play and run around all the time when he is not stealing the other kitties’ beds.

Bertie – 2 years old (Summer 2023)

So this is a message I would like to leave you with…

Please love your furbabies with all your heart and treat them with lots of playtimes and treats as they will give you so much pleasure in return.

Sorry this was not as a fetish-related blog as you may have expected but my furbabies have been taking up a lot of my emotions and time lately and this topic of cracking down on unloved and unwanted animals needs to stop. If you don’t think you can give the love that they will need don’t say yes to a furbaby in the first place.

I know a lot of my clients and friends have furbabies themselves and shower them with lots of love that they deserve. Thank you for doing that and you will be rewarded unconditionally with your furbabies love.

So have a very furbaby-cuddly Christmas and I will catch up with you before the new year MLx


Blog No.178 – Lucy’s Fetish Closet Blog No.2

Black Rubber Court Shoe With Red Heart Motif £40

Anyone that loves fashion or/and footwear would have heard of Vivienne Westwood. She was a legend in her own right. Quirky and eccentric yet a very clever lady.

To have a designer mind you have to have your own way of thinking and don’t let anyone sway you. It is so easy to copy other designs and put your own ideas to them but to reconstruct a shirt for example and build your way is an art in itself.

When it came to shoes there were no others like them. If there were, they would have copied her designs and not the other way around.
To think of making shoes out of rubber was a genius idea. The padded sole may stop you from soaking the

Black Peep-Toe Kitten Heel Sling Back Shoes With Red Emblem £50

whole shoe in a bowl of water but there is no need to. Just run it under warm water and wipe it down with a cloth or sponge and you have nice clean shoes again. Do that on any other shoes and the fabric will be ruined whether it be leather or PVC etc

Rubber Fetish…

Anyone that is a Rubber/Latex kinkster they will understand that the feel and sound of the movement and touch of it is fabulous in its own way. To find shoes that would go with their latex stockings, bodysuit or skirt is a dream come true.
When latex is worn correctly it can look amazing. Oiled to give it that beautiful sheen when the light bounces off it. Absolutely fabulous darling.

A Kitten Heel Looks Cute With a Seamed Stocking

Size 7 to 8…

So it is time for me to sort out my closet and pass these gorgeous shoes to another that deserves them.
Although the black court shoes are a size 7 they could fit a size 8 foot also. When you in latex stockings or tights it will grab perfectly to the shoe itself.
The sling-back shoes are very Audrey Hepburn type of look. They are also a size 7 but are a close fitting shoe so if you are in between a 6 and 7 then they would fit lovely. They have an adjustable strap at the heel where you can make them tighter or looser depending on the fit of your foot. Again they would go very well with latex hosiery.
When I first saw this design of shoe I was amazed at how the whole shoe was made out of one molded piece of rubber. Then a padded insole was placed just so for more comfort to the ball and heel of the foot.

Mistress Lucy Shoe Collection

Very Comfortable…

They are very comfortable and I am in 2 minds about whether to sell them but I have to, unfortunately, to make more room in my shoe closet.
They make the ankle and calf look so elegant that cladding your lower leg in latex is the only real way to do this footwear justice.
The peep-toe of the sling-back, kitten-heel shoe just gives you a glance at the toe to make you intrigued as to know how the whole foot looks out of the shoe and in the hosiery of the lady’s choice. Very attractive to the eye indeed.

Rubber Shoes that you can have for your own…

So if you are tempted to buy any of these most flattering shoes then message me and we can discuss it from there.
I will look forward to hearing from you sweetie x 
16 Mar 2023
March 16, 2023

The Update On Lucy’s Fetish Closet…

Blog No.177 – Lucy’s Fetish Closet Blog No.1

Let me update you briefly so that you will know a little about the situation even if you haven’t known about me before.

I decided to create a website to sell fetish wear in 2020 and launched it on December 31st so I would go into the new year with a grand entrance.

Oh, dear was I so wrong about it all. So, continue reading and I will let you know the full story…

How It All Started…

I have always had the idea that I would like to have my own fetish website right from when started 17 maybe even 18 years ago. Somewhere I could share my love of corsets, wigs, etc, and sell them to all my admires, cross-dressing sissy maids, etc…
I have a few friends but not many know about my hobby. So the few that knew I told them my ideas and they loved it. It’s best to have people like the same thing and then I could be myself and not have to hide anything. As regular people don’t understand the fetish world.
My ideas were always going to be elaborate as I had multiple amounts of thoughts and to mix them all up to connect with each other would be so much fun. Little did I know that it wasn’t that easy, designing, yes but actually building it, no. As a beginner, it was a massive task.

Keeping Myself Occupied During Lockdown…

So being that we were in lockdown for most of 2020 I thought it would be a good idea to start the website then to occupy my mind. I love being in my home with my kitty cats anyway but keeping me busy is essential as I get bored very quickly when I don’t have anything to do.
I had always had an interest in web designing for years. I tried to do it twice before, it was a complete fail as I tried to do it cheaply and at hardly any cost. Of course, it failed even before I started. This time I thought to myself I am not giving up until I succeed. I could say that I had the capital this time. We managed to raise £10k between us. Would it be enough? Not sure but we were going to give it a go.

Researching The Topic…

I first started looking at youtube videos on how to build a website with word press. I was advised that this was the easiest website for beginners to adapt to. I had been researching for years but I was much more serious about it now. I had tried to follow the videos previously only to come to brick walls each time. The reason was that the video was a year or 2 old and the word press that I was working with had been updated several times in that space of that time. So the screens that I could see on my laptop were different from what was on the video.

A Helping Hand Just At The Right Time…

Skipping a couple of days later, I received a phone call from a website that I had looked at online one night whilst browsing. I must have pressed an inquiry button and forgotten about it. I randomly answered the call. I very rarely pick up unexpected calls that I don’t know who it is.
The chap was very nice and he was saying all the right things that I need to hear at that moment. As I was not having any luck starting my website he was a breath of fresh air.  So because he was experienced in that field of intelligence I automatically warmed to his conversation.
We spoke for about 30 minutes and concluded to have another phone call to talk over the details of the website that I particularly wanted.  After the 2nd phone call, I agreed that I needed professional advice and maybe someone to start my website with the basics. I then could edit it myself according to my plans.
At the end of the business transaction, he ended up starting me on a word press website theme that I could very easily adapt to and build what I wanted with it.

A Lot Of Late Nights/Ealy Mornings…

Many nights I stayed up into the early hours of the morning. Learning how to make pages and linking them with permalinks and buttons to interlink everything together. (Wow look at me as if I know what I’m talking about Ha Ha Ha). Really making the pages so enthralling and interesting to the kinkster that they would want to click onto the next page and next page and never want to stop.
I was like a kid in a candy store wanting to try every sweet that there was to offer. My brain grew from a pea to a brussel sprout size within weeks Ha Ha Ha It was a standing joke amongst my friends.

100mph Thought Tank 24/7…

Each day I would open my eyes from resting my stressed brain and automatically be thinking what the next thing I had to do for the website. One of the things that really worried me was that I would be sharing these ideas with my partner friends and then not be able to deliver and show them the website. Many a time I had doubt in myself but it was because I was learning as I was building this amazing idea into reality. Every time I had an ounce of doubt, an ounce of confidence in another idea would counteract the doubt. I didn’t want to be all talk and no action as this was an amazing project and I so badly wanted it to happen.

So Much Fun Spending Money…

In between days of working on the website, I would take time out and do some online shopping for the products that I was planning to list on my website. As a woman, I was in my element. Females and shopping are like duck and water it just goes together so well. Dangerous in some cases but in my case if I didn’t have any products I had nothing to sell my avid onlookers.

Interaction Fetish Subscription…

As I was halfway to the completion another idea came to my thoughts. An interaction fetish subscription section. “Dam,” I said, “this could be wild to play when is fully finished”. As I mentioned before I have mad ideas sometimes and most of them are bigger and more expensive than I could ever afford to do.
If anyone is interested in funding the idea then by all means message me and we can chat about it. As unfortunately I never got to start it, let alone complete it.

Payment System…

As the seasons changed and the months passed so it was getting closer to finishing the project but there was one last major thing to put into place… the payment system.
One of my friends was a business tech guy that knew a lot about computers and behind the scenes. He was also very good at researching a subject and finding out how it worked even though he wasn’t familiar with it.
We tried to connect with Paypal in the right way they liked us to do it. There are lots of rules and regulations with this company and what a palaver that was. 

Descretion Is Key…

When it was finally set up I then thought that customers won’t want Lucy’s Fetish Closet on their bank statements. Not having done this before I didn’t realize until it was too late to change. So I tried to change the email address that was connected in the back office so the receipt email the customer would receive would not have the website name on it.  I was trying to think of all angles so it was a smooth operation and not have any paper trace connected to Lucy’s Fetish Closet but it was becoming impossible.
The only way would be to change the title of the website and that would be an enormous job to do.
Maybe I was thinking too hard about this and because of that, I was causing most of the mix-up because I wanted to change too many things and it was just complicating everything.
At this point, I wish I had taken up the offer that the chap who helped me start all of this. I didn’t take it because he quoted me £10,000.00 for a fully-fledged website. Wow so much money when I could do it myself.

Respect To All Web Designs…

Now, sitting here typing this blog I am in ore of all website designers (especially the chap who is running this website for me). There is more going on in the back office than you realize.

Launch Day…

So when we got the website to a level of what we were happy with we decided on a launch day and stuck to it. Being that it was new years eve my friends had partners and wanted to be with them. I was fine with that as I like my own company.
The launch day came and I was a bag of nerves. I kept going onto the website to see if everything was working and connecting right but by 4 pm I stopped. Otherwise, I would have probably done something that would have mucked it all up. Then it wouldn’t work at all.
I decided to get dressed up for the occasion to make it feel special to me. After all, this was my baby, and my friends were just silent partners (which they had agreed on at the beginning).
11;30pm I checked on where the release button was to launch the website so I would be ready. Right, I’m all ready and sitting waiting. Coffee in one hand and stroking a kitty cat in the other who was on my lap to keep me calm.
5. 4. 3. 2. and I pressed the button to set the website live. Now because the fireworks from neighbors went off at the strike of 12 midnight it made me jump and look away. So I didn’t see if the button was pressed in the correct way. I sat there in confusion. I went onto my phone to see if it was live and it came up with the coming soon page. ” OMG,” I thought. So I texted a friend “can you check the website on your phone or laptop please?”.
Sometimes because my devices are logged and recognized to the website, my devices may react differently to other people’s devices that are not connected to my wifi.

Very Over Whelming…

Yes, they said they could see Lucy’s Fetish Closet in all its glory on their mobiles. I sat back in astonishment. I had to pinch myself to believe it  So what happens now???
I suppose because it was new years eve everyone had parties to go to etc and were busy. I had a few texts come through congratulating me on all my good work. Which I was really happy with but no orders. ‘Oh’ i thought maybe they are just browsing and will order tomorrow.
I ended up going to bed around 1 am as I was so exhausted from all the work and build-up to the launch. That night’s sleep was restless. I woke several times but was not tempted to sneak a look at the website. I thought I would wait til I actually woke properly.

Such A Shame…

In the whole 6 months that Lucys Fetih Closet was live I got 1 order for a pair of panties. It was such a heartbreaking experience that when the renewal for the website came around I went on and closed the site down. It’s not worth keeping something going if I’m not getting any comeback from it.

Ghosting Is not Nice…

I researched afterward about why I didn’t do well. For some Adult website owners, it is very hard to get recognition because there are lots of (again) rules and regulations on social media to do with this topic. It doesn’t matter how much you post about your website if the social media website doesn’t like you then they will shadow-ban you and no one will see your posts.
This is what happened to me on Instagram. I was on there for years trying to get some following and within 5 years or so I only got 400 followers. Twitter is different as it’s more lenient with images etc but even so.
The pandemic had a lot to do with it as well.  Everyone was holding back their money in many cases as they didn’t know what was happening from one month to the next and bills where their top priority.

Gaining Knowledge…

All in all, I gained a lot of experience from the project and it has made me much wiser on online matters but the world is still going through money troubles.
I think anyone that has succeeded online has had the right people in the business to help them and a lot of money to back them up.
I still have not recovered from the debt that the website has put me in and I will be struggling to repay my friends for a good few years to come.
Luckily they are very good friends and completely understand the situation.

Advice To Anyone That Wants To Build An Adult-Themed E-commerce Website…

So to anyone that is looking at building a website, do your homework first. Plan and plan again before you start anything. As it may look easy but there’s a lot more to look into before the manual build of the website itself.

Better Understanding…

At least if I have this opportunity again I will have a better understanding and knowledge to start the project at A B C and not be jumping in at D before starting with A, if that makes sense.
So the way forward with Lucy’s Fetish Closet is to use the title still but advertise the products in blogs with links to pages for the individual products (or something like that). I will update you as and when I do the blogs. As I will be releasing them one by one so I will trickle them into my social media and not overwhelm you with too many at the same time.

Contact Me…

If you would like to know anything else about websites etc or even purchase anything you have seen in my photography on my social media then I would be happy to hear from you.
Take care in all you do sweetie and stay safe, ML x

Blog No.176

Oh my hasn’t time flown by sweetie? I can not believe it was December 2022 that I last blogged. So much has happened since then. With the world and with me. I will try to blog more often as I do enjoy it.

I decided to delve deeper into selling my items on eBay. What an experience that has been as it has been very much yet another learning curve.

Late Nights and Early mornings…

New – Black Satin Court Shoes With Jewel Ankle Strap £30.00

So all the people that have known me for a while I am all or nothing type of person. I put my all into a topic or I won’t do it at all. So I decided to sell all the items that I could on the eBay platform that they would let me.

I have been working strange hours, when the mood gets me I just work through and that’s how I can get masses of items listed. I put my all into my descriptions of each product so the buyer really gets the feel for who I am and what the item is all about.

There’s a fine line between what is acceptable and what is pushing their policy rules. As we say 1 rule for one and a completely different rule for another. So I listed a complete maid’s outfit on there with a wig and accessories. Had 3 different listings on there with 3 different wigs.

7.38 am yesterday morning all 3 items were taken off there plus 18 more items from my shop. I had been up all night and several other consecutive nights working on those listings.

What I don’t understand is this… It’s not the word CROSSDRESSING  or UNISEX  or MAIDS OUTFIT that is violating their policy. It is because it is in a real setting and on a human being.

New – Maids Outfit (Shoe Sold Separately) £49.99

I would have thought that would have been much more appealing to bring buyers into my shop to buy things. Maybe my way of thinking is out of the box and this world is boring and lifeless when it comes to advertising. There are too many rules and regulations when it comes to adult products. I didn’t even have any body parts showing in my photos as they were all covered with emojis or blurred out.

Still, I have stopped worrying about that as I can advertise things on here in a tasteful way of course. I won’t get as many viewings as eBay but I will get niche viewings. which is better in the long run.

So I have added some photos to this blog so you can see what I am selling. I won’t be able to work my website like a shop as it doesn’t have a payment facility but if you contact me to let me know what you are interested I and then we can discuss what I can send you etc…

Mistress Lucy’s Fetish Closet (New Style)…

New – Cupcake Apron Set (Wig and Shoes Not included) £25.99

I will explain all about the original Lucy’s Fetish Closet in a separate blog as there is a lot to go over.

So this time I will look at my shop in a different way on a smaller and simpler scale. Which will be just as great but I will have to keep my big ideas for another project if the opportunity arises.

I always like big and wonderful projects but Lucy’s Fetish Closet would have taken a lot more money than I could have arranged to have.

So now I will post my photography of the items I’m selling and if you would like to purchase anything then just contact me and I will be happy to discuss your requirements.

This time it will be payment via bank transfer only. I am a very genuine and trustworthy person and I have had many clients pay me in bank transfers many times over the past years.

I understand there are many scammers and frauds around this day ( I have been a victim to many) but I am here to help you receive your fetish items and be a friend, not to take your money one time and block you like a lot of stories of mistresses I have heard in the past.

Explaining about me is not going to help you make your decision but only you can do that but I do hope we can be friends so I can treat you with lots of free gifts in your orders.

I will look forward to receiving your message and inquiries. Take care in all you do and stay safe, ML x